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Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?


According to the latest development, Pakistani anchors are speaking in support of establishing relations between Pakistan and Israel. In a video interview surfacing online, Mubashir Lucman speaks about the ideology that is fed to Pakistani citizens that keeps them away from recognizing Israel. The question remains, will Pakistan recognize Israel? Mubashir Lucman further reiterates that Pakistan needs to educate itself to overcome the hostility it harbors against Israel.

Will Pakistan recognize the state of Israel?
Another media person tweeted, “Anchor Mubashir Lucman appeared on an Israeli news channel, i24News, to argue for better ties between Pakistan and Israel. He added that Israel was not a dream, it is a reality. It is a very important country… the Israeli nation is a great nation.” While many people supported his stance, many others expressed criticism.

Another prominent Pakistani journalist, Kamran Khan tweeted, “Pakistan must also revisit it’s Israel policy. Message for we Pakistanis from the Custodians of the Holy Mosques and other brothers in the Arab world. Nations don’t have permanent friends or enemies, only interests. Why is Pakistan shy of exercising its options?” The common section beneath this tweet is filled with anti-Israel sentiments as most Pakistani citizens feel strongly against Israel’s activities in Palestine.

The question of whether Pakistan will recognize Israel is not a simple one, this issue involves multiple international and state actors as well. In other news, Saudi Arabia is exerting pressure on Pakistan to normalize diplomatic ties with Israel.

Push from other states
Last week, Prime Minister Imran Khan made an appearance on a TV interview where he revealed that the Gulf States are urging Pakistan to normalize ties with Israel. He further said that the United States along with “another country” is exerting pressure on Pakistan to recognize the state of Israel.

When the interviewer tried to inquire about this “another country”, the Prime Minister replied, “leave this, let’s move on. There are certain things that we cannot say because our relations with them [the Muslim countries pressuring Pakistan] are good. We don’t want to upset them. Inshallah, let our country stand up on its feet, then ask me such questions.”

The push for the normalization of relations between Israel and the Muslim states has been accumulating for decades now. Israel and Egypt secured a treaty in 1979 that normalized ties between the two states. In 1994, Israel secured diplomatic ties with Jordan, this was done under the supervision of President Bill Clinton. In the past months, Saudi Arabia has also made attempts to improve relations with Israel.

The reaction received by Pakistani anchors especially Mubashir Lucman upon advocating for normalized relations between Israel and Pakistan demonstrates the fact that Pakistani citizens are not ready for this development. The deep-rooted sympathy felt in Pakistan for Palestine will never allow peaceful relations with Israel.

Insider Paper Source: https://insiderpaper.com/will-pakistan-recognize-israel/

anyways not a surprise. Pakistan should had recognized Israel during Musharaf times when Pakistani and Israel FM met in Turkey.

ultimately pakistan will recognise israel .turkey and china can't give free thingis like saudi arabia .
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WoW. What a vivid imagination you have.

Fine, lets get some perspective - shall we...

According to you, behind Door #1: We (Pakistan) don't have an option.
Okay, that's your opinion and everyone here is entitled to their opinion. Heaven forbid we aren't Defence-Forum-India

But i'll go with what's behind Door #2: View attachment 690529

Pakistan will rather go out full nuclear war with you guys first, than accept them.

Its fine if other Nations want to accept them. Every Country is entitled to run their policies and decisions as they please, but should let us run ours. Try getting Iran to accept them & then we'll talk. Hell, you're so buddy-buddy with the Afghan-regime, why not start there?

Accept them! Hell, we won't even accept their presence over Pakistan Airspace.

I'm not certain why people are making a mountain out of a mole hill that we're under pressure from certain Nations. We're Pakistanis. We've mastered the art.

This is PDF. We (Pakistani Members) may argue over which jets are acceptable (American or Chinese). We may even argue over which Government works. But find me one who will support your view.

Look, you & your zionist buddies can finger each others a-holes till the crack of dawn But if you're looking to jerkoff over the idea before having the wet-dream about Pakistan accepting THEM - I suggest you use a moist towel.

It is the US & SA which are forcing Pakistan not India.

Pakistan is not Iran.

Mark this post and we can come back once Pakistan recognizes Israel.

They should. Pakistan’s Israel policy makes absolutely zero sense.

Let me explain.

Pakistan’s official line is that it won’t recognize Israel until Israel returns the Arab lands it has occupied. But Pakistan recognizes and runs after India which occupies a territory claimed by Pakistan.

If the intention was to maintain some moral consistency, then this has clearly failed. Pakistan takes a more aggressive stance on Palestine than it does on Kashmir, even as the Palestinians have historically have had a good relationship with India.

And many Arab countries already recognize Israel, so Pakistan is being more Arab than the Arabs!

The longer Pakistan waits to recognize Israel, the less leverage it has with Israel. The more Arab and Muslim countries recognize Israel, the less attractive Pakistan becomes. The winner here is India. Israel doesn’t want Indian money as much as it wants the sole Muslim nuclear power on its side.

And Pakistan will ultimately recognize Israel. Maybe not this year or next year. But it will. By then, it will be Pakistan that’s desperate for the recognition and not Israel.

Israel and Pakistan are the only two countries in the world formed on the basis of religion.

another point to ponder on!
They should. Pakistan’s Israel policy makes absolutely zero sense.

Let me explain.

Pakistan’s official line is that it won’t recognize Israel until Israel returns the Arab lands it has occupied. But Pakistan recognizes and runs after India which occupies a territory claimed by Pakistan.

If the intention was to maintain some moral consistency, then this has clearly failed. Pakistan takes a more aggressive stance on Palestine than it does on Kashmir, even as the Palestinians have historically have had a good relationship with India.

And many Arab countries already recognize Israel, so Pakistan is being more Arab than the Arabs!

The longer Pakistan waits to recognize Israel, the less leverage it has with Israel. The more Arab and Muslim countries recognize Israel, the less attractive Pakistan becomes. The winner here is India. Israel doesn’t want Indian money as much as it wants the sole Muslim nuclear power on its side.

And Pakistan will ultimately recognize Israel. Maybe not this year or next year. But it will. By then, it will be Pakistan that’s desperate for the recognition and not Israel.

Israel and Pakistan are the only two countries in the world formed on the basis of religion.

another point to ponder on!

Exactly. Pakistan is trying to be more Arab than the Arabs due to their inferiority complex.
Pindi boys will eventually do it. All the pro establishment journalists are suddenly saying that Pakistan should accpet Israel. Mubashir Luqman made an appearance on i24 Israel recently.
If your source are these journalists than you have no clue about how establishment thinks or works. Pakistan is not recognizing Israel period. Until and Unless state wants Khadim Rizvi son to become a bigger leader than his father than yes they can try it.
Exactly. Pakistan is trying to be more Arab than the Arabs due to their inferiority complex.

Who said we’re trying to be Arab? Lol if we were trying to be Arab that would behoove us to follow whatever the arabs do. Ie. recognize Israel in this case. The arabs aren’t that important to Pakistan as they used to be which is evident in our distancing from Saudi Arabia. If Pakistan is the only country in the world not to recognize Israel it will see that as a matter of pride. You two clearly don’t understand Pakistan. GHQ isn’t going to risk internal mutiny in the military. Most high grade military officers would be against this not to mention the common soldiers
Who said we’re trying to be Arab? Lol if we were trying to be Arab that would behoove us to follow whatever the arabs do. Ie. recognize Israel in this case. The arabs aren’t that important to Pakistan as they used to be which is evident in our distancing from Saudi Arabia. If Pakistan is the only country in the world not to recognize Israel it will see that as a matter of pride. You two clearly don’t understand Pakistan. GHQ isn’t going to risk internal mutiny in the military. Most high grade military officers would be against this not to mention the common soldiers

Pakistan's military is secular.

Islamists have never won an election in Pakistan.

Stay calm and recognize Israel.

Nothing is going to happen. Everything will be fine.
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Pakistan's military is secular.

Islamists have never won an election in Pakistan.

Stay clam and recognize Israel.

Nothing is going to happen. Everything will be fine.

It’s not secular I can assure u that much lol. They spent years countering the more liberal PPP with first Zia ul haq then the Islami jamhooria itehad. Musharraf was more secular yes but even he couldn’t make Pakistan recognize Israel. Islamist never won because they never had enough support from the people. However, they do have sympathy from the people as you have seen with khadim rizivis janaza. I mean u can dream as much as u like but it’s just not gonna happen.
after what happen in Lahore death of mulana khadim rizwi pakistan army is out number. and if afghanistan taliban goes againg pakistan army pakistan is finished, and Khurasan will be born which is soon to happen and india can kiss there a***s good by
And then Imran Khan and these for sale journalists and elites of Pakistan tell us about Quad e Azam.

Want to respect Quad e Azam? Don't file fake FIRs by criminals for speaking near his grave. You respect Quad e Azam by following the principles he stood for.

Quad e Azam ordered the army to fight in Kashmir but army the cowards they are refused the order. Want to respect Quad e Azam? Send the army to Kashmir and liberate it. A dream that Quad saw back then but was backstabbed by army.

Want to respect Quad e Azam? Don't recognize Israel. In fact, hurt it.

Want to respect Quad e Azam? Help the Uighers. I am sure if he was alive, he wouldn't be singing songs of love with China but fighting for Uighurs just like he fought for the weak and oppressed Muslims in India.

This tasteless thread is allowed by administration but my comments shunning the oppressors is in bad taste?

I wonder if Chinese and oppressive Mushrik will come to your help on day of judgement? They don't help here, how will they help in afterlife when everyone would be helpless.

Israel needs to be recognised by dropping a nuke on it.

I see this pan Islamist sentiment from Pakistanis only. Every other Muslim country makes fun of you. Pakistan and Pakistanis have a very negative image in most of Muslim world. Isn't that kind of ironic?

China is right now the only country that stands in the way of total global domination by the West, which is not good for you, and you want to fight for the Uighurs? Good luck, lol.
If we should end relation with any country that should be India

Why keep diplomatic ties with India but not Israel?
Does Pakistan have sharia law? Pakistan is secular, just claims to be Islamic Republic.

There are so many laws in Pakistan which directly goes against The Holy Quran and Sunnah. It's as secular as any other claiming to be one.

He said army not state. Pakistan isn’t Islamic nor secular. It’s in limbo.

I’ve heard mufti taqi usmani had been tasked with making an economic system that is riba free. Do u know if this is true
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