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and you reached this conclusion based on which indicators?!
and what makes you think that Iran can? Only if you are well educated or informed of what it is to take to be an advanced industry. then you'd know Iran is nobody, sad, but true.....however, your country's propaganda and bravado press would tell you otherwise``````As I said never say never, but in our lifetime, it is a mission impossible, period
and what makes you think that Iran can? Only if you are well educated or informed of what it is to take to be an advanced industry. then you'd know Iran is nobody, sad, but true.....however, your country's propaganda and bravado press would tell you otherwise``````As I said never say never, but in our lifetime, it is a mission impossible, period

If Iran's scientific growth is the fastest in the world, then by definition the gap can't be increasing between Iran and west, can it? Obviously you're too retarded to understand that.
If Iran's scientific growth is the fastest in the world, then by definition the gap can't be increasing between Iran and west, can it? Obviously you're too retarded to understand that.
but the fact has nothing to do with your delusion. there not one field of R&D has a place for Iran, its a fact. None! and there are thousands of different fields of industry also has no place for Iran to shine... it is too early to say who is retard, but remember this, in your life-time you wont see Iran would make a strike in hi-tech field, until then, right back at you deluded mullah

It is always amuse to read deluded and ignorant people saying "XXX's scientific growth is the fastest"````how do you define the growth? the input of manpower? money? output of public researches? advancement of industry? improvement of existing technology? break through with new invention? or opening up a new field of science and tech?```:lol:````you are clueless
but the fact has nothing to do with your delusion. there not one field of R&D has a place for Iran, its a fact. None! and there are thousands of different fields of industry also has no place for Iran to shine... it is too early to say who is retard, but remember this, in your life-time you wont see Iran would make a strike in hi-tech field, until then, right back at you deluded mullah
Go back to doing your cheap slave labour. You're probably working in a sweat shop for 1 pence a day.
Iran is "shining" in many fields like nanotech, stem etc. The only person talking facts here is me.


First learn basic logic then call others retard. You have the IQ of a malnourished labourer.

Persians have a glorious history in science. Even under these sanctions Iran is growing faster than any other nation in science. Meanwhile your country with a population of 10000 trillion is seen as just a cheap factory for counterfeit goods. Whatever you have worth mentioning is based on stolen/copied goods. :lol:

It is always amuse to read deluded and ignorant people saying "XXX's scientific growth is the fastest"````how do you define the growth? the input of manpower? money? output of public researches? advancement of industry? improvement of existing technology? break through with new invention? or opening up a new field of science and tech?```:lol:````you are clueless

It's okay. It's not your fault you're too retarded to understand. Iran's science output in terms of research papers is fastest in terms of growth. This is feeding Iran's technological and industrial growth but sanctions hamper that. Sanctions is the main issue. Iranians have serious brain power, just in last 3 years 2 Iranians won mathematics field prize. Compare that to your country with its much larger population and funding with barely anything like that. Your industries are based mostly on cheap labour for foreign goods, the rest of your technology is based mostly on copying and stealing via hacking etc
Go back to doing your cheap slave labour. You're probably working in a sweat shop for 1 pence a day.
Iran is "shining" in many fields like nanotech, stem etc. The only person talking facts here is me.


First learn basic logic then call others retard. You have the IQ of a malnourished labourer.

Persians have a glorious history in science. Even under these sanctions Iran is growing faster than any other nation in science. Meanwhile your country with a population of 10000 trillion is seen as just a cheap factory for counterfeit goods. Whatever you have worth mentioning is based on stolen/copied goods. :lol:
and yes, as if Iran reinvented everything to make that so-called "fifth-gen' fighter, but in reality to all educated people's mind, it is a high school mock-up to the most, so as those funny looking tanks and missiles of yours```but anyhow, you lot believe they are "new", "advanced"````lol, how can really interested in science and military take you people's thoughts and believe seriously?```

you need to take out your thick mullah nutshell, as at the end of the day, Iran is nobody in hi-tech field, and will not catch-up with the West in your life-time. no matter how you want to attack me or mock me````fact remains fact, you get it now kid?
and yes, as if Iran reinvented everything to make that so-called "fifth-gen' fighter, but in reality to all educated people's mind, it is a high school mock-up to the most, so as those funny looking tanks and missiles of yours```but anyhow, you lot believe they are "new", "advanced"````lol, how can really interested in science and military take you people's thoughts and believe seriously?```

you need to take out your thick mullah nutshell, as at the end of the day, Iran is nobody in hi-tech field, and will not catch-up with the West in your life-time. no matter how you want to attack me or mock me````fact remains fact, you get it now kid?

Learn to use English. Your ghiberish barely makes any sense.
Seriously? a Chinese trying to talk about military mockups? :rofl: Almost your entire military is that.
You claim to be building a 5th gen fighter but are buying 4th gen Russian planes.

Regarding Iran,It's not what we say, it's what our enemies e.g Americans/Israelis are saying:

Iran prowess in missile sector is attested to by them.

You're a nobody to say what Iran can or can't do. You're some malnourished slave labourer. Like I said, the fact is, Iran's science growth is fastest in the world and the gap is reducing between Iran and more advanced western states. Sanctions slow that down but will never stop it. These are facts.
It's okay. It's not your fault you're too retarded to understand. Iran's science output in terms of research papers is fastest in terms of growth. This is feeding Iran's technological and industrial growth but sanctions hamper that. Sanctions is the main issue. Iranians have serious brain power, just in last 3 years 2 Iranians won mathematics field prize. Compare that to your country with its much larger population and funding with barely anything like that. Your industries are based mostly on cheap labour for foreign goods, the rest of your technology is based mostly on copying and stealing via hacking etc

there is not one modern appliance which is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran, there is not one electronic gadget which is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran,
there is not one chip which is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran,
there is not one plane, boat, car, manchine tool or any kind modern is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran, not even the parts on them````
according Nature Science, WIPO, PCT's annual statistics, there are 5 top players in the field of innovation and invention, U.S, China, Western Europe, Japan and South Korea````and cant find a place for Iran.
from all the top tech&science forums and exihibitions from Germany to Japan I attended or learnt, there was no spot for Iran or anything``
apart from oil and blankets, we really do not know what should buy from industrial and technological primitive Iran```
fact is fact, no matter how filth you want to be with your Mullah delusion......take it and go kid, the world is cruel to ignorant people
just one example for you hater -> Nanotechnology

"Iran ranks 4th in nanotechnology worldwide"



so the same thing posted by deluded Iranian again and again, :lol:

Learn to use English. Your ghiberish barely makes any sense.
Seriously? a Chinese trying to talk about military mockups? :rofl: Almost your entire military is that.
You claim to be building a 5th gen fighter but are buying 4th gen Russian planes.

Regarding Iran,It's not what we say, it's what our enemies e.g Americans/Israelis are saying:

Iran prowess in missile sector is attested to by them.

You're a nobody to say what Iran can or can't do. You're some malnourished slave labourer. Like I said, the fact is, Iran's science growth is fastest in the world and the gap is reducing between Iran and more advanced western states. Sanctions slow that down but will never stop it. These are facts.
can you even provide anything seriously that to justify your grand delusion?
anyone has a basic idea of areodynamics and stealth tech would know it is a high-school mock-up and has no wit of any kind of modern stealth and areodynamic knowledge,````` in professional community we take it as some sort of a joke, not a plane, a joke kid```
there is not one modern appliance which is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran, there is not one electronic gadget which is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran,
there is not one chip which is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran,
there is not one plane, boat, car, manchine tool or any kind modern is widely used and appluaded by international community is made by Iran, not even the parts on them````
according Nature Science, WIPO, PCT's annual statistics, there are 5 top players in the field of innovation and invention, U.S, China, Western Europe, Japan and South Korea````and cant find a place for Iran.
from all the top tech&science forums and exihibitions from Germany to Japan I attended or learnt, there was no spot for Iran or anything``
apart from oil and blankets, we really do not know what should buy from industrial and technological primitive Iran```
fact is fact, no matter how filth you want to be with your Mullah delusion......take it and go kid, the world is cruel to ignorant people

China is a joke kid. You people are seen as just a cheap manufacturing base. Furthermore, you're seen as nothing but copy cats. I mean look at this:

Even fake cities LOL:

I never stated Iran is generally a top technological power (although it is in some fields like nano etc), once again you show you're too retarded to analyse comments. I stated the gap is reducing due to Iran's growth. And like I said, let me know when you people with your population of 1000000 billion win field prizes like us etc.

Now go back to copying some western car.

can you even provide anything seriously that to justify your grand delusion?
anyone has a basic idea of areodynamics and stealth tech would know it is a high-school mock-up and has no wit of any kind of modern stealth and areodynamic knowledge,````` in professional community we take it as some sort of a joke, not a plane, a joke kid```

wtf are you blabbering about retard?

Anyway I am off to bed, I'll deal you tomorrow.
You're a nobody to say what Iran can or can't do. You're some malnourished slave labourer. Like I said, the fact is, Iran's science growth is fastest in the world and the gap is reducing between Iran and more advanced western states. Sanctions slow that down but will never stop it. These are facts.
lol, I wish when truth reveals to scron your Mullah delusion, I would really see your funny face, just like how funny religious lunatics were scroned by modern missiles and sent to meet their Alla to ask why all of those miseries``:lol:

until then, you can spare your anger against me or anyone`````here is the line, in your life-time you wont see Iran will be as advanced as Western countries!

Anyway I am off to bed, I'll deal you tomorrow.
hope you can wake-up in 70s, thats when Iran was a norm, civilized and modern country```````or you can dream on what year that Iran becomes as "advanced" as Western countries```:lol:
lol, I wish when truth reveals to scron your Mullah delusion

wtf is this muppet trying to say? :lol:

I would really see your funny face, just like how funny religious lunatics were scroned by modern missiles and sent to meet their Alla to ask why all of those miseries``:lol:

You're not even making any sense now, wtf is that suppose to mean?

until then, you can spare your anger against me or anyone`````here is the line, in your life-time you wont see Iran will be as advanced as Western countries!

You're showing your peasant mentality. No wonder you people were treated like subhuman by the likes of the British. Of course Iran can reach great height in my life time. Not all nations rely on cheap slave labourers like you people you know.

hope you can wake-up in 70s, thats when Iran was a norm, civilized and modern country```````or you can dream on what year that Iran becomes as "advanced" as Western countries```:lol:

You're either a 12 year old kid or retarded. I won't be surprised with the latter given how much malnourishment you people go through.
Chinese have inferiority complex. I´ve been there and undrestan why they all want to run away and live in the west. No need to argue with them.... also their men have the smallest penieses in the world. They are so small that it is difficult to tell the men apart fom their women. No point arguing with these small people living undr total dictatorship.
Lol why you guys comapring both Iran and China technological advances?? Both nations doesn't have any kind of hostilities and just have normal friends, and also comapring Iran with China is just like comparing a T-14 Armata with M1A1 Abrams, China is next emerging super power in world stage meanwhile Iran is just regional power
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