Actually I was taking exception to this part of your post:"The best / biggest most successful example of a country engaging in technological innovation while under sanctions was South Africa. Iran isn't where South Africa was even today. It eventually had to succumb to International pressure. "
Which apart from being factually incorrect ie "Iran isn't where South Africa was even today",seems to imply that iran just like apartheid sa will have no choice but to eventually capitulate,which I certainly do not agree with as both the political situation and the time and place that it occurs in are all very different[to put it mildly].
As for the numbers of words in my post,well I guess I`m just not one of the twitter generation.....Tell you what I`ll have a shot at twitterizing/dumbing it down just for you.
Tweet style reply post #1:
False comparison,iran not south africa,different time,place,situation.Conclusion flawed.
Hows that?.Only 12 words[81 letters/symbols].If thats not economy of words in action then I dont know what is,........of course theres no information or depth or nuance or basically anything else for that matter either,but hey if you`re only counting words....,oh just out of curiosity did you actually bother reading my post or did you just spend the time counting the words and letters?