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Your original claim that SA somehow developed technology all on its own with no outside assistance...lol

I said " under Sanctions" Outside help has notging to do with Sanctions. There is always outside help for the right amount of cash.
Look, hopefully you learned something today that apartheid SA was not really under sanctions. They covertly operated in the 'business as usual' style. Inducting many weapons systems from Europe........in the thick of sanctions. Sanctions mean't nothing........

Some of us know quite a bit (militarily) and also about (arms transfers) and in general about what happened in those cold war years.

I said " under Sanctions" Outside help has notging to do with Sanctions. There is always outside help for the right amount of cash.
Look, hopefully you learned something today that apartheid SA was not really under sanctions. They covertly operated in the 'business as usual' style. Inducting many weapons systems from Europe........in the thick of sanctions. Sanctions mean't nothing........

Some of us know quite a bit (militarily) and also about (arms transfers) and in general about what happened in those cold war years.

like Israel giving weapons to Iran on payment from Americas. yeah those were fked up times.

Look, thread is about something else. look at my post again ( and my explanatory post as well ). Its simply saying what it says there. nothing more. nothing less.
sorry to burst your bubble, even though never say never, but in our life-time it is a mission impossible. technology isnt some sudden bright ideas came out of nowhere, it takes decades after decades works and experience`````the gap between Iran and West is not closing but widening at ever faster pace```its a fact
Unfortunately thats not how it works.
I have no bias if Iran should or shouldnt.

The best / biggest most successful example of a country engaging in technological innovation while under sanctions was South Africa. Iran isn't where South Africa was even today. It eventually had to succumb to International pressure.
If Iran wants to progress, Isolation isn't the way to do it.
That was 30 years ago during the cold war,the world technologically and industrially was a very,very different place.A good example of this was the building of super computers,at the time based on the existing technology only a handful of nations could build them because they had a virtual monopoly on the technologies needed,today of course that is simply not the case,indeed its quite easy to build a massive parallel supercomputer simply by using cots graphic chips,mass produced in countries like china,and indeed thats what iran did back in the late 2000s for its first supercomputers.Another good example would be to compare south africas nuclear program which had to rely on the use of very simple and crude non rotating type gas centrifuges,with irans which started out with mid 1970s era ir1 rotating type using an aluminium rotor[obtained via pakistan in the late 80s who stole them from urenco back in the 70s],tho before the jcpoa iran had started to install the much improved ir2m and is currently working on the carbon fiber rotor equipped ir8.Iran just a couple of months ago showed off its first fiber optic gyro,just the sort of thing you need if you`re going to have ballistic missiles with ceps in the low single digits,just like the ones that iran used to take out several members of that kurdish terror group leadership in iraq a couple of weeks back.
The cold war world of 30 years ago was a very different place,you had what amounted to a technological apartheid which existed between the superpowers and a tiny handful of the developed nations on one side and the rest of the world on the other,today of course the situation is very,very different and that technological/industrial apartheid either no longer exists...or if it still does nowhere near to the same degree.A good example of this would be the dprk and its nuclear program.30 years ago the idea that a country like the dprk,which was in much,much better economic shape at the time would have been lucky to have had the capacity to screw together a crude atomic bomb which would have been so big and heavy it wouldve needed an aircraft,probably a big one,to carry it.Yet today the dprk arguably one of the most completely isolated nations on earth,even more than it was during the cold war and even more isolated than apartheid south africa at the height of its isolation in the late 80s,has been able to build a centrifuge based enrichment program[pakistani centrifuges] that supplied the fuel for quite an advanced program that ultimately after a little more than a decade of testing[6 tests] delivered a modern compact staged thermo-nuclear warhead with a yield of between 100-300kt,and if that wasnt impressive enough they went on to develop not one but two types of road mobile icbms,not to shabby for a poor isolated nation.
The things that have made all the difference is the enormous growth of digital technology and china effectively becoming the production factory of the world.This was made possible by a few factors,the end of the cold war,the popularisation of the economic theory of western liberal capitalism and its emphasis on the maximizing of profits above all else,and the opening up of china economically to the world.All of these things happened at just the right time.
South africa was shunned,and rightly so too,first and foremost because of the repugnant ideology of apartheid,but a lot of the work of isolation was carried out from the grass roots level first by various ngos and not by national governments many of whom were very happy to turn a blind eye and continue business as usual,so the situation with iran is quite different,also south africa was rich but it was riches that nations could do without or find alternatives too,however irans riches are ones that the industrialised world cannot live without and that is energy and on this score iran isnt just merely rich it is an energy super power,in gas reserves alone iran is ranked 2nd in the world and that is not something you can just ignore or try and force others to ignore.Ultimately these attempts by the us will fail for some very basic reasons ie not everyone is a us vassal who will be willing to cut their own throats on americas command and if a genuinely capable politician like obama couldnt destroy irans economy then I dont think a pussy grabbing chump like trump who can only resort to threats and blackmail has even a hope of doing this.
Iran certainly doesnt want isolation,but neither does it want to sacrifice its independence and sovereignty as the price for engagement.Iran had 25 years of vassalage under pahlavis regime and I suspect for most iranians it was 25 years too many.
Iran certainly doesnt want isolation

and it shouldnt . Thats all I said. Stop putting more words into it than I said. OP said , Iran should have "20 more years". I disagreed. whats there to be so excited about?

read the posts before wasting your time putting in so many words where none is needed.

829 words , 4672 charachters you typed just to disagree with me and in the end you agreed.
what a waste.
sorry to burst your bubble, even though never say never, but in our life-time it is a mission impossible. technology isnt some sudden bright ideas came out of nowhere, it takes decades after decades works and experience`````the gap between Iran and West is not closing but widening at ever faster pace```its a fact
and you reached this conclusion based on which indicators?!
Did anyone notice that this article is almost 3 years old?:azn:
This makes it even funnier because they were talking about iran sending a monkey into space then,whereas if it had been written now they`d probably be talking about the zolfigar attacks on isis in syria or the fateh 110 attacks on the kurds recently.
and it shouldnt . Thats all I said. Stop putting more words into it than I said. OP said , Iran should have "20 more years". I disagreed. whats there to be so excited about?

read the posts before wasting your time putting in so many words where none is needed.

829 words , 4672 charachters you typed just to disagree with me and in the end you agreed.
what a waste.
Actually I was taking exception to this part of your post:"The best / biggest most successful example of a country engaging in technological innovation while under sanctions was South Africa. Iran isn't where South Africa was even today. It eventually had to succumb to International pressure. "
Which apart from being factually incorrect ie "Iran isn't where South Africa was even today",seems to imply that iran just like apartheid sa will have no choice but to eventually capitulate,which I certainly do not agree with as both the political situation and the time and place that it occurs in are all very different[to put it mildly].

As for the numbers of words in my post,well I guess I`m just not one of the twitter generation.....Tell you what I`ll have a shot at twitterizing/dumbing it down just for you.
Tweet style reply post #1:
False comparison,iran not south africa,different time,place,situation.Conclusion flawed.
Hows that?.Only 12 words[81 letters/symbols].If thats not economy of words in action then I dont know what is,........of course theres no information or depth or nuance or basically anything else for that matter either,but hey if you`re only counting words....,oh just out of curiosity did you actually bother reading my post or did you just spend the time counting the words and letters?:smart:
Actually I was taking exception to this part of your post:"The best / biggest most successful example of a country engaging in technological innovation while under sanctions was South Africa. Iran isn't where South Africa was even today. It eventually had to succumb to International pressure. "
Which apart from being factually incorrect ie "Iran isn't where South Africa was even today",seems to imply that iran just like apartheid sa will have no choice but to eventually capitulate,which I certainly do not agree with as both the political situation and the time and place that it occurs in are all very different[to put it mildly].

As for the numbers of words in my post,well I guess I`m just not one of the twitter generation.....Tell you what I`ll have a shot at twitterizing/dumbing it down just for you.
Tweet style reply post #1:
False comparison,iran not south africa,different time,place,situation.Conclusion flawed.
Hows that?.Only 12 words[81 letters/symbols].If thats not economy of words in action then I dont know what is,........of course theres no information or depth or nuance or basically anything else for that matter either,but hey if you`re only counting words....,oh just out of curiosity did you actually bother reading my post or did you just spend the time counting the words and letters?:smart:

Dude.. If you're agreeing with What the core of what I said was, why you keep arguing about what reasons I might have given for it to correct or not were? seriously?
be careful with your choice of words........many here are veterans who know far more than you about a lot of things (specially in the military realm). Iran is well on its way to becoming a tech savy country. A few more years/ decades Iran wouldn't even require any outside help (overt or covert) in many important areas. Already Iran controls most of the northern middle east.......you understand?

Dude.. If you're agreeing with What the core of what I said was, why you keep arguing about what reasons I might have given for it to correct or not were? seriously?
We need 20 more years with sanctions and current regime. Our education and R&D growth has been exceptional in recent years. 5th Highest no. STEM graduates with highest SJR publications in whole Islamic world for past many years.



This is a lesson we desperately need to learn from Iran. A nation is only successful if it is full of scholars, in each and every field.
be careful with your choice of words........many here are veterans who know far more than you about a lot of things (specially in the military realm). Iran is well on its way to becoming a tech savy country. A few more years/ decades Iran wouldn't even require any outside help (overt or covert) in many important areas. Already Iran controls most of the northern middle east.......you understand?

its it really just the Tokhme ? or is the rest also Khar?
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