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Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?


Iran has yet to grow the BALLZ to fight Israel---. It already knows the destructive power of the american weaponry---and the iranians do not have a suicide wish---.

Iran is only good for using the shoulders of other nations to harp on their agenda---.

The iranians---with all their supposed MIGHT had not been able to lay a scratch on Salman Rushdie---and it has been a few decades---.

The iranians are all Puff & Bluster & no substance when it comes to a stronger opponent---.

They lay terror on women---& how can a nation fight against men when they abuse their women---.
The Greek defender of the jewish terrorists came.

The destruction of Israel is a great goal. Israel itself is a small country, but Jews are the real rulers of Western countries and some Islamic countries too.
Come here and explain to everyone,how do I defend "jewish terrorists"?

Go on,let's see if you can find a post of mine,where I defend war crimes against Palestinians.
Heres zarifs thinking on any possible response by the iri to the gaza attack and,plus hints of behind the scenes pressures


Zarif explains the reasons for his warnings:

A range of non-stop efforts are being made for Iran's entry into the Gaza war, including writing letters to the leadership and such analyzes.
Mohammad Javad Zarif, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, on Saturday, while participating in the Telegram group "Dialogue" regarding the concern about Iran's entry into the Gaza war, said: (the reason for these warnings) is the continuous effort of the spectrum to bring Iran into the war. including writing a letter to the leadership and such analyses; Despite the leadership's words.

Chosen analytical news site (Entekhab.ir):
Mohammad Javad Zarif, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, on Saturday, by participating in the Telegram group "Dialogue" in which a number of political, media and cultural activists from different spectrums are members, discussed "so many letters to the leadership" in line with the continuous effort to bring Iran into the spectrum. He spoke to war.
According to "Select" report; Some of his statements are as follows

It seems that with the lifting of UN arms and missile embargoes, America and Israel are looking for other excuses to renew these embargoes. Although Iran tried to be silent in the Ukraine incident; But he was partly accused of interfering in the war. However, in the case of Gaza, it seeks to strongly deny its intervention in the conflict process, despite the strong presence of support. At the same time, the country is not in a good economic condition to enter the war. The question is to what extent the conflicts in Gaza, whether by Hamas or Israel, have the direction of Iran's intervention, and to what extent Iran can maintain its distance, and in any case, what are the effects on Iran's position in the region and the actions of the Hebrew movement. - Will it have Arabic-American?

Unfortunately, we lost to Russia in Ukraine. They both caught the drones and exposed them themselves, which has very terrible reasons in nuclear balance calculations. It was accurate for them and dangerous for us. But in the case of Gaza, the leadership has been completely focused. Beyond the discussion of economic problems, the entry of Iran and Hezbollah into this war is really the end of Israel's hopes. It can revive Ben-Gurion's thesis to fight outside of Israel.

Some experts believe that Iran's goal is to keep Israel involved and not to solve the issue, and this approach is more in line with Iran's interests than trying to resolve the conflicts. What do you think about this?

I don't think that Iran played a decisive role in the beginning of this conflict. This; I have no wise words in this regard.

In your initial speech, you mentioned the Holocaust debate and the actions of the Ahmadinejad government, which actually strengthened Israel's propaganda. But in a more serious way, what is the relationship between the Holocaust debate and the Palestinian issue? Why should they pay for World War II?

It is a detailed discussion and Israel's abuse is clear. But because Europe considers itself the center of world morality, it says that others should pay for its crimes. It is a detailed discussion. Of course, the Palestinians had been able to make much of the same argument. Unfortunately, raising the issue from Iran and the Middle East gave Israel the opportunity to revive the case.

You and Mr. Rouhani are very worried these days about Iran's entry into the war. Considering the leadership's repeated denials, where does this concern come from? Is it a natural continuation of the defeat of Hamas in Gaza to deal with Iran? Or are there other reasons?

(The reason for these warnings) is the non-stop effort of the spectrum to bring Iran into the war. including writing a letter to the leadership and such analyses; Despite the leadership's words.
Iran already in this war covertly by supplying arms , drones , training. what they havent done is open war against israel. the US patron of israel are so scared about iran involvement and the defeat of apartheid israel that they immediately rush in their naval assets around the area. as if USN carriers will survive more than 24 hours against iranian missiles in the event of war.
It is physically impossible for a battery to estimate the trajectory of an object that doesn't travel in straight lines.
Wrong. :rofl:

If I am the target and a missile is coming to me, the missile's flight path is definitely predictable -- TOWARDS ME. Even if the missile maneuvers during flight, we know its final destination -- me.

Every time a missile maneuver, its guidance system creates what is called an 'error' signal. If the target is a fixed GPS coordinates, that location is zero and as the missile maneuvers, its dead reckoning calculator produces that error signal in proportion to how much the missile deviate from zero. So let us say the missile weave left to right, as the missile maneuvers, the error signal returns to zero then gains then returns to zero. Am sure you get the picture. But at one point, the missile has to enter the 'terminal' phase which is a portion of flight that the missile MUST have zero error signal. The terminal phase is where any attacker is vulnerable to interception. The interceptor operates on the same guidance principle as the attacker, except now, the attacker missile is the zero signal and the interceptor produces its own error signal. The problem for the defense (interceptor) is that it has only one chance and this is what gives the impression that it is 'impossible' to calculate an intercept spatial location. No, it is not impossible. In fact, it is %100 assured. It is the flight controls system of the interceptor that create that failure to intercept.

So...Yer wrong, pal.
Iran will attack Israel. After all Palestinians are wiped out and the proxy armies in Lebanon and Syria have done their job as cannon fodder,when the IDF has suffered heavy losses in equipment and manpower,when the US is preocuppied elsewhere,when the road to Jerusalem is clear,then Iran will attack to claim victory.
Apply burnol greko
US and Israeli military doctrine is based on air power and they are qualitatively very impressive. It's not easy for Iran, with its tiny budget, to combat that.
True. :enjoy:

Regardless, Iranian AD capabilities are very strong and Iran can do a good job of challenging Israeli/US AirPower within its own borders,...
False. :lol:

Do you remember the news about how an F-22 flew under a pair of Iranian F-4s who were harassing a US MQ-1, the F-22 scoped out the F-4s' wing loads, and politely told the Iranians to F-off? Just about all media reportage focused on the fighters, but those who have relevant experience, like me, knows better. It was not the Iranian F-4s that were important, but the Iranian ground control intercept (GCI) factor.

Modern air defense relies heavily on GCI, that is where a ground based large radar continuously search the sky for unidentified flyers, then vectored interceptors to have a look-see.

The US MQ-1 was in international airspace and it was picked up by Iranian GCI radar. For starter, this should stop everyone from calling these UAV thingies 'stealthy'. They are not. Then the Iranian controllers directed the Iranian F-4s to check out who it was and it turned out to be an easily identifiable American MQ-1. So at this point, we can be assured that the Iranian GCI radar was looking at three airplanes, two ID-ed themselves as 'friendlies' and one non-responsive hostile.

Then came the F-22s. We can be assured that there were at least two F-22s as it is standard practice for all air forces to fly two-ship whenever possible. Then one F-22 flew under the Iranian F-4s. Where was the other F-22? Most likely a few klicks back with weapons readied, its LPI radar locked solid on the Iranian F-4s. That means the Iranian GCI radar should have displayed FIVE targets. Instead, they saw only three.

Am going to assume you never served in the military, so you would have no idea on how terrifying that is, knowing that your life for a few moments was in someone else's hands, and he gracefully let you off.

This is not about the F-4s but about Iranian air defense that could not ID out two F-22s.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran :
View attachment 962698

Amir Abdullahian in response to the possibility of Iran entering to the war:

Every thing is possible , we cannot be indifferent to Israel crimes.

the possibility of pre-emptive action by the resistance axis is expected in the coming hours
Allah knows best. Iran then Arabs then Turks then Afghans and then Pakistanis. We will finally meet Isa Ibn Maryam in Jerusalem.

Iran tells Hamas it will not enter the war with Israel​

Supreme leader accuses the terror group of not giving any prior warning of the Oct 7 attacks.
Iran sees itself in Persian empire terms and wants geopolitical control of Arab states with Shia regimes. Palestinians get some side benefit, but Iran's primary objective was never Israel. If Iran wanted to fight for Palestine it wouldn't have made enemy of the US, taking US Embassy staff hostage.
Iran sees itself in Persian empire terms and wants geopolitical control of Arab states with Shia regimes. Palestinians get some side benefit, but Iran's primary objective was never Israel. If Iran wanted to fight for Palestine it wouldn't have made enemy of the US, taking US Embassy staff hostage.
On the contrary, your opinion is correct
Iran already in this war covertly by supplying arms , drones , training. what they havent done is open war against israel. the US patron of israel are so scared about iran involvement and the defeat of apartheid israel that they immediately rush in their naval assets around the area. as if USN carriers will survive more than 24 hours against iranian missiles in the event of war.
Then what is stopping Iran from destroying this fleet, if it is so easy? This is the point of contention here. You have the power to liberate Middle East within 24 hours and yet you do nothing. Does this make sense?

I had a lengthy debate with @SalarHaqq on this issue in another thread not long ago. I supported my positions with evidence but OP refused to see it and I felt that my precious time is wasted. I shut down that useless debate.

Create armed groups and motivate them to fight others and ruin many lives in the process while Iran watches from a distance and Iranians gloat about Iran being a superpower in forums. For how long, bro? You think that the Karma bus will not come for you at some point?

Rhetoric for the sake of it has no value but puts credibility of your state in question. Introspection time, bro.
False. :lol:

Do you remember the news about how an F-22 flew under a pair of Iranian F-4s
If the US-claimed story of F-22s outperforming ancient F-4s in international airspace helps you sleep at night and proves Iranian ADS is useless then good for you

Then what is stopping Iran from destroying this fleet, if it is so easy?
The question of capability is a very different question to the merits and consequences of exercising that capability

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