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Will wipe out India if anything happens to Pitaji Gurmeet Ram Rahim supporter's open dare

Because everything originated from one thing. Whether you believe or not. Who created you. Or you created yourself. Likewise everything around you. If you fail to understand the simplicity of question. Then the whole point of discussion is useless. Don't say bad to anyone even if you don't believe in. Even in Islam it is prohibited. Problem is we don't follow it properly and so other non followers blame us for the things which Islam or any other religion doesn't have it. Everything has a time limit. Sooner or later we all have to die. If I die and there is no God in after life then nothing will happen to me. But If you die and there is God and you don't believe in God. Then you will be in trouble. So question is whether to belief in not. Reward will be reaped in after life. This life is too short to tell. Don't worry I am not convincing just giving my point of view. Cheers
Delhi put on high alert after Dera chief convicted:

Indians are emotionally charged people. The violence has started as assumed.

Same here on PDF, they go berserk even when they know PM is wrong by following Twitter Ruffians or inducting criminals into his union cabinet. Something even a toddler would agree.
I have reported your post. Don't include our religion in your internal conflicts. Today's incident in your country reflects you being the most useless one's.

It's there upbringing it's how his junglee parents raised him
Blame/bring Islam Pakistan for everything

On topic 50 million followers more than sikhs christians and Jains combined
Big following
India should class them as a religion in there own right
You don't nail people on your guessing alone.

I have given the 60 million number evidence:


And this is for just one Baba only.

And this is the population of 12 times Norway.

Oh yeah sure, 60 million equates to 1 billion, brilliant maths false flagger.
Because everything originated from one thing. Whether you believe or not. Who created you. Or you created yourself. Likewise everything around you. If you fail to understand the simplicity of question. Then the whole point of discussion is useless.
What makes you say that? there is no empirical evidence. You concept of the physical world should have some bearing in the physical world. Simply put, a physical world can only be understood with empirical evidence gathered form the physical world. Even when scientists think of higher space-time dimensions, they do the math based on the observable effects on our 4 dimensional world.
Don't say bad to anyone even if you don't believe in. Even in Islam it is prohibited. Problem is we don't follow it properly and so other non followers blame us for the things which Islam or any other religion doesn't have it. Everything has a time limit. Sooner or later we all have to die. If I die and there is no God in after life then nothing will happen to me. But If you die and there is God and you don't believe in God. Then you will be in trouble. So question is whether to belief in not. Reward will be reaped in after life. This life is too short to tell. Don't worry I am not convincing just giving my point of view. Cheers
You have a vindictive toddler for a god who seems to be mean-spirited. This belief in life continuing forever with no suspension of consciousness (as testified by a belief in judgement beyond death and life after death...concepts that feature in all religions) is a by-product of our highly-cognitive primate brain.

Religions so far have not been able to explain zilch. Science is an ever growing repository of understanding that works.
Oh yeah sure, 60 million equates to 1 billion, brilliant maths false flagger.

Thats your escape rout to not have the face palm.
Its your twist to save your face.

I said the following:

India is the most unruly country.

For this to happen, it is not necessary that billion people should be unruly.

India has highest number of maternal deaths | The Indian Express

It does not mean that billion people should die before the Indian Exp can write such articles.
If you had any sense, you would too.

I am the biggest fool. Please spare me Islam.

Thats your escape rout to not have the face palm.
Its your twist to save your face.

I said the following:

India is the most unruly country.

For this to happen, it is not necessary that billion people should be unruly.

India has highest number of maternal deaths | The Indian Express

It does not mean that billion people should die before the Indian Exp can write such articles.

India is a country full of idiots and fools.

We should allow Chinese to occupy us and get civilised or Muslims would do it better Ashok?
I think we Indians enjoy a nice riot .
Reason seems immaterial.
Reminds me of the 2 days of London riots.
These are not some disenfranchised , disadvantaged guys , but just louts on a day out.
India is a country full of idiots and fools.

Thats why India's progress is tardy.
Country like Malaysia is going to be an advanced nation by 2020. About to achieve the tier 3 agendas left.
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