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Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

Exactly. Pakistan is trying to be more Arab than the Arabs due to their inferiority complex.

honestly, I wouldn’t call it an inferiority complex. That’s a long stretch.

it’s just that nothing ever makes sense in Pakistan. Counterintuitive is the philosophy that guides everything that Pakistan does as a nation. There are many examples, don’t even get me started. Pakistan and Pakistanis will always chose the option that makes less logical sense.
Only non vassal states get into problems.

Vassal states are always secured.

You are a vassal state of China. Hence you are secured.
Does that mean your country will be attacked from all four sides in case of war? (nepal being the fourth side)
As for why Pakistan does not recognize the state, it is because

  1. It is believed that the state was created unfairly and dishonestly leaving the locals at a disadvantage
  2. It is believed that the treatment of Arabs under Israeli rule has been unfair
  3. The repeated assaults on Palestinian lands (Gaza and the West Bank) have created a humanitarian disaster for the people living there, Pakistan stands in solidarity with these people
  4. The expansionary policy of Israel, which includes building settlements on internationally accepted Palestinian lands is seen by Pakistan as an attempt to divide the natives of the land
  5. Growing India-Israel military ties is a big threat for Pakistan. And Pakistan feels insecure because of it, specially Missile defense system which India is getting through Israel, may result in neutralizing the Nuclear strike capacity of Pakistan, which is being taken as the life line for Pakistan. So going to have ties with someone who is friend of your mortal enemy is quite unnatural
  6. It is highly believed among the ruling class of Pakistan that in 1982 Israel planned a covert air raid, to neutralize the Nuclear program of Pakistan using the Indian air bases. But that plan was turned down by Indra Gandhi (The then Prime Minister of India), fearing the counter strike of Pakistan on Trombay (The Nuclear Plant of India), and also by the fear of backlash of US and China. (US was then completely aligned towards Pakistan because of its Anti USSR motives). But still this plan of Israel is being taken as a serious enemous motive of Israel towards Pakistan. And definitely a major dent in the thought processes of Pakistani’s towards Israel.
  7. Religious sentimental ties of Pakistani people attached to Palestine. (Although majority of the them don't know much about Palestine-Israel conflict, except that Israel has occupied Palestine land, and kills innocent people of Palestine and Lebanon).
  8. If Pakistan tries to tie with Israel, India would definitely oppose with its full capacity, as a fear of Israeli technology transfer to Pakistan and will pressurize Israel to not to do it, and in current scenario it seems difficult for Israel to set apart India for Pakistan.
Now let's come into present. Why do Pakistan still not recognize Israel. There's only one reason: how could do it when nothing has changed? Musharraf hinted on recognizing Israel as soon as Palestine and Israel reach any solution.

Why does Pakistan recognize India, if those random bullet-points you have assembled held any weight? Isn’t India taking over Kashmiri lands claimed by Pakistan, in a clear disregard for UN resolutions and bilateral pacts? Isn’t India arming terror groups in Pakistan? Isn’t India frequently and indiscriminately shelling residential areas around the border and killing Pakistani citizens?

the notion that Pakistan is upholding some moral standards is just bogus. It has no basis.
honestly, I wouldn’t call it an inferiority complex. That’s a long stretch.

it’s just that nothing ever makes sense in Pakistan. Counterintuitive is the philosophy that guides everything that Pakistan does as a nation. There are many examples, don’t even get me started. Pakistan and Pakistanis will always chose the option that makes less logical sense.

I know it is inferiority complex because Indians and Pakistanis have the same blood and race.

Indians speak better English than the English.

Pakistanis are more Muslim than the Arabs.
yes it seems like boys are also lookijg at the possibility of recognizing israel that would mean we accept illegal occupation and are willing to accept IoK as part of india! yaayyy for peace!

now they can concentrate on expanding their faujiInc empire maybe get a thaika or two in haifa!
Does that mean your country will be attacked from all four sides in case of war? (nepal being the fourth side)

Yes. Without a doubt. When the war starts, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are going to attack India.
Absolutely untrue.Let me give you a funny example. Even When Pak Vs Ind cricket matches are played the overwhelming support is for Pakistan, And if sum people support the Indian cricket team then big eye brows are raised. This happens from the narrow streets to all the Cafeterias. And lemme assure you, The same sentiment is in place in a war scenario between the two countries. They just dont say it publicly cuz of 71

some jamatis mullas type may love pakistan , normal bangali feels better in company of indians . they dont fit with pakistanis .
I know it is inferiority complex because Indians and Pakistanis have the same blood and race.

Indians speak better English than the English.

Pakistanis are more Muslim than the Arabs.

I wouldn’t go that far. Being Muslim isn’t some favor to Arabs. It’s matter of faith. I have seen many Indonesians, Malaysian and Turks that hold more hawkish views on Palestine.
muslims of india are in better condition than hindus, ahmadis, and shias of pakistan .
Muslims have not shown the kinda animosity towards hindus they way muslims are treated wen they are a minority. If tables were turned in Bangladesh and there was a hindu majority then all muslims wud get systematically eradicated. Whereas, In bangladesh hindus get special treatment. They get more jobs and have special quotas. Being a hindu is like a privilage in BD. Whereas we all know how the muslims are treated in ur place.

Also I havent heard of any instance of Hindus in pakistan being chopped down . Muslims dont persecute minorities.
yes it seems like boys are also lookijg at the possibility of recognizing israel that would mean we accept illegal occupation and are willing to accept IoK as part of india! yaayyy for peace!

now they can concentrate on expanding their faujiInc empire maybe get a thaika or two in haifa!

It is not matter of accepting anything. Pakistan recognizes India which does what you accuse israel of doing. India is a direct and existential threat to Pakistan. Israel isn’t. It makes no sense.
It's not a inferiority complex as we don't wear Arabic clothing, speak arabic or use it as our "lingua franca"

It's mostly because of the religious sentiments among the common Pakistani and love for the prophet which can be confused as if we are trying to be more Arabs than Arab, as for a Muslim religion takes precedence over his nationality but i guess you wouldn't understand that.

And no Pakistanis and Indians don't have the same blood, few races( Punjabis) might be similar but like India Pakistan is also a diverse nation when it comes to different ethnicities and cultures but that doesn't mean Pakistani consider them Arab over calling themselves Pakistanis.
I know it is inferiority complex because Indians and Pakistanis have the same blood and race.

Indians speak better English than the English.

Pakistanis are more Muslim than the Arabs.
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Yes. Without a doubt. When the war starts, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are going to attack India.
Good luck dealing with it. Btw, I have vowed to fight in Any and all Bangladeshi war.

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