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Will Mumbai finally surpass Shanghai this year?

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I don't understand why Indians feel like they are 30 years behind China, this kind of logic eludes me to be frank. Are Indians suggesting in 30 years time around 2050 India would have caught up with China and standing on equal footing? Are Indians expecting China's development to stand still for 30 years and do nothing?

If you guys are saying in 2050 time India has developed to where China is today that is something we will have to wait and see what India looks like after 3 decades. Seriously have Indians even thought about what China will look like in 2050? :cuckoo:
Never Mind Shanghai , Mumbai is not even better than Lahore yet . Not too long ago it was voted as the dirtiest and most polluted metropolitan in the world .


One has to be seriously myopic to suggest something like this.

Mumbai is way better than any Pakistani city in almost all terms.
they have habit of tall claims in future same BD also learn from india and doing it these days . 2030 2040 250 bla bla bla

Yaar why pick on us. We know where we stand in the scheme of things and aren't focused on garbage time-waster prestige projects like moon or mars missions or showcase ego-boost projects wasting billions.

And unlike India's 'showcase' economic projections meant to boost local egos, those planned in Bangladesh have historically been proven true. Just as an example - since this is a defense forum, our 'Forces Goal 2030' is on target as predicted. Bangladesh became a 3D force as planned a decade earlier. Our modern, well-equipped army is unique in the subcontinent which helps in UN peacekeeping efforts. Heck - our police force is even the most modern in the subcontinent in spite of us not being a militaristic culture.

Our work is cut out for us and we know what to do to become a middle-income nation. We are the world's tailors and cobblers and aren't ashamed to admit it.

We are already building a hundred SEZ's in coastal areas for low-cost expat China companies to shift their production to our low wage shores.

Although GDP wise Bangladesh trails India, our people know how to use restrooms unlike the rest of the subcontinent.

Our HDI Indicators, ratio of girls vs. boys in school, life expectancy are mostly better than Pakistan or India.

That's what matters for a third world country. The basics.

Having a city like Shanghai in Bangladesh would be cool too - but we're simply focused on everyone having three basic, square meals a day and covered under universal healthcare so they can be productive. Instead of burning tyres in the streets like the other hellholes in the world......


One has to be seriously myopic to suggest something like this.

Mumbai is way better than any Pakistani city in almost all terms.

@Khan_21 bhai show him some pictures of Lahore please.....
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Lool That's funny :rofl:
Jokes aside, did he really say that ?

Yep. :P

India to become a superpower by 2012: Indian President Kalam - Economic Times

"Though I have envisioned India to become a superpower by 2020, the attitude and the confidence of the youth, to conquer everything in the right spirit, would make the country a global leader and super power within five years," Kalam told reporters.

Kalam was a very clever and humble man, so I can only assume he said it for political purposes.
Lool That's funny :rofl:
Jokes aside, did he really say that ?

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam
UDHAGAMANDALAM: Former President A P J Abdul Kalam today lauded ISRO's scientists for successfully launching the PSLV-C9 to put 10 satellites in orbit.

Besides, the Chandrayaan-I unmanned moon mission by the year end would add another feather in the country's space programme, Kalam, here to participate in a school function, said.

India has become very advanced in space technology, he said, adding the country would become a superpower by 2012.

"Though I have envisioned India to become a superpower by 2020, the attitude and the confidence of the youth, to conquer everything in the right spirit, would make the country a global leader and super power within five years," Kalam told reporters.


Lool That's funny :rofl:
Jokes aside, did he really say that ?
india was the sole superpower in the world ...ten thousand years BC, hovercrafts used to fly over ganga, and special vedic superspacrafts were travelling in the inter-galactic space..but yeah the earth is flat..super flat. :lol:

Soon india will be again the same superpower and all countries will bow before it.. they have already started by sending mission to Mars.

IMDEB ( indian ministry of dreamology and ego-boosting)
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Don't tell me Indians brag about building skyscrapers but never actually build them...

Are they that pathetic? I hope not.

You think that building those shitty skyscraper may be a big deal but we do not think that building tall RCC frames and put glass on them is big deal. We build something which no other people can build on the planet. So calm don.
I'm really interested in knowing what he had been smoking in his presidential palace... ?
Yeah subtract top 100 countries of the world, and india will be a super dooper power for rest of the countries... except that's not possible.

These shows the bought up of you guys. Your posts tell so many things about the mentality of you people. You wish as much bad as you can. My country is on the path of being not only a super power (Generally considered in term of Military power and economic power) but lot more than that.
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