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Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

To OP's question. It depends on how far Saudi is willing to take this.
See another classic case.

We are Muslim Pakistanis so can't be same blood and race as Hindu Indians.

We got to be Turks or Persians or even the Royal Arabs who created Islam.

Inferiority complex is written all over this thinking.
Idiot, what i am saying was published as a research article in a very reputed Journals i.e. "Cell", and guess what most the researchers who carried out this research were Indian, they sequencd millena old genomes extracted from Harrapa and IVC and came to conclusion that Modern Pakistani are descended of Indus valley civilization which were mostly parthian/steppe people and have nothing in common with dravidian, as Pakistan lies on Indus River basin whereas India lies on Gangas river basin

The land which makes up Pakistan today was well known to Persians, Greece empire and romans because of the trade via silk route, and also invasions from these countries made the people far more diverse to your South Indians or even marathans

When ABA G (imran khan) says no it means absolutely never
See another classic case.

We are Muslim Pakistanis so can't be same blood and race as Hindu Indians.

We got to be Turks or Persians or even the Royal Arabs who created Islam.

Inferiority complex is written all over this thinking.
its a matter of superiority. The Kings that made whole of India bow were Turks an Persian and afghans by blood. so are the armies that followed them. Majority of muslims living in the sub continent find their ancestry in those people. whilst the hindus are the offshoots of the subjects of those kings. dont forget history. You guys yap yap alot now. Muslim kings ruled these lands. Built ur empire. The british didnt upend you people. you people were subjects, they upended our ancestors.

You ask why the muslim pakistanis and royal blooded bangladeshi like myself find their root in Turkish and Persian etc.? Its because we are of the same blood. Our descendance came from the mughals who migrated and took you over. unlike you ppl. Got it?
Either you are a troll or your cognitive function has been impaired because of eating too much khoota biryani,

Classic symptoms of being a patwari
Imran Khan calls OBL as a martyr which clearly shows we have traitors like him who supports terrorists. Do you expect us to have a better image when we have enemies like him in power? Do you have any idea the destruction to Pakistan he has caused in 2 years? It's the same that Pakistan suffered when Bangladesh separated from us.

When you have your evil as your leader working for enemies agenda then don't expect positive image. Pakistan has more threat from our leaders than India or some superpower.

This evil Imran Khan even censored a protest made in the honor of Prophet Muhammad (saww) and you're telling me some nonsense about our image in the world. You don't think the world sees the kind of traitors we have in power, how can anyone respect someone who betrays his own soil and his own people.

Arabs isn't a specific country. Not every Arab country has Sharia law. I said Saudi Arabia specifically and world has positive image of SA. It has Sharia law yet beloved of the world

There's no logical explanation for Pakistan surviving against an enemy as big as India except help from God. Just like Muslims conquered the superpowers of the world at the time while being as powerless and living as eskimos.

Muslims don't live their life worrying about what their enemy feels happy or sad about. We live our life according to the pleasure of Allah

Trust me, India feels happier Pakistan being a slave of China right now. Because we're doing slavery without any benefits. If Pakistan stood up for Muslims and became enemy with China, it would piss India off because it would mean Pakistan gets honest Muslim leaders who fear Allah more than they fear some humans.

The whole reason India can oppress Kashmiris is because we have weak power hungry leaders who sell for a few dollars. It's the reason why India felt absolutely horrified and even some in Pakistani elites when Khadim Rizvi started gaining recognition.

Imran Khan says he's scared of war after India attack us. Imagine if we had a Khadim Rizvi type in power, we would have liberated Kashmir long ago.

Wish we had Azerbaijan leaders who showed if you're fearless, you do not need nukes. But if you're a coward, even nukes will make you scared and wish for peace even when enemy gets in your home
Each country chooses according to its own national interests.
Imran Khan calls OBL as a martyr which clearly shows we have traitors like him who supports terrorists. Do you expect us to have a better image when we have enemies like him in power? Do you have any idea the destruction to Pakistan he has caused in 2 years? It's the same that Pakistan suffered when Bangladesh separated from us.

When you have your evil as your leader working for enemies agenda then don't expect positive image. Pakistan has more threat from our leaders than India or some superpower.

This evil Imran Khan even censored a protest made in the honor of Prophet Muhammad (saww) and you're telling me some nonsense about our image in the world. You don't think the world sees the kind of traitors we have in power, how can anyone respect someone who betrays his own soil and his own people.

Arabs isn't a specific country. Not every Arab country has Sharia law. I said Saudi Arabia specifically and world has positive image of SA. It has Sharia law yet beloved of the world

There's no logical explanation for Pakistan surviving against an enemy as big as India except help from God. Just like Muslims conquered the superpowers of the world at the time while being as powerless and living as eskimos.

Muslims don't live their life worrying about what their enemy feels happy or sad about. We live our life according to the pleasure of Allah

Trust me, India feels happier Pakistan being a slave of China right now. Because we're doing slavery without any benefits. If Pakistan stood up for Muslims and became enemy with China, it would piss India off because it would mean Pakistan gets honest Muslim leaders who fear Allah more than they fear some humans.

The whole reason India can oppress Kashmiris is because we have weak power hungry leaders who sell for a few dollars. It's the reason why India felt absolutely horrified and even some in Pakistani elites when Khadim Rizvi started gaining recognition.

Imran Khan says he's scared of war after India attack us. Imagine if we had a Khadim Rizvi type in power, we would have liberated Kashmir long ago.

Wish we had Azerbaijan leaders who showed if you're fearless, you do not need nukes. But if you're a coward, even nukes will make you scared and wish for peace even when enemy gets in your home

The more I read your post the more I feel like you are an Indian. @waz (if you're still mod) possible false flag, a ban in order I guess.
Agree with all three steps our economic activity with India is already at an all time low I see no point of maintaining diplomatic relations

The less we interact the better
I totally agree with you.
We should have only focus on india.which is our real enemy.
If Israel let muslims control masjad e aqsaa then Pakistan should normalise relations with Israel.
And cutoff all kind of relations with india.
Pakistan should shorten the list of enemies to face india.
If Israel gave Aqsaa to muslims and gave nationhood to Palestine - then they'll get recognition.
I used to believe the Jewish people to be highly educated and wise. now I am not too sure. if they are so desperate for recognition from the Pakistanis they need to do two very simple things.
not necessarily so (I am thinking of two entirely different things)
No need to be cryptic. What would they be?
do what pajeets and bongs did to Pakistan and recognition would be forthcoming within a year
They wouldn't be having secret meetings with Saudia to convey their messages to us if that was that case buddy.
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