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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

We are ready to give Hindus every possible love, but see, idols in Arab land is crossing the red line.
If a Muslim country grants residency/ visit visas to non Muslims, it's the responsibility of the state to provide them and their religion some kind of protection too.

It is an act of one person, who might be extremely annoyed over the recent happenings in India. But to break the idols, the state must first announce that all the Non Muslims should go back.. even then, the existing religious artifacts should be handed over to them. If after that, anyone is found keeping or selling these artifacts/ idols, state has the right to take action, not the individuals.
They existed since decades and centuries.
Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), will soon have its first Hindu temple, though the country already has two in Dubai. But temples in the region have existed in greater number and for a longer period than most people are aware of.

According to 2010 survey by Pew Forum, UAE has 500,000 Hindus - the highest number in West Asia. And India and West Asian countries have had historic cultural and trade ties stretching back for centuries. For instance, the first Hindu temple in Yemen was built 150 years ago.
Previously it was lacking any political motive, but now, it has.
f Muslims cannot tolerate idol in 21st century, can't you imagine what they would have done in Medieval times that too when they were the rulers.
politics and polarisation can make a new generation more radical than the past ones.
not every blasphemy punishment is death. Suppose if it is given by breaking it, then what if a kid breaks it by accident, or a transporter, or I know that in some rituals idols are put in sea/river which can break them. So point is law will not differentiate who breaks it. Hence, awarding death punishment to every breaker is not reasonable.
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I don't understand Arabic but it looks like the woman reacted because the man selling the idols is a Muslim himself. I doubt she would do the same if Hindus were selling idols. 0:18 it seems the woman asking the man if her is Muslim and the man admits he is.
I don't many things but disrespecting other religion is not Islam. Both parties are at fault here. Shop owner and the women. What was he thinking? Why put idols for sale on display in store and that in a Muslim country.
Women was destroying those idol why don't call the authorities to take the action according to local laws. If they are so intolerant then why admit non Muslims in your countries? Why do they go to non Muslim countries? If you letting them come to your country they are not only coming alone they are going to bring their culture religion as well. Then you are supposed to show respect.
Can't understand the logic behind the display. You have hindu population there and you want to sell them these idol which is his right but do it discreetly. Don't put them on display and cause problem in already intollerent world.
The first one is not Hadith but Quran but without the words "faiths", that is an addition from you

The second one is not a statement from Quran from what I remember.
Thanks for clearing.some Muslims have habit to include words in hadith and said some fake hadith.
Wah re wah..what a logic...you are equating the life of an animal with that of a lifeless idol.
So life an animal which eat billions of people daily for food is more important than life of an human for which this animal is only food source.wgy n9t lynch those Christians and followers of of those religion who eat cow meat.and why not kill hindus who export cow to gulf states and other countries.
But the hypocrisy here is and I have lived in the middle East and dealt with khaleejis.

These people are racist and disrespectful towards everyone.

They treat Muslim expats like crap, Bengali Muslims, Pakistani Muslims, Indian Muslims whatever.

Especially the women, they don't even have mercy on you for being a brother of faith.

These 'women' even bring the classic 'small penis' as an insult towards South Asian expats.

So her actions are probably not out of piety but out of spite of foreigners.

There there, you are finally telling us about their nature. I am happy.
There there, you are finally telling us about their nature. I am happy.

I never denied anything of that sort, I simply made a distinction between other Arabs and khaleejis (Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula - Yemenis).

See here I used the word 'Khaleejis', racist lot that they are, they deserved to be singled out.
I never denied anything of that sort, I simply made a distinction between other Arabs and khaleejis (Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula - Yemenis).

See here I used the word 'Khaleejis', racist lot that they are, they deserved to be singled out.

Khaleejis and non-khaleejis are all same in character, cut from the same cloth. It's just that the arrogance and impudence of the khaleejis are glaringly displayed because of their wealth. They poorer Arabs are same in character.
Khaleejis and non-khaleejis are all same in character, cut from the same cloth. It's just that the arrogance and impudence of the khaleejis are glaringly displayed because of their wealth. They poorer Arabs are same in character.

People who go from rags to riches quickly are like that, those dogs who live in Gulshan are worse then them to be frank.

Money, If not earned through hardwork and dedication turns you into a vile being.
People who go from rags to riches quickly are like that, those dogs who live in Gulshan are worse then them to be frank.

Money, If not earned through hardwork and dedication turns you into a vile being.

I think I was talking exactly against this point of yours.

I categorically reject the khaleeji are arrogant, racist and inhuman because they are wealthy. I say it's in the Arab nature and their culture whether they are poor or rich.
I think I was talking exactly against this point of yours.

I categorically reject the khaleeji are arrogant, racist and inhuman because they are wealthy. I say it's in the Arab nature and their culture whether they are poor or rich.

Couldn't care less to be honest as to the causes of their arrogance.

Pride goeth before the fall, is all I'm going to say.

Unless they sort themselves out, in which case well done, If not who cares.
Couldn't care less to be honest as to the causes of their arrogance.

Pride goeth before the fall, is all I'm going to say.

Unless they sort themselves out, in which case well done, If not who cares.

Neither do I care. I care about our need to cheer for the "Arab brethren" against their enemies be it the houthis, Persians or Turks. What's the pressing need? If they treat our people the way you explained (I am sure they do far worse); I would support anybody who would crush them under their boots.
Neither do I care. I care about our need to cheer for the "Arab brethren" against their enemies be it the houthis, Persians or Turks. What's the pressing need? If they treat our people the way you explained (I am sure they do far worse); I would support anybody who would crush them under their boots.

That's what I say when people go "Ummah Ummah", there is no Ummah.

We already got the premium Ummah experience, it's every nation for itself now.

Especially because we don't figure into the "Ummah" thing all that well.

We have got to back ourselves, and no one else.
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