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there is not one modern appliance which is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran, there is not one electronic gadget which is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran,
there is not one chip which is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran,
there is not one plane, boat, car, manchine tool or any kind modern is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran, not even the parts on them````
according Nature Science, WIPO, PCT's annual statistics, there are 5 top players in the field of innovation and invention, U.S, China, Western Europe, Japan and South Korea````and cant find a place for Iran.
from all the top tech&science forums and exihibitions from Germany to Japan I attended or learnt, there was no spot for Iran or anything``
apart from oil and blankets, we really do not know what should buy from industrial and technological primitive Iran```
fact is fact, no matter how filth you want to be with your Mullah delusion......take it and go kid, the world is cruel to ignorant people
Iran developed the highly technical and complex procedure of inducing a person with brain injuries into a coma (induced coma). It's very widely used. That's to be applauded.
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Chinese have inferiority complex. I´ve been there and undrestan why they all want to run away and live in the west. No need to argue with them.... also their men have the smallest penieses in the world. They are so small that it is difficult to tell the men apart fom their women. No point arguing with these small people living undr total dictatorship.

Chinese influence is mostly confined to it's own borders. Last thing we need is some cockroacheater questioning the importance of the Persian civilisation.

LMAO what a joke. Put down whatever you're smoking kid. China is a mockery of salary. Everyone is laughing at them.

If you want to laugh at us for being Chinese, go right ahead. :enjoy:

Despite the constant racist insults from Iranians towards Chinese, I still think the USA is far worse. At least Persians are honest about their racist beliefs towards us, while the USA hides it.
Unfortunately with sanctions, true Iranian science and technology potential can never be exploited and explored
why? sanctions no where say Iranians will not get US visa or admission to US universities!
Actually more Iranians visit EU and US each year as compare to Pakistanis.
A primitive country with GDP per capita as low as Indonesia (and also with similar IQ level), talk about China like a white supremacist.

I know you Iranian are always (and forever) white wannabe, but soften your tone down a bit is better for you. Historically speaking, Persian civilization is nothing compared to its West and East neighbours (Rome and China).

China labors is much more expensive than Iran for sure, as its average salary is equal to Portugal in 2017.

Yes, perhaps your laziness do not allow you to work in sweatshops, just like Sub-Saharan African workers. They rather dies of hunger or beg on the European streets than working hard. But remember, your white masters (the US or Germany) all had to go through this period to be industrialized)
do you make fun of my country by calling indonesia primitive?
Iran should try to lift sanctions from U.N. And be part of world. Sanction is hurdle for sharing technology, parts, imports exports etc.
To the Iranian and Chinese members throwing petty insults at each other, you need to stop it. It's embarrassing and totally unbecoming of your respective cultures.

Iranian history is deep and older than Chinese but there is no need to throw insults at China and Chinese as a people since Irans survival as a nation economically will heavily depend on China stepping up commerce with Iran (maybe this will expand to better and deeper military ties). China and Iran need one another, the cultures are intertwined with beautiful history (sometimes tumultuous) and strong respect between both peoples, histories, cultures, music, cuisine and much more.

Here's a Quora page from some Iranians showing their views about China and Chinese; https://www.quora.com/What-do-Iranians-think-about-China (some of you Iranians throwing very idiotic racist slurs at the Chinese members here should read this and be ashamed of your actions).

Please use common sense and realism regarding both your nations situation. China is emerging and Iran is growing as well. Working with one another is the best for both. Although on a side note, China does have many corruption issues and general trust issues that Iranians have all the right to be worried about but not going as far as to throw childish insults. To the Chinese members here, what you have to understand about Iranians is that to many, they view themselves as important (and they are make no mistake) since aggregate Iranians culture is older than Chinese culture (Elamite, Proto-Elemite, the many Persian/Kurdish dynasties and other Iranian empires through both BC and AD times, culminating in a strong Iranian identity etc, etc..). So a lot of Iranians throwing insults due so from a deep sense of pride, doesn't really excuse it but a lot of people around the world do it. I don't condone it though.

Please have cordial conversations gentlemen, please...

If you want to laugh at us for being Chinese, go right ahead. :enjoy:

Despite the constant racist insults from Iranians towards Chinese, I still think the USA is far worse. At least Persians are honest about their racist beliefs towards us, while the USA hides it.

The US doesn't really hide it to be completely honest. It just doesn't really bring it up since the US automatically assumes superiority over nations and people it wants to control.
i think Saddam would GAS and put into chamber the persians if he won Iran-Iraq war just look at his book 3 whom God shall not created
Lol, this can't be serious....

Unfortunately with sanctions, true Iranian science and technology potential can never be exploited and explored. You need to work with the global scientific community to advance your own R&D and knowledge base. Iranians are restricted in that regard.

Whereas Israel not only has one of the best quality scientific pool of itself----it also has access to the most technologically advanced nation on Earth---The U.S

Most of the Iranian "revelations" in science and military projects never become full-on viable products. Whether its Qaher-313 or Iranian radars and what have you.


To the OP; No way.
To the Iranian and Chinese members throwing petty insults at each other, you need to stop it. It's embarrassing and totally unbecoming of your respective cultures.

Iranian history is deep and older than Chinese but there is no need to throw insults at China and Chinese as a people since Irans survival as a nation economically will heavily depend on China stepping up commerce with Iran (maybe this will expand to better and deeper military ties). China and Iran need one another, the cultures are intertwined with beautiful history (sometimes tumultuous) and strong respect between both peoples, histories, cultures, music, cuisine and much more.

Here's a Quora page from some Iranians showing their views about China and Chinese; https://www.quora.com/What-do-Iranians-think-about-China (some of you Iranians throwing very idiotic racist slurs at the Chinese members here should read this and be ashamed of your actions).

Please use common sense and realism regarding both your nations situation. China is emerging and Iran is growing as well. Working with one another is the best for both. Although on a side note, China does have many corruption issues and general trust issues that Iranians have all the right to be worried about but not going as far as to throw childish insults. To the Chinese members here, what you have to understand about Iranians is that to many, they view themselves as important (and they are make no mistake) since aggregate Iranians culture is older than Chinese culture (Elamite, Proto-Elemite, the many Persian/Kurdish dynasties and other Iranian empires through both BC and AD times, culminating in a strong Iranian identity etc, etc..). So a lot of Iranians throwing insults due so from a deep sense of pride, doesn't really excuse it but a lot of people around the world do it. I don't condone it though.

Please have cordial conversations gentlemen, please...

The US doesn't really hide it to be completely honest. It just doesn't really bring it up since the US automatically assumes superiority over nations and people it wants to control.
Well said sir,well said!.
Unfortunately sites like this are often filled with jingoists of all stripes and nationalities many of whom sadly cant resist hijacking threads like this and turning them into ridiculous national d1ck measuring contests[I suspect because for some of them their own d1cks arent quite as large as they`d like,lol!] or else feel that they just have to respond to some perceived slight or insult to their nations honor no matter how minor.
Personally I think that iran,especially when one considers what its been up against,and indeed still is up against for that matter politically and economically,has done incredibly well for itself with both the indigenous development of many technologies either from scratch or through reengineering of acquired technologies from outside sources and I for one think iran needs to keep doing this.
Ultimately what really matters is that iran can continue to either develop or produce the technologies that both its economy and its military industrial complex needs for irans continued economic development and military survival,for me at least that is the very essence of iran "winning" the technology war.Ironically in this sense I think that the sanctions in true twin edged fashion have probably aided iran as much as they`ve hindered it.
The main thing is to avoid at all costs becoming reliant economically,politically,militarily or technologically on any one nation as that is the road to vassalage,and frankly thats little better than slavery....tho sadly one does sometimes get the impression that there are not just people out there but nation states as well who would happily sell themselves into slavery for nothing more than a nice gilt collar with some bells on it,or some such modern equivalent...oh well.
Iran should try to lift sanctions from U.N. And be part of world. Sanction is hurdle for sharing technology, parts, imports exports etc.
Its not un sanctions that are the problem,indeed the jcpoa removed most of these,its the us secondary sanctions that are aimed at stopping other countries from trading with iran,basically economic blackmail.
Pakistan has been "part of world".... hows that going for you?
Making multirole fighters, tanks, APVs, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, fertilisers with non explosive material, Sagar Veena, Ommaya reservoir system,
Pleuroperitoneal Shunt, Endotracheal Tube, POP EYE corner shot weapon....... etc
Making multirole fighters, tanks, APVs, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, fertilisers with non explosive material, Sagar Veena, Ommaya reservoir system,
Pleuroperitoneal Shunt, Endotracheal Tube, POP EYE corner shot weapon....... etc

LOL... if you want to pretend that Pakistan makes anything, then I feel sorry for you. Here is the real state of Pakistan... begging for money from a murderer:

LOL... if you want to pretend that Pakistan makes anything, then I feel sorry for you. Here is the real state of Pakistan... begging for money from a murderer:

Do you have any evidence he is murderer, don’t make rant. He is prince of Saudi Arabia, he is true Muslim, he prays five times and recite Quran daily. One of the reason Allah has given responsibility to Saudi kings for take care of Mecca, Medina and to save Saudi Arabia from all evil. Allah is happy with them.
Do you have any evidence he is murderer, don’t make rant. He is prince of Saudi Arabia, he is true Muslim, he prays five times and recite Quran daily. One of the reason Allah has given responsibility to Saudi kings for take care of Mecca, Medina and to save Saudi Arabia from all evil. Allah is happy with them.

By Allah you mean the British government that put the House Of Saud in power right?
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