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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

this hate comes from hate. the hateful and racist PM of India gets vote on hatred. he recently laid foundation stones to a demolished mosque and now the Hindus abroad will face the reprisal in countries they are not in majority,

it is unfortunate that such hateful incident has happened. whatever RSS and Modi has turned India into is one thing. it is no excuse that people in rest of the world target the Hindu community.
And this action was despicable. Treat one another how you would want to be treated.

True. However, under some circumstances you have to treat others they same way they treat you. Especially, if they have been doing it for a long time.

A Muslim does not oppress, nor do they allow others to oppress them.

That is also why after WWII the state of Israel and Mossad took "care" of the remnants of their oppressors. Good for them.
I have never seen anyone other than Indians and Hindus (in particular not every but majority) hate Muslims everywhere... they voted Radical racist extremist Modi what you can expect more? This is just a beginning of what Indians are doing against Muslim in India... Indians should thanks Modi for this video..

PS: I dun have any issue with Indians or Hindus... i am working with them since a long time...

Your Sikh, Muslims and Christians and many Hindus living in the west esp those who migrated to West in the kast 4-5 yrs actually telling the stories and reality of India and what Modi has done... dun blame them, your media did the job well to strengthen their claims... rest Internet is a power...
Good that it has become viral in india...I have never had any sympathy for muslims as i know very well the entire muslim history.
But there are some commies and pseudo seculars who shower so much love on musims...the recent violence in bangalore and this video has further increased the hate against muslims.
Every hindu should show these videos to their children to know why india needs to become a hindu rashtra.
I have never had any sympathy for muslims

Oh, we were already aware of this sweety and it's not a new thing, you lot have always been this way.

The Inferiority complex born out of being ruled by Muslims for a millennia has started to show itself.

You can't wipe history, so now you resort to hate.

Meanwhile, all the 'Hindu' rulers of 'India' could never develop their kingdoms comprehensively, bash the mughals all you want but they did develop India.

You still come to the Middle East to take the Arabs money, kiss their posteriors and call them Baba.

And this is coming from someone who isn't too fussed about religion but sometimes your hypocrisy gets on my nerves.

Bitching about Muslim rulers 24/7 but not a peep about the Britishers. Inferiority complex much ? Gotta love the whites for their H1Bs right ?

Muslim Ruler ? bad.

White Ruler ? good.

Nevermind the Britishers were more brutal and induced famines to keep the population in check.

And before giving me bullshit, read the thread, I was condemning this woman's actions and was attacked for it, so no I'm not a Hindu basher just exposing the hypocrisy here.
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She didn't lynched anybody at least. If hindus cannot see cow meat or dont let it eat Muslims in India then why hindus are selling idols openly in muslim country where they are even not native.hindus lynched muslim for cows and she only broke some idols.didnoy touch the any hindu.
Wah re wah..what a logic...you are equating the life of an animal with that of a lifeless idol.
Oh, we were already aware of this sweety and it's not a new thing, you lot have always been this way.

The Inferiority complex born out of being ruled by Muslims for a millennia has started to show itself.

You can't wipe history, so now you resort to hate.

Meanwhile, all the 'Hindu' rulers of 'India' could never develop their kingdoms comprehensively, bash the mughals all you want but they did develop India.

You still come to the Middle East to take the Arabs money, kiss their posteriors and call them Baba.

And this is coming from someone who isn't too fussed about religion but sometimes your hypocrisy gets on my nerves.
I too dont give a damn about religion...but i cant stand such behaviour...this woman who is living in 21st century cant still stand the idols because her religion is so intolerant of pagans.
And these muslims argue babar and his ilk didnt demolish any temple....every hindu should be taught history and shown such videos so that they dont forget the scars that were inflicted on them by muslims
True. However, under some circumstances you have to treat others they same way they treat you. Especially, if they have been doing it for a long time.

1. A Muslim does not oppress, 2. nor do they allow others to oppress them.

That is also why after WWII the state of Israel and Mossad took "care" of the remnants of their oppressors. Good for them.

1. Read history of subcontinent India since 1058 AD (independent one-not what is taught in Pakistan)...you will get the answer.

2. Oh Sure...unless the others are their masters like China (Uighur). Besides, Muslims do not need others to oppress them..they themselves are enough for that.....(Shia-Sunni, Iraq-Iran, Arab-Turks, Saudi-Yamen, Pak+Jordan-Palestine...how many more you want?)
this hate comes from hate. the hateful and racist PM of India gets vote on hatred. he recently laid foundation stones to a demolished mosque and now the Hindus abroad will face the reprisal in countries they are not in majority,
I dont think so...dont try to justify this act..nobody outside india especially arabs have any interest in happeningz of india.
Babri masjid demolition was a reaction to what babar did 500 years ago....dont try to tell me muslim kings didnt demolish any idols or temples...come to india ..i will show a temple in every town.
This woman shares the same hate for idols as did those muslim kings
I too dont give a damn about religion...but i cant stand such behaviour...this woman who is living in 21st century cant still stand the idols because her religion is so intolerant of pagans.
And these muslims argue babar and his ilk didnt demolish any temple....every hindu should be taught history and shown such videos so that they dont forget the scars that were inflicted on them by muslims

Imo, this woman's actions are out of spite towards foreigners and non Arabs and not motivated by actual religious hatred.

Believe it or not, these GCC Arabs are not very religious in their day to day lives and the women especially aren't religious, they don't even pray or fast, I have lived here among them, I know how these people think.

Bad day at home, just opened the floodgates onto the first powerless expat she saw, or in this case throwing a fit on live camera for 5 seconds of fame or infamy.

And that's a thing here these days, people are desperate for their 5 seconds of fame.

Either way, her actions are disgusting and serve no purpose but to hurt other's religious sentiments.

She could have simply forced them to take the statues off display.

Bahrain has even bigger anti 'Islam' elements than a few Hindu statues, but let's not get into that, I'll get banned for it.
1. Read history of subcontinent India since 1058 AD (independent one-not what is taught in Pakistan)...you will get the answer.

2. Oh Sure...unless the others are their masters like China (Uighur). Besides, Muslims do not need others to oppress them..they themselves are enough for that.....(Shia-Sunni, Iraq-Iran, Arab-Turks, Saudi-Yamen, Pak+Jordan-Palestine...how many more you want?)

I am done playing apologetic and appeasing islamaphobes... Used to ... I'm done now.

Muslims are not uniquely bad or evil... They are just as good as bad as others now because they stopped being uniquely better as they deviated from the teachings of Islam.

What everyone accuses of Muslims... They are just as bad... If not mostly worse.

Christians have been killing each other for centuries... Europeans have been... Africans have been as well.. Hindus with their caste system... Asians have been as well... In millions and millions.. Etc. Etc. Etc.

So l don't care...

Muslim Ummah still lives in our hearts... Our governments are sell outs and not representative...

Islam is supreme... Everyone else can bugger off !!! It's time we hit back!.. good for the Bahraini sisters... It wasn't nice to do... But understood.!
Believe it or not, these GCC Arabs are not very religious in their day to day lives and the women especially aren't religious, they don't even pray or fast, I have lived here among them, I know how these people think.

People change.. look at the Turks .. look at pakistan in the sixties and now... Islam thought out history has resurgent... You lived as a foreigner... Away and disconnected... I know.... Ive.lived there too.. you weren't in their houses... Khaarji.


And I actually I have 'lived' with them, my mother had struck a very strong friendship with the landlords wife, who then introduced her to many Kuwaiti women and she has been to many Kuwaiti social functions.

So I'm only speaking out of her experience.
I too dont give a damn about religion...but i cant stand such behaviour...this woman who is living in 21st century cant still stand the idols because her religion is so intolerant of pagans.
And these muslims argue babar and his ilk didnt demolish any temple....every hindu should be taught history and shown such videos so that they dont forget the scars that were inflicted on them by muslims

We are like oil and water... We aren't meant to mix... Get out of Muslim lands... And let Muslims get their own lands that are captive in yours...
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