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Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

after what happen in Lahore death of mulana khadim rizwi pakistan army is out number. and if afghanistan taliban goes againg pakistan army pakistan is finished, and Khurasan will be born which is soon to happen and india can kiss there a***s good by

Pakistan's military is the buffer between the militants and India.

India will not allow PMIK and Pakistan's military go down.

You can bet that India will come to the rescue of PMIK and Pakistan's military.
It is the US & SA which are forcing Pakistan not India.

Pakistan is not Iran.

Mark this post and we can come back once Pakistan recognizes Israel.

it is beneficial for pakistan to recognize israel and get benefit of waver on 5 billion dollars they have to return immediately to SA and UAE . otherwise return 5 billion dollars immediately.
If we should end relation with any country that should be India

Why keep diplomatic ties with India but not Israel?

that is a wise decision ,
jaan chhaddo .
It is such a good question that it needs to be asked by every Pakistani every day.

There is no valid reason why Pakistan should not recognize Israel.

when you owe billions of dollars to saudi , uae , china, qatar, turkey they will ask you to toe their line .
such questions will be asked everyday .
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If we should end relation with any country that should be India

Why keep diplomatic ties with India but not Israel?

Step 1: Recall Pakistan's Ambassador in India

Step 2: Kick out Indian Ambassador in Pakistan

Step 3: Unrecognize India.
it is beneficial for pakistan to recognize israel and get benefit of waver on 5 billion dollars they have to return immediately to SA and UAE . otherwise return 5 billion dollars immediately.

Don't forget the US F-35s to PAF.
Step 1: Recall Pakistan's Ambassador in India

Step 2: Kick out Indian Ambassador in Pakistan

Step 3: Unrecognize India.
Agree with all three steps our economic activity with India is already at an all time low I see no point of maintaining diplomatic relations

The less we interact the better
Agree with you, there really is no need to keep diplomatic ties with India when ut has been consistently trying to undo Pakistan since it's inception. India will always be hostile to Pakistan, so we should stop all diplomatic relations with her.

As far as F-35, F-18 or F16(72) are concerned, Pakistan ko kuch nahin milnay wala for recognizing Israel, we aren't in a condition to negotiate or make demands like these.

Step 1: Recall Pakistan's Ambassador in India

Step 2: Kick out Indian Ambassador in Pakistan

Step 3: Unrecognize India.

Don't forget the US F-35s to PAF.
Pakistan has a bad image because of our corrupt leaders who made this country African country. Nothing to do with Islam.

OBL was found in your country. Pakistan has more negative image than many African countries.

Saudi Arabia has Sharia law and Islamic yet its loved by the west. MBS is now undoing the Islamic laws but still, it's more Islamic than Pakistan.

Arabs are absolutely hated by common people in the West. Even the secular Arab countries are hated. KSA Royal family is a pawn that will have their a$$ kicked by the West eventually.

Pakistan unfortunately never had a single patriotic leader after Quad and Liaqat Ali Khan who was assassinated. Everyone has been destroying it for China or USA or some other country.


Allah is the only power that stands in the way of Pakistan being destroyed completely. When India attacked us last year, China didn't come to help. Even our army begged to Allah for help and help came from Allah. But the same army and leaders give servitude to China.

You see Allah everywhere, I see regular warfare.

Uighurs are our brothers in Jannah. We will laugh at the screams of traitors and oppressors who sided with their tyrants than helping our beloved brothers in Islam InshaAllah.

I bet Indians are laughing their asses off. Their efforts are bearing fruit.
Looks more like a situation between morality or surviving the tough times ahead if we don't accept Israel, (not to forget 60% our remitance come from these countries)
It’s a question between morality and material benefit
Looks more like a situation between morality or surviving the tough times ahead if we don't accept Israel, (not to forget 60% our remitance come from these countries)

It’s really shameful what Arab countries are doing.. they already have so much money they don’t need to do this and forget that but put pressure on other countries to follow suit??am I missing something

but also it makes my blood boil when things like “Palestinian PM” poses with modi happen
OBL was found in your country. Pakistan has more negative image than many African countries.

Arabs are absolutely hated by common people in the West. Even the secular Arab countries are hated. KSA Royal family is a pawn that will have their a$$ kicked by the West eventually.


You see Allah everywhere, I see regular warfare.

I bet Indians are laughing their asses off. Their efforts are bearing fruit.

what’s the point you’re trying to make?
Arabs are hated by the west
Pakistanis are viewed negatively
African countries are viewed negatively

It’s really shameful what Arab countries are doing.. they already have so much money they don’t need to do this and forget that but put pressure on other countries to follow suit??am I missing something

but also it makes my blood boil when things like “Palestinian PM” poses with modi happen

what’s the point you’re trying to make?
Arabs are hated by the west
Pakistanis are viewed negatively
African countries are viewed negatively


It is all about Iran.

Pakistan will be in good company of Turkiye & Saudi Arabia when it recognizes Israel.

Unless you are a shia, you should be supporting this move.
As for why Pakistan does not recognize the state, it is because

  1. It is believed that the state was created unfairly and dishonestly leaving the locals at a disadvantage
  2. It is believed that the treatment of Arabs under Israeli rule has been unfair
  3. The repeated assaults on Palestinian lands (Gaza and the West Bank) have created a humanitarian disaster for the people living there, Pakistan stands in solidarity with these people
  4. The expansionary policy of Israel, which includes building settlements on internationally accepted Palestinian lands is seen by Pakistan as an attempt to divide the natives of the land
  5. Growing India-Israel military ties is a big threat for Pakistan. And Pakistan feels insecure because of it, specially Missile defense system which India is getting through Israel, may result in neutralizing the Nuclear strike capacity of Pakistan, which is being taken as the life line for Pakistan. So going to have ties with someone who is friend of your mortal enemy is quite unnatural
  6. It is highly believed among the ruling class of Pakistan that in 1982 Israel planned a covert air raid, to neutralize the Nuclear program of Pakistan using the Indian air bases. But that plan was turned down by Indra Gandhi (The then Prime Minister of India), fearing the counter strike of Pakistan on Trombay (The Nuclear Plant of India), and also by the fear of backlash of US and China. (US was then completely aligned towards Pakistan because of its Anti USSR motives). But still this plan of Israel is being taken as a serious enemous motive of Israel towards Pakistan. And definitely a major dent in the thought processes of Pakistani’s towards Israel.
  7. Religious sentimental ties of Pakistani people attached to Palestine. (Although majority of the them don't know much about Palestine-Israel conflict, except that Israel has occupied Palestine land, and kills innocent people of Palestine and Lebanon).
  8. If Pakistan tries to tie with Israel, India would definitely oppose with its full capacity, as a fear of Israeli technology transfer to Pakistan and will pressurize Israel to not to do it, and in current scenario it seems difficult for Israel to set apart India for Pakistan.
Now let's come into present. Why do Pakistan still not recognize Israel. There's only one reason: how could do it when nothing has changed? Musharraf hinted on recognizing Israel as soon as Palestine and Israel reach any solution.

According to the latest development, Pakistani anchors are speaking in support of establishing relations between Pakistan and Israel. In a video interview surfacing online, Mubashir Lucman speaks about the ideology that is fed to Pakistani citizens that keeps them away from recognizing Israel. The question remains, will Pakistan recognize Israel? Mubashir Lucman further reiterates that Pakistan needs to educate itself to overcome the hostility it harbors against Israel.

Will Pakistan recognize the state of Israel?
Another media person tweeted, “Anchor Mubashir Lucman appeared on an Israeli news channel, i24News, to argue for better ties between Pakistan and Israel. He added that Israel was not a dream, it is a reality. It is a very important country… the Israeli nation is a great nation.” While many people supported his stance, many others expressed criticism.
You know what happened to the Bangladeshi who tried or did an interview with sum israeli news outlet? He was charged with BLASPHEMY and TREASON. He was not able to enter Bangladesh since. He's living off other places. It's treason to try to establish connection or promote Isreali agenda for any or whatever purpose in Bangladesh. There was one guy who tried to Fly to Israel many years ago, He was charged with Treason and Blasphemy and thrown in with rats in Prison.

It seems that Bangladesh are ahead of Pakistan in these issues. Its crazy how things have shaped in the world. Bangladesh did itself proud.

I cant believe this is wats happening to Pakistan now. Pakistanis must stand against these Traitors who are trying to shake pakistan from the Right path. Palestine needs Pakistan. Pakistan must defend the muslims and not sell out like the Chubby bedouins of Arabia. Mubassher Luqman Must have got a fat check of Shekel that he sold his soul to the devil.
Bangladesh will dance to any tunes that India, GCC countries or USA play, they will also accept Israel.

But the reason why KSA wants Pakistan to accept it first is because it will legitimize their approach, as Pakistan is perhaps the only Muslim country with a decent Armed forces and also possess nuclear weapons, so whichever route Pakistan decide to take will definitely have an impact on the foriegn policies of middle east, whereas Bangladesh stance doesn't matter in big scheme of things, nobody cares about them.

Sorry if I appeared to harsh, but that's the truth.

You know what happened to the Bangladeshi who tried or did an interview with sum israeli news outlet? He was charged with BLASPHEMY and TREASON. He was not able to enter Bangladesh since. He's living off other places. It's treason to try to establish connection or promote Isreali agenda for any or whatever purpose in Bangladesh. There was one guy who tried to Fly to Israel many years ago, He was charged with Treason and Blasphemy and thrown in with rats in Prison.

It seems that Bangladesh are ahead of Pakistan in these issues. Its crazy how things have shaped in the world. Bangladesh did itself proud.

I cant believe this is wats happening to Pakistan now. Pakistanis must stand against these Traitors who are trying to shake pakistan from the Right path. Palestine needs Pakistan. Pakistan must defend the muslims and not sell out like the Chubby bedouins of Arabia. Mubassher Luqman Must have got a fat check of Shekel that he sold his soul to the devil.

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