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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

She is reducing Shirk, which is gravest sin any human can commit.

Personally, I have destroyed few idols & false books.

There should be no place on Earth for wide-spreading such things. Whether it be mall, store, street, whatever.
Never ever lived in Middle East. Arabs treat South Asians like shit. Snap out of it!
No that's wrong. You cannot label all Arabs. We were immigrants to GCC. My father was a normal job holder. His boss treated him like his was his own son. All of his senior colleague which were usually Arab were VERY nice to him. My father boss also invited us (family) to his home (for dawat). Our experience with Arabs be it Saudi, Bahraini or Emirati was very good and there was a relation of brotherhood between us.

I would never be a hypocrite to someone who treat us like flowers. I do not agree with you that they treat us like shit. Have you ever yourself had an experience with any Arab in their own country?
No that's wrong. You cannot label all Arabs. We were immigrants to GCC. My father was a normal job holder. His boss treated him like his was his own son. All of his senior colleague which were usually Arab were VERY nice to him. My father boss also invited us (family) to his home (for dawat). Our experience with Arabs be it Saudi, Bahraini or Emirati was very good and there was a relation of brotherhood between us.

I would never be a hypocrite to someone who treat us like flowers. I do not agree with you that they treat us like shit. Have you ever yourself had an experience with any Arab in their own country?
What was the food in dawat? Can you share photo of the food?

Showarma, kabsa, albaik, mandi?
She is reducing Shirk, which is gravest sin any human can commit.

Personally, I have destroyed few idols & false books.

There should be no place on Earth for wide-spreading such things. Whether it be mall, store, street, whatever.
Personally i burnt two copies of a book which was dividing and spreading hatred among people( the books were given to me by a friend in 2004..i burnt it in 2006 )
I am done playing apologetic and appeasing islamaphobes... Used to ... I'm done now.

Muslims are not uniquely bad or evil... They are just as good as bad as others now because they stopped being uniquely better as they deviated from the teachings of Islam.

What everyone accuses of Muslims... They are just as bad... If not mostly worse.

Christians have been killing each other for centuries... Europeans have been... Africans have been as well.. Hindus with their caste system... Asians have been as well... In millions and millions.. Etc. Etc. Etc.

So l don't care...

Muslim Ummah still lives in our hearts... Our governments are sell outs and not representative...

Islam is supreme... Everyone else can bugger off !!! It's time we hit back!.. good for the Bahraini sisters... It wasn't nice to do... But understood.!

Rest of your argument diminishes moment you claim the above in red.....this is the fundamental issue as I quoted in my initial comment..you came back to square one while arguing....so I too Understand.
how can followers of the religion of peace do something like this ....
Please google what the word "Islam" means. Those "Islam-is-peace"-People just want to appease their masters. Islam and its pure and unique monotheism give you peace of mind, in geopolitics peace is never an eternal thing.

it is unfortunate that such hateful incident has happened. whatever RSS and Modi has turned India into is one thing. it is no excuse that people in rest of the world target the Hindu community.
Yes, guilt by association is primitive. No need to target random people just for them having something in common with the "enemy".

This is the very fundamental mentality of Muslims that separates them from rest of the people on this planet
Muslims don't like idols and pagan rituals that much. That's true.

Good that it has become viral in india...I have never had any sympathy for muslims as i know very well the entire muslim history.
I ve never had sympathy for Hindus either, so? Thank you for admitting that. I like my Hindus honest and not in "Hindu-Muslim-Bhai-Bhai"-mode.

But there are some commies and pseudo seculars who shower so much love on musims...the recent violence in bangalore and this video has further increased the hate against muslims.
Every hindu should show these videos to their children to know why india needs to become a hindu rashtra.
Hindus should grow up and stop living in the past. Your people wasn't able to defend themselves against the mighty Muslims. Cry me a river.

I too dont give a damn about religion...but i cant stand such behaviour...this woman who is living in 21st century cant still stand the idols because her religion is so intolerant of pagans.
If I was a self-hating Hindu, I would also say that I don't give a damn about Hinduism (the Indians who become Atheists and Agnostics in a discussion because they are too ashamed of their paganism, grow a spine!).

And these muslims argue babar and his ilk didnt demolish any temple....every hindu should be taught history and shown such videos so that they dont forget the scars that were inflicted on them by muslims
I love the fact that you cannot overcome your past. I know millenia of minority rule, not being able to fight off a tiny minority for so long. Man this is truely unique in history :D.

Wah re wah..what a logic...you are equating the life of an animal with that of a lifeless idol.
In the civilized world, we eat meat and don't consider animals as sacred beings nor do we kill people over beef. A human being is more worth than an animal. At least in civilized societies.

1. Read history of subcontinent India since 1058 AD (independent one-not what is taught in Pakistan)...you will get the answer.
Yes, let's read the biased history of butthurt losers not being able to fight off the mighty Muslims. Stop living in the past.

2. Oh Sure...unless the others are their masters like China (Uighur).
Man you are a Hindu or what ever hiding behind a false flag, why do you care about evil Muslims getting punished by mighty China? You are a hypocrite and nobody takes the "concern" of Muslim-hating Hindu-Indians seriously.

they themselves are enough for that.....(Shia-Sunni, Iraq-Iran, Arab-Turks, Saudi-Yamen, Pak+Jordan-Palestine...how many more you want?)
Hindus hate on other Hindus too. Temple prostitution culture, rape culture, caste system and generally hating the poor and the weak and worshipping power are the basic features of Hinduism. And yes, blacks kill more blacks (crime rates in the US), white people kill more whites (World War I + II) and also Muslims are busy infighting. That's the course of history.

Babri masjid demolition was a reaction to what babar did 500 years ago....dont try to tell me muslim kings didnt demolish any idols or temples...come to india ..i will show a temple in every town.
This woman shares the same hate for idols as did those muslim kings
Didn't you get the memo? Islam and Hinduism are the complete opposite of each other. No Muslim likes idols. Geopolitical pro tip: don't be weak.

Its also quite possible that some hindu boyfriend broken her heart..... hence the frustration... .
Life is not a bollywood movie. Stop fantasizing about Arab women.

Personally i burnt two copies of a book which was dividing and spreading hatred among people( the books were given to me by a friend in 2004..i burnt it in 2006 )
You pagans are funny. Even if you burn all the Qurans all over the world people would be able to bring it by back just like that. The Quran is in the minds and hearts of the people and many know the Quran by heart.

You burned a Quran? Why are you mad at this woman then? She did what she thought was right to do and you did what your self-hate and inferiority complex dictated you to do. So stop crying.

Rest of your argument diminishes moment you claim the above in red.....this is the fundamental issue as I quoted in my initial comment..you came back to square one while arguing....so I too Understand.
What do you expect us to say. Ganesh-Idols are beautiful?

Rest of your argument diminishes moment you claim the above in red.....this is the fundamental issue as I quoted in my initial comment..you came back to square one while arguing....so I too Understand.

I as a non-dejaali Muslim, I am now clear-cut in my opposition to the fithna of Dejaali. No more appeasement... No more apologetic stance. Haq is Haq. Haq is Islam . Pakistan 1st.
1. Muslims don't like idols and pagan rituals that much. That's true.

2.Yes, let's read the biased history of butthurt losers not being able to fight off the mighty Muslims. Stop living in the past.

3.What do you expect us to say. Ganesh-Idols are beautiful?

Ignoring your comments on others, I am just picking your responses on my comments ....

1. So if Muslims don't like something of other religion..they can do whatever they want.......break their idols/burn their temples and Churches...all is fine...but if France ban veil, India bans Cow slaughter, Austria bans head-scarf...Muslim start playing minority/victim card and hell break loose. Hypocrites!!

2. You can refer to History in Oxford, Cambridge etc.....If Muslims cannot tolerate idol in 21st century, can't you imagine what they would have done in Medieval times that too when they were the rulers....so you first stop closing eyes from realities of the past.

3. No, my initial comment was on Muslim mindset....after exchanging few posts, he admitted "Islam is superior to others"...so end of debate....no point.
I as a non-dejaali Muslim, I am now clear-cut in my opposition to the fithna of Dejaali. No more appeasement... No more apologetic stance. Haq is Haq. Haq is Islam . Pakistan 1st.
I couldn't understand half of your post because of the use of non-English words...anyways...Relax....
The woman did the right thing. Hindus should support her as that store was trying to sell their god for 2 dinars.

And to the Muslims that are outraged by this woman. Go drown in your shame. This woman is concerned with pleasing Allah swt, not you appeasement monkeys. Though I do question her intentions by recording this, but I will give her the benefit of doubt as Allah swt knows best.

This reminds me of an incident with me in the late 90’s in the US. I went to the mall looking for sneakers or as you Desis like to call them ‘joggers’. Was looking through shoes at this black guys shop and saw that one of the sneakers had Allah etched in Arabic on the rubber sole of the shoe on the bottom. Now obviously this was done for aesthetics and design but I was pissed nonetheless. I calmly went up to the black guy with the shoe and asked him if he knew what was written on the bottom. He said no and then I explained it to him. I said if another Muslim sees this, they’ll probably burn down his shop as it is seen as very disrespectful. He apologized saying he had no idea and said he was gonna pull that shoe of the shelf and send it back to the company. I shook his hand and end of story.

Point is that Muslims on this board are so busy pleasing whites, liberals, hindus ect., that they forget that their main goal in life is to please Allah swt.

As they say in punjabi ‘aa dunya te char din’a da mela’.

In my opinion that woman should have made a video of complaining to the manager of the store and it would have been way more effective than breaking products and creating a scene, but what she did albeit tactless was not wrong.
this hate comes from hate. the hateful and racist PM of India gets vote on hatred. he recently laid foundation stones to a demolished mosque and now the Hindus abroad will face the reprisal in countries they are not in majority,

it is unfortunate that such hateful incident has happened. whatever RSS and Modi has turned India into is one thing. it is no excuse that people in rest of the world target the Hindu community.
When hundreds of temples looted destroyed in India it's matter of pride for a group of people and if one among them was restored after thirty years of legal fight all hell broke loose ..The difference between barbarians and civilized people is civilized people a billion of them waited for decades and after supreme court judgement constructing the temple along with providing land for maszid ..All takedars along with all their mighty ideas and principles will reap fruits of their karma .. hypocrisy won't survive for long ..
The woman did the right thing. Hindus should support her as that store was trying to sell their god for 2 dinars.

And to the Muslims that are outraged by this woman. Go drown in your shame. This woman is concerned with pleasing Allah swt, not you appeasement monkeys. Though I do question her intentions by recording this, but I will give her the benefit of doubt as Allah swt knows best.

This reminds me of an incident with me in the late 90’s in the US. I went to the mall looking for sneakers or as you Desis like to call them ‘joggers’. Was looking through shoes at this black guys shop and saw that one of the sneakers had Allah etched in Arabic on the rubber sole of the shoe on the bottom. Now obviously this was done for aesthetics and design but I was pissed nonetheless. I calmly went up to the black guy with the shoe and asked him if he knew what was written on the bottom. He said no and then I explained it to him. I said if another Muslim sees this, they’ll probably burn down his shop as it is seen as very disrespectful. He apologized saying he had no idea and said he was gonna pull that shoe of the shelf and send it back to the company. I shook his hand and end of story.

Point is that Muslims on this board are so busy pleasing whites, liberals, hindus ect., that they forget that their main goal in life is to please Allah swt.

As they say in punjabi ‘aa dunya te char din’a da mela’.

In my opinion that woman should have made a video of complaining to the manager of the store and it would have been way more effective than breaking products and creating a scene, but what she did albeit tactless was not wrong.
Black people got drip, no cap. But that is wack how they appropriate Arabic language + cultures in a crude way. This happens usually in the East Coast Philly Black “Muslims”. There are communities out there that rep Islamic culture but not the religion. So basically they are “Muslim” (not really religious) gangsters. They yell Arabic while doing crimes, etc.
Personally i burnt two copies of a book which was dividing and spreading hatred among people( the books were given to me by a friend in 2004..i burnt it in 2006 )
And you have been cursed ever since. Has your life improved or has it faltered into a low?

Oh wait, that’s too personal to ask. I would assume the latter. Think of it as “Karma”.

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