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Will Mumbai finally surpass Shanghai this year?

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Yes clearly Saint Modi is well known for loving Muslims, as is the Indian Army in Kashmir.

As i said the figure is not just a fraction of what you do to Muslims in Xinjiang.

In kashmir modi does not do anything. It is done by a government of a Muslim chief minister named Mahebooba Mufti. The people who throw bombs are Muslims and police who shoot them are also Muslims. Modi has no jurisdiction over Law and Order in Kashmir.
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:rofl: just woke up from Ice Age?
Lol How do you expect me to be going through the internet searching for a leader this age who said his developing country will be a superpower in a few years at most?
That's the most unlikely thing to do. So no reason for me to have been aware of this ridiculous statement. :disagree:
Lol How do you expect me to be going through the internet searching for a leader this age who said his developing country will be a superpower in a few years at most?
That's the most unlikely thing to do. So no reason for me to have been aware of this ridiculous statement. :disagree:
:disagree: google only takes a few seconds
Yes clearly Saint Modi is well known for loving Muslims, as is the Indian Army in Kashmir.

Yes, though Mao died way back in the 1970's. Modi is the Prime Minister of India today, in large part because he was seen to be able to "deal with Muslims".

As much as people hate Trump and Putin, neither one has actually committed a massacre like Modi has. Not even mentioning the dozens of Kashmiri protestors that were shot dead in the last few months alone. It's like Tiananmen square, but it's happening today rather than decades ago.
Except Mao continues to adorn the notes of the PRC. Also I know this is difficult for someone from a communist nation to accept but the judicial process has exonerated Modi. In China, was there ever any investigation against the top tier of the Communist Party for the Great Leap Forward or the Tiananmen Square Massacre? Or the Cultural Revolution? Or are the Chinese people too weak to try their leaders and just merely watch on?
These shows the bought up of you guys. Your posts tell so many things about the mentality of you people. You wish as much bad as you can. My country is on the path of being not only a super power (Generally considered in term of Military power and economic power) but lot more than that.
Except Mao continues to adorn the notes of the PRC. Also I know this is difficult for someone from a communist nation to accept but the judicial process has exonerated Modi. In China, was there ever any investigation against the top tier of the Communist Party for the Great Leap Forward or the Tiananmen Square Massacre? Or the Cultural Revolution? Or are the Chinese people too weak to try their leaders and just merely watch on?

The Chinese government officially says that the Cultural revolution was a disaster, Wen Jiabao was warning about a repeat of the Cultural revolution only a few years ago. The Great leap forward is universally agreed to have been a disaster and a tragedy.

Whereas in India, even those who once opposed Modi such as yourself, all he had to do was snap his fingers and you fell in line. :P

You see, Mao died half a century ago (the Great leap forward and the Cultural revolution happened before then), Tiananmen square was several decades ago.

The Chinese government is no longer gunning down protestors en masse. India still is, just a few months ago dozens (50-60) of Kashmiri protestors were shot to death by the Indian Army, and countless others permanently injured.

Just like Shanghai and Mumbai, India is still stuck several decades behind. What was a historical tragedy for us is still common in modern India.

One has to be seriously myopic to suggest something like this.

Mumbai is way better than any Pakistani city in almost all terms.

Name me one city in Pakistan that is as dirty as Mumbai ? I cant think of one . Also Islamabad and Lahore are much better . Having a skyline doesn't mean its ahead .
Your quote might be right, but come on. How can a seating president say his country will be a superpower in just a couple of years despite the country's current living standard not being anywhere close even some other developing powers ? That was a silly thing to say (especially publicly). Why the obsession going after super power status ? Even China who is ahead , I have yet to see an of their leader say they will be a superpower in X years time. That's silly and will make the country a laughing stock when that timed reached and they are not a superpower. Better to just keep quiet and work towards that goal IMO.
He said that to his fellow countrymen, when giving the statement after a PSLV launch in 2008.. Raising that now for simple trolling is actually give us nothing.. Also read his books or listen his speeches if you people really interested in his positive thinking..
Name me one city in Pakistan that is as dirty as Mumbai ? I cant think of one . Also Islamabad and Lahore are much better . Having a skyline doesn't mean its ahead .

Lahore, Karachi, etc etc etc

"Lahore is better" is the greatest falsehood I have heard today.

In terms of size, economy, living standards, Lahore is insignificant in front of Mumbai.
Khan bro unfortunately, I have seen hindi people taking a shit in the street when I was in Delhi. It was something I could not believe I was seeing. I mean they don't even bother about privacy. And as soon as they get done a wild pig comes and cleans up.........:no:

It was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.........please don't go there ever......you will become a changed man. There is no concept of sanitation.

kheli napak en hendia.

Name me one city in Pakistan that is as dirty as Mumbai ? I cant think of one . Also Islamabad and Lahore are much better . Having a skyline doesn't mean its ahead .
The Chinese government is no longer gunning down protestors en masse. India still is, just a few months ago dozens (50-60) of Kashmiri protestors were shot to death by the Indian Army, and countless others permanently injured.
Aug 22 , 2016

Chinese security forces shot dead five ethnic minority Muslim Uyghurs in the third consecutive week of fatal shootings in a restive county in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, an exile Uyghur group said Monday [14 October 2013], accusing the authorities of a “cover-up”.

The latest killing in Yingwusitang township in Yarkand (in Chinese, Shache) county, which is administered by the Silk Road city of Kashgar, occurred on Friday [11 October 2013] when police surrounded a house and gunned down five occupants who had not been suspects of any crime, according to the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress.

Dilxat Raxit, the Sweden-based spokesman for the group, accused the authorities of using excessive force in the incident, saying it was unfortunate that the killings came ahead of the Eid al-Adha, the Muslim festival of Sacrifice, to be observed on Tuesday [15 October 2013].

“Ahead of the festival, Chinese armed personnel surrounded a Uyghur house in Yarkand. They opened fire and caused the death of five Uyghurs. They used excessive force,” he told RFA’s Cantonese Service.
“The authorities have tried to cover up the news. They thought some suspects were inside [the house],” he said, suggesting that the five had done nothing wrong.

A staff of the police station at Yingwusitang, when contacted, said he did not know about the shooting incident.
A local motel staff said the shooting occurred after “some disruptive people escaped and they [the police] could not arrest them.”

Increasing violence

In the previous two weeks, seven Uyghurs had been shot dead by police in separate clashes in Yarkand county, underlining a trend of increasing violence in Xinjiang, where the minority Muslim Uyghurs complain of discrimination and religious controls under Beijing’s rule.

Four died after police opened fire on a group of Uyghurs in a private residence in Abu Dona Village No. 16 on Oct. 3 [2013] after suspecting them of “illegal assembly,” the World Uyghur Congress said last week.
On Sept. 26 [2013], police had opened fire and killed two Uyghur residents in the same village, and two days later police fired on suspects at the Yarkand railway station, killing one Uyghur.

He said nine Uyghurs were also detained after they marched to the Yarkand county government offices on the Oct. 1 National Day holiday to protest the earlier killings.

Chinese authorities usually blame outbreaks of violence in Xinjiang on “terrorists” among Uyghurs, but rights groups and experts say Beijing exaggerates the terrorism threat to take the heat off domestic policies that cause unrest or to justify the authorities’ use of force against Uyghurs.
Aug 22 , 2016

Chinese security forces shot dead five ethnic minority Muslim Uyghurs in the third consecutive week of fatal shootings in a restive county in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, an exile Uyghur group said Monday [14 October 2013], accusing the authorities of a “cover-up”.

The latest killing in Yingwusitang township in Yarkand (in Chinese, Shache) county, which is administered by the Silk Road city of Kashgar, occurred on Friday [11 October 2013] when police surrounded a house and gunned down five occupants who had not been suspects of any crime, according to the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress.

Dilxat Raxit, the Sweden-based spokesman for the group, accused the authorities of using excessive force in the incident, saying it was unfortunate that the killings came ahead of the Eid al-Adha, the Muslim festival of Sacrifice, to be observed on Tuesday [15 October 2013].

“Ahead of the festival, Chinese armed personnel surrounded a Uyghur house in Yarkand. They opened fire and caused the death of five Uyghurs. They used excessive force,” he told RFA’s Cantonese Service.
“The authorities have tried to cover up the news. They thought some suspects were inside [the house],” he said, suggesting that the five had done nothing wrong.

A staff of the police station at Yingwusitang, when contacted, said he did not know about the shooting incident.
A local motel staff said the shooting occurred after “some disruptive people escaped and they [the police] could not arrest them.”

Increasing violence

In the previous two weeks, seven Uyghurs had been shot dead by police in separate clashes in Yarkand county, underlining a trend of increasing violence in Xinjiang, where the minority Muslim Uyghurs complain of discrimination and religious controls under Beijing’s rule.

Four died after police opened fire on a group of Uyghurs in a private residence in Abu Dona Village No. 16 on Oct. 3 [2013] after suspecting them of “illegal assembly,” the World Uyghur Congress said last week.
On Sept. 26 [2013], police had opened fire and killed two Uyghur residents in the same village, and two days later police fired on suspects at the Yarkand railway station, killing one Uyghur.

He said nine Uyghurs were also detained after they marched to the Yarkand county government offices on the Oct. 1 National Day holiday to protest the earlier killings.

Chinese authorities usually blame outbreaks of violence in Xinjiang on “terrorists” among Uyghurs, but rights groups and experts say Beijing exaggerates the terrorism threat to take the heat off domestic policies that cause unrest or to justify the authorities’ use of force against Uyghurs.

According to the World Uyghur Congress, a well known separatist group. :lol:

Any actual evidence?
Long ago, in a galaxy far away, when you accept CIA money and take up arms against your own country, then this happens to you.

Aug 22 , 2016

Chinese security forces shot dead five ethnic minority Muslim Uyghurs in the third consecutive week of fatal shootings in a restive county in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, an exile Uyghur group said Monday [14 October 2013], accusing the authorities of a “cover-up”.

The latest killing in Yingwusitang township in Yarkand (in Chinese, Shache) county, which is administered by the Silk Road city of Kashgar, occurred on Friday [11 October 2013] when police surrounded a house and gunned down five occupants who had not been suspects of any crime, according to the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress.

Dilxat Raxit, the Sweden-based spokesman for the group, accused the authorities of using excessive force in the incident, saying it was unfortunate that the killings came ahead of the Eid al-Adha, the Muslim festival of Sacrifice, to be observed on Tuesday [15 October 2013].

“Ahead of the festival, Chinese armed personnel surrounded a Uyghur house in Yarkand. They opened fire and caused the death of five Uyghurs. They used excessive force,” he told RFA’s Cantonese Service.
“The authorities have tried to cover up the news. They thought some suspects were inside [the house],” he said, suggesting that the five had done nothing wrong.

A staff of the police station at Yingwusitang, when contacted, said he did not know about the shooting incident.
A local motel staff said the shooting occurred after “some disruptive people escaped and they [the police] could not arrest them.”

Increasing violence

In the previous two weeks, seven Uyghurs had been shot dead by police in separate clashes in Yarkand county, underlining a trend of increasing violence in Xinjiang, where the minority Muslim Uyghurs complain of discrimination and religious controls under Beijing’s rule.

Four died after police opened fire on a group of Uyghurs in a private residence in Abu Dona Village No. 16 on Oct. 3 [2013] after suspecting them of “illegal assembly,” the World Uyghur Congress said last week.
On Sept. 26 [2013], police had opened fire and killed two Uyghur residents in the same village, and two days later police fired on suspects at the Yarkand railway station, killing one Uyghur.

He said nine Uyghurs were also detained after they marched to the Yarkand county government offices on the Oct. 1 National Day holiday to protest the earlier killings.

Chinese authorities usually blame outbreaks of violence in Xinjiang on “terrorists” among Uyghurs, but rights groups and experts say Beijing exaggerates the terrorism threat to take the heat off domestic policies that cause unrest or to justify the authorities’ use of force against Uyghurs.
Aug 22 , 2016

Chinese security forces shot dead five ethnic minority Muslim Uyghurs in the third consecutive week of fatal shootings in a restive county in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, an exile Uyghur group said Monday [14 October 2013], accusing the authorities of a “cover-up”.

The latest killing in Yingwusitang township in Yarkand (in Chinese, Shache) county, which is administered by the Silk Road city of Kashgar, occurred on Friday [11 October 2013] when police surrounded a house and gunned down five occupants who had not been suspects of any crime, according to the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress.

Dilxat Raxit, the Sweden-based spokesman for the group, accused the authorities of using excessive force in the incident, saying it was unfortunate that the killings came ahead of the Eid al-Adha, the Muslim festival of Sacrifice, to be observed on Tuesday [15 October 2013].

“Ahead of the festival, Chinese armed personnel surrounded a Uyghur house in Yarkand. They opened fire and caused the death of five Uyghurs. They used excessive force,” he told RFA’s Cantonese Service.
“The authorities have tried to cover up the news. They thought some suspects were inside [the house],” he said, suggesting that the five had done nothing wrong.

A staff of the police station at Yingwusitang, when contacted, said he did not know about the shooting incident.
A local motel staff said the shooting occurred after “some disruptive people escaped and they [the police] could not arrest them.”

Increasing violence

In the previous two weeks, seven Uyghurs had been shot dead by police in separate clashes in Yarkand county, underlining a trend of increasing violence in Xinjiang, where the minority Muslim Uyghurs complain of discrimination and religious controls under Beijing’s rule.

Four died after police opened fire on a group of Uyghurs in a private residence in Abu Dona Village No. 16 on Oct. 3 [2013] after suspecting them of “illegal assembly,” the World Uyghur Congress said last week.
On Sept. 26 [2013], police had opened fire and killed two Uyghur residents in the same village, and two days later police fired on suspects at the Yarkand railway station, killing one Uyghur.

He said nine Uyghurs were also detained after they marched to the Yarkand county government offices on the Oct. 1 National Day holiday to protest the earlier killings.

Chinese authorities usually blame outbreaks of violence in Xinjiang on “terrorists” among Uyghurs, but rights groups and experts say Beijing exaggerates the terrorism threat to take the heat off domestic policies that cause unrest or to justify the authorities’ use of force against Uyghurs.
China executes terrorists. Muslim in a name only. Please don't try to make it look like just Muslims. China executes anyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, etc.
You come to China and break the law, you'll be executed too.
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