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House Of Rothschild: No One Can Understand What Has Happened To The Planet Without Re

Deception Has Always Been The Name Of Zionism’s Game​

By Alan Hart

November 27, 2009 "Information Clearing House" -- Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu described his offer to temporarily restrict construction of all-new Jewish settlements on the West Bank excluding Arab East Jerusalem as a “far-reaching and painful step", which was part of a policy he hoped would give a new impetus to peace talks.

Netanyahu is not stupid. He knows that some of us know he is not remotely interested in peace on terms the Palestinians could accept. So what then is his real game plan of the moment? Simple. He is seeking to make peace with the Obama administration. And its response suggests that with the help of the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress he’s got that matter firmly under control.

On 18 November President Obama himself expressed his dismay at Israel’s decision to approve 900 more housing units in East Jerusalem. He said it could lead to a “dangerous situation” because it made it harder for Israel to make peace in the region and “embitters the Palestinians.”

Eight days later the Obama administration says Netanyahu’s new offer, which stresses that there will be no restrictions, not even temporary ones, on new settlement development in East Jerusalem, will help "move forward" peace efforts.

What nonsense. It seems to me that the Obama administration doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going on the matter of how to deal with Netanyahu.

The response of senior Palestinian legislator Mustafa Barghouti was much more in tune with reality. “What Netanyahu announced today is one of his biggest attempts at deception in his history.”

It is, of course, a deception but nobody should be surprised. Not only has deception always been the name of Zionism’s game, it knows no other.

Its very first mission statement way back in 1897 was a deception. The previous year Zionism’s founding father, Theodore Herzl, had written and published Der Judenstaat, The Jewish State. It opened with these words: “The Jews who will it shall have a state of their own.” But as all of Zionism’s founding fathers gathered for their first Congress at Basel in Switzerland, Herzl was among the first to appreciate the need to drop the word state from all public policy pronouncements.

Thus it was that the first Congress of the World Zionist Organisation ended with a public statement that declared Zionism’s mission to be the striving “to create for the Jewish people a home in Palestine secured by public law.”

The difference between “home” and “state” was great.

State would have signalled that what Zionism wanted (and was ruthlessly determined to get) was a sovereign entity, by definition one with full state powers backed by its own military. In other words, a sovereign, fully independent Jewish state would be one that could pose a threat to the rights and possibly even the existence of the Arabs of Palestine. At the time Zionism didn’t want the world, including most Jews of the world, to know that.

Home was a much softer, less disturbing term. It implied, and for propaganda purposes could be asserted to mean, that Zionism would be prepared to settle for an entity without sovereign powers and which therefore would not and could pose any kind of threat to the Arabs.

The proof that Zionism’s founding father knew the substitution of “home” for “state” in the first mission statement was a deception is in his diary, which was not published (was kept secret) for 63 years. Herzl’s entry for 3 September 1897, as published in 1960, included this:

Were I to sum up the Basel Congress in a word - which I shall guard against pronouncing publicly - it would be this: At Basel I founded the Jewish state... Perhaps in five years, and certainly 50, everyone will know it... At Basel then, I created this abstraction which, as such, is invisible to the vast majority of people.

It wasn’t only the Arabs and the major powers Zionism didn’t want to scare by using the term state. All of its founding fathers were fully aware that most informed and thoughtful Jews everywhere were opposed to the idea of creating a sovereign Jewish state in the Arab heartland. They believed it to be morally wrong. They feared it would lead to unending conflict. And most of all they feared that if Zionism was allowed by the major powers to have its way, it would one day provoke anti-Semitism.

As it happened, that Jewish concern and those Jewish fears were washed away by the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust, without which Zionism almost certainly would not have triumphed.

After its unilateral declaration of independence, the Zionist (not Jewish) state’s policy was to advance by creating facts on the ground. In effect its message to the world was, as it still is: “We know we should not have done this, but we’ve done it. And there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Alan Hart has been engaged with events in the Middle East and their global consequences and terrifying implications – the possibility of a Clash of Civilisations, Judeo-Christian v Islamic, and, along the way, another great turning against the Jews – for nearly 40 years.. More. Please visit his website Alan Hart

     Deception Has Always Been The Name Of Zionism’s Game             : Information Clearing House -  ICH
Masonic Compass
One of the most common symbols of Freemasonry is the symbol of the crossed compass and set-square. The compass and square are architect's tools, and symbolize God as the architect of the universe, among other things. As measuring instruments, the tools represent judgement and discernment.

In the West rote learning has its place, but we are trained both in school and in our media from a very young age to critically evaluate the information presented to us.

On the other hand, many Muslims have been trained by rote since pre-school, generally with the aim of memorizing the Koran. While this helps create kids with terrific memory skills (and thus makes it easier to learn languages like English) the teacher-is-always-right conditioning plagues the reasoning process, memory skills can be exploited by propagandists, and the mind's creative processes are subdued. Add a heavy dollop

In short, corrections are a lot easier for us Westerners to take.

You mentioned media, what media are you talking about ? How did the media help you to think critically ? How the woes of Tiger Woods "Woody adventure :D", or the unfortunate demise of Anna Nicole Smith helps you think critically ? I am at lost here, help me out !!
You're doing fine!
check the movie ZEITGEIST...

i don't agree with the first part of the movie though... they say that Christ - Prophet Isa (AS) didn't exist...

being a Muslim I can't believe that... that would be blasphemy of Islam...

but most of the movie makes sense.
And also check out 'The Arrivals' on youtube. I hope it's still there. It's split between 52 parts, each part hardly being 10 mins long. It's definitely worth the watch regarding the 'new world order'.
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This stuff about the Rothschilds is pretty far out and unbelievable. Why not talk about the Sauds instead? They have hundreds of billions of dollars and their own subcontinent and through proxies may fund all those madrassas that churn out militants; at the very least, they aren't applying their funds to moderate the madness that afflicts Pakistan right now, though they don't neglect to pay reporters for favorable coverage. Or is this bit about Jew-hatred all part of distracting Pakistanis from who and what really is afflicting them?
This stuff about the Rothschilds is pretty far out and unbelievable.

For obvious reasons.

Why not talk about the Sauds instead?

Because this thread is not about Saudis, its about "The House of Rotschild"

They have hundreds of billions of dollars

OIL :azn:

through proxies may fund all those madrassas that churn out militants;

What about the synagogues that breed terrorists openly not through proxies.

at the very least, they aren't applying their funds to moderate the madness that afflicts Pakistan right now, though they don't neglect to pay reporters for favorable coverage. Or is this bit about Jew-hatred all part of distracting Pakistanis from who and what really is afflicting them?

Any idea about the Saudi Aid to Pakistan in form of money and oil ?

Btw you seem to be ravaged about the Rotschild issue, no one is promoting Jew hatred other then the Jews themselves through their concocted and libelous stories.
The House of Rotschild is a treatise that explains the compendium of their cruelties.
Why are you being so protective, i'm sure all Jews are not Zionists or all Zionists are not Jews.
Not all Jews are Zionists...
Some Zionists are not even Jews...

This is why the interest system is forbidden in Islam. It effectively increases poverty.

Most of Europe was actually opposed to this in the medieval ages since it ruined economies...

Someone on the internet also suggested that the US government can actually make a $1bn coins (since US Treasury still has right to mint coins) and pay off the entire debt (around $14 trillion) and the Fed would have to accept since the money is sovereign...

But can someone explain how this would affect inflation ??
What about the synagogues that breed terrorists openly not through proxies...Why are you being so protective -
Mods are enforcing Pakistan-related stuff only, can't respond, you can go to my blog to continue if u wish.
Andrew, part 1 of my series: The Modern State of Israel: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened is at Pakalert Word Press.

But for some reason I can’t get them to post the other three parts.

Part 2, World War I, II, can be found at dprogram.net and several other sites.

Andrew there is a typo in your article, “The middle of World War II. Germany were winning the war”

[snip from Part 2 of my artice]

WWI and the deed to Palestine

WWI “the war to end all wars,” allegedly began in Europe over clashes for “spheres of influence”.

Gavrilo Princip, the 19-year-old assassin and member of the Black Hand secret society, envisioned the death of the Archduke as the key that would unlock the shackles binding his people to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The Serbian government kept a close watch on Black Hand activities and knew of the plot to kill the Archduke. The prime minister of Serbia, Nikola Pasic, gave instructions for the three men to be arrested and the Black Hander in charge of the plot was told to abort the mission but inexplicably neither order was carried out.

The War to End all wars ended twice, the first time Germany won and offered the losers a simple status quo and end of the war, with no punitive conditions. Then the losers were approached with an offer they should have refused.

The House of Rothschild and the International Banking community agreed to bring America into the war in exchange for the famous Balfour Declaration. The Balfour Declaration was not a declaration or public statement but a letter drafted by Lord Alfred Milner, a Rothschild employee to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild.” [3]

You can read all four parts at dprogram.net, knowthelies.com, waronyou.com and of course rumormillnews.com

Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened – Part 1/4
World War I, II – Part 2/4
Adolph Hitler – Part 3/4
How did Hitler Lose the War? – Part 4/4
the illuminati and the rothchilds are no different from other despots in human history.
it's up to the people to put limits on the people that govern and educate them, or we will continue to see the occasional violence brought forth by some rich and powerful families.
i hope the internet and smartphones can help improve our chances to achieve that.

and sun tzu over in ancient china, *also* said that war is based primarily on deception.
Someone on the internet also suggested that the US government can actually make a $1bn coins (since US Treasury still has right to mint coins) and pay off the entire debt (around $14 trillion) and the Fed would have to accept since the money is sovereign...

They killed kennedy for implementing a fraction of such an idea and the vice president as soon he took oath repealed an executive order pertaining to -------.
The article, I believe, would be difficult to for some minds to cope with. And apart from the rest of the fascinating arguments, I couldn't believe that Pakistan actually has a Rothschild controlled central bank.

If the Zionists weren't in control of Pakistan's Central Bank, people like Nawaz, Benazir, Shabaz and Zardari wouldn't have been able to secure massive loans and expand their personal wealth, unimpeded.

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