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Will support India against friendly neighbour: Medvedev

Thanks for the info. :tup:

This doesn't apply to China though, since China is also an ally of Russia. :azn:

Not at all..But we may see some russian cruisers in Arabian sea in the time of need..;)
we are fighting for nothing. It would be better if India, China and Russia becomes friend. This would not allow USA to step in Asia. But little worried from Pakistan and Taiwan as they are strategic partner of USA.
Not at all..But we may see some russian cruisers in Arabian sea in the time of need..;)

Arabian Sea, China is no where near Arabian Sea I guess ? And if you Pakistan than why we need Russian Cruisers. Moreover what you mean Cruisers, for me its like cruise ship for tour. :azn:
Arabian Sea, China is no where near Arabian Sea I guess ? And if you Pakistan than why we need Russian Cruisers. Moreover what you mean Cruisers, for me its like cruise ship for tour. :azn:

Yes..Russian Navy will come for a cruise trip in missile cruisers..
LOL, so what happened during 1962?

Russia, being an ally of both India and China, stayed out of it. Just like all the other wars that India has fought.

just some little corrections... Russia was not Indian ally in 1962... Russia became Indian ally after 1965 war with Pakistan when England and European countries blocked all weapons and ammunition transfers to India during the war... okk carry on...
it's odd that i can't find these inspiring words in any russian media.....however it reminds me how USSR instigated the China-Vietnam War,a legend about NO.3 military power......
thanks for sharing the news anyway
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China is Russia's major economic ally and India is its major strategic ally,in a confrontation between the two,all Russia will choose is to stay out of the war or try to ease the condition,rest of all is just diplomatical gimmicks
Its been 48 years, lots have been changed. You dont even support North Korea they way used too. US does not support Pakistan the way they used too. But you are right USSR was not in India's court during 1962.

india was in US league during 1962 , remember nehru asked for help from US during that time..

in 1965 , US/UK stops arm supply to india ......

only after 1965 , we moved towards russia..
we bought our first arms from russia only after 1965 war...

we fought 1971 war with russia arms...not only russia sell arms to india but they also give us high end tech weapons on lease during 1971....for example the AEWCS..

and russia keep providing us with best of tech , example mig-25
May be because of its hyper aggressiveness and secrecy, China is slowly becoming a pariah amongst western countries. China is making enemies faster than it can handle. Most western countries are looking at India as a stabilizing force amidst chaos. Given a choice not only Russia but most major western counties would side with India

However, Russia would be more explicit in its support
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i dont understand why every one thinking abt india-china war in future...

we are not hearing any single bullet firing across the india-china border unlike it is happening almost every day in other side...

and india-china financial relations is increasing day by day...

and am really looking forward to see BRIC
May be because of its hyper aggressiveness and secrecy, China is slowly becoming a pariah amongst western countries. China is making enemies faster than it can handle. Most western countries are looking at India as a stabilizing force amidst chaos. Given a choice not only Russia but most major western counties would side with India

i think Medvedev was not refferening to china in his statement...
there is no visible war posiblity with china presently...
i think he was reffereing to any joint two front war that india has to handle with china-pakistan (the friends)
Talk about today... They are still supplying RD-93s, despite India's objection - mind you despite their own potential losses in the long term.

China owns the world today dude, you're expecting too much out of the Russians.

See wat sensible members are speaking..

Well,Did every country on this world sold themselves to china..if yes for how much trillions..?

If ur al-mighty china ever thinks of bullying and invading Russia...Tell them to get ready to taste Tsar..
These americans didn't even think of invading Russia,
And china which has a big time defending from USA is talking of taking over the world..:rofl:

And as u said to buy their out dated systems....
Wat did china copy?
from where did it come...
From sky..
Be logical dude..
China is decades behind from Russia and USA..
Don't hype china bcoz they r ur only ally..
There is nothing inside....:lol:
LOL, so what happened during 1962?

Russia, being an ally of both India and China, stayed out of it. Just like all the other wars that India has fought.

Sorry dude,you are wrong as is the case in recent times.

India was NOT in the Soviet camp during the 1962 war. It was non-aligned with a slight twist in favour of the US. Even the US airlifted massive arms and ammunition during the war. But it came a little too late and that's why we lost.

It was only after the 1965 war,the support to Pakistan by the US and the subsequent peace agreement at Tashkent under Leonid Brezhnev that India started to ally with the USSR and this reached the peak after Indira signed a mutual defence agreement with the USSR in 1970.
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