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Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

do what pajeets and bongs did to Pakistan and recognition would be forthcoming within a year
What did pajeets and bongs do to us?

Israel is worried about us because we've slipped out of the Arab camp and IK seems to be taking on matters of the ummah quite publicly now.

They have ways to defend themselves. Don't doubt that. But they don't want to take any chances. Pakistan is the top military power in the Muslim world after all.
After all the arab nations recognize Israel, Pakistan will be under alot of international & domestic pressure to do it.
Let's see how our est & leadership deals with it.
its in India advantage we don't

only country who will be more upset on Pakistan recognition of Israel, is India.

US companies don't invest in Pakistan much because of strong Israeli lobby.
Pakistan should lay out a road map plan and let Americans and Israelis know about it. Bit of flexibility from our side so as Israelis over Palestinian issue. At the moment, staying quiet is like making fool of yourself where as your so called Arab friends are recognizing Israel right and left and slowly pressure is building up on us. Best time was during Musharaf era when our diplomats met with Israeli counterparts in Istanbul.

I think for now, IK won't risk it but perhaps if he wins 2023 elections then we can seriously look into this issue. Trump leaving WH will also help us in easing this pressure.
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india says that too, but here you are.
Also it is Pakistan with a capital P you piece of turd.

Israeli know their priority , it will not make any difference if i write pakistan with capital p .pakistan will stand at the second last number in the line .
What did pajeets and bongs do to us?

Israel is worried about us because we've slipped out of the Arab camp and IK seems to be taking on matters of the ummah quite publicly now.

They have ways to defend themselves. Don't doubt that. But they don't want to take any chances. Pakistan is the top military power in the Muslim world after all.
Afghanistan is also a top muslim power .
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its in India advantage we don't

only country who will be more upset on Pakistan recognition of Israel, is India.

US companies don't invest in Pakistan much because of strong Israeli lobby.
Pakistan should lay out a road map plan and let Americans and Israelis know about it. Bit of flexibility from our side so as Israelis over Palestinian issue. At the moment, staying quiet is like making fool of yourself where as your so called Arab friends are recognizing Israel right and left and slowly pressure is building up on us. Best time was during Musharaf era when our diplomats met with Israeli counterparts in Istanbul.

I think for now, IK won't risk it but perhaps if he wins 2023 elections then we can seriously look into this issue. Trump leaving WH will also help us in easing this pressure.

The problem is everything about Pakistan is black and white. There is no sophistication or complexity. A simplistic and naive view of the issues. Pakistan can start an engagement without a direct recognition. But it has to take the first step.

India will be the biggest loser.
You do not have any option but to recognize Israel.


if we don't what will happen?...

will you send in the IAF cued by Israeli advisors like on 26 Feb?
It is the US & SA which are forcing Pakistan not India.

Pakistan is not Iran.

Mark this post and we can come back once Pakistan recognizes Israel.

I agree India cannot force Pakistan to do any thing... except beg behind western capitals to release their second rate pilot.
The problem is everything about Pakistan is black and white. There is no sophistication or complexity. A simplistic and naive view of the issues. Pakistan can start an engagement without a direct recognition. But it has to take the first step.

India will be the biggest loser.
If only Pakistanis, especially the establishment saw things in a less black and white manner.

Taliban- good, NA- bad
Iran+Turkey- good, GCC- bad
Ignoring Israel- good, recognizing Israel- bad
KSA- good, Iran- bad (in 90s)
US- good, USSR- bad (in 60s)

Geopolitics doesn't work that way.

if we don't what will happen?...

will you send in the IAF cued by Israeli advisors like on 26 Feb?

you will not get dollars from IMF .
you need it badly .
everything runs on dollars.
I agree India cannot force Pakistan to do any thing... except beg behind western capitals to release their second rate pilot.

india forced you to release our pilot ,
how ?
ask your ex chairman of parliament mr ayaz sadiq.
If only Pakistanis, especially the establishment saw things in a less black and white manner.

Taliban- good, NA- bad
Iran+Turkey- good, GCC- bad
Ignoring Israel- good, recognizing Israel- bad
KSA- good, Iran- bad (in 90s)
US- good, USSR- bad (in 60s)

Geopolitics doesn't work that way.

Also we know that the issue isn’t about Muslim lives; because of what’s going on in China. In fact, Pakistan even sold arms to Burma as it was engaged in a genocide against its Muslim minority.
Also we know that the issue isn’t about Muslim lives; because of what’s going on in China. In fact, Pakistan even sold arms to Burma as it was engaged in a genocide against its Muslim minority.
How many times do you hear Rohingya mentioned here even? In comparison to Palestinians. Rohingyas are possibly the most persecuted Muslim minority on Earth. But it's Palestine we hear of. Nobody bothers to check if there are any updates on the Rohingya situation.
you will not get dollars from IMF .

and so we won't pay the loans with interest?... sounds like shooting your self in the foot.. lucky people in IMF are not india educated economist...
india forced you to release our pilot ,


is what they told you?.

Ok....so why could it not force to release the RAW terrorist Yadav?.. according you he was a noble business man kidnapped in Iran. He if any thing had more right to be released than a lousy pilot?
ask your ex chairman of parliament mr ayaz sadiq.

he was following a script imposed by Nawaz... if you had any brains you would have known it is just made up.

but then again you are an Indian.
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