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Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?


Feb 10, 2022
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran :

Amir Abdullahian in response to the possibility of Iran entering to the war:

Every thing is possible , we cannot be indifferent to Israel crimes.

the possibility of pre-emptive action by the resistance axis is expected in the coming hours

More power to Iran.
I wish other arab muslim countries surrounding Israel had the balls as big as Iran.
Israeli population must feel what Palestinians are feeling now.
Their buildings should also be destroyed. They should also feel thrist and hunger.
1. Canada evacuating its citizens from Lebanon,

2. the Kremlin stating that this could become a regional war.

I think that it is about to kick off. Nato is fully behind Israel. This will not be an Arab Israeli war, but a Us/Nato Arab/Islamic war.

Time to head for the bomb shelter.
War between Israel and Iran would be a disaster for the region. Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, they would certainly use ballistic missiles at Iranian cities, maybe even nuke if they're in trouble. Iran would be naive to declare war on Israel without the nukes. Imagine a few ballistic missiles fired at Tehran or a few fired at Tel Aviv, it will escalate the war to no point of return. Usa probably has alot of nuclear submarines waiting to aid Israel.
I am only hoping Iran has nukes....
Of course, Pakistan will run away and hide. Our leaders will call for peace, while better men than us Fight the Zionists.

However, if it spreads, than the Saudis and others will ask for the Pakistani nuclear umbrella. If Pakistan fails in this, they will curse us and give us nothing for eternity.

It really is a once in an epoch event.
War between Israel and Iran would be a disaster for the region. Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, they would certainly use ballistic missiles at Iranian cities, maybe even nuke if they're in trouble. Iran would be naive to declare war on Israel without the nukes. Imagine a few ballistic missiles fired at Tehran or a few fired at Tel Aviv, it will escalate the war to no point of return. Usa probably has alot of nuclear submarines waiting to aid Israel.
a more practical issue is where would Iran jump off with Israel?

Iran does not share a border with Israel, Israel only have border with Lebanon, Syria Egypt and Jordan, and Iran have either Turkey or Iraq to go thru before they can reach Syria, i seriously doubt Turkey will let Iran transit thru their territories, and Iraq is littered with US forces there, any movement there will alert Israel before even their force left Iran. And I doubt even Iraq government would allow Iran to transit thru their territories to get to Syria or Lebanon

The other way they can go is go all the way up Red Sea into the Med, which was controlled by NATO, it's going to take them ages and not guarantee they aren't going to be blockaded before entering the med. There are no practical way for them to heavily involved, other than firing missile from their off.

Any war between Iran and Israel has to be a ground war because Israel have unparallel advantage on their Air Force (Seriously we are talking about latest version of F-15E, F-16 and F-35 against Migs F-14 and F-5) and you are talking about launching strike into Israel with these legacy platforms, that's more or less suicidal, and you have to have way to deliver your troop and armour to the battlefield if you want to be a part of it, and I don't see how Iran can do it unless either Turkey or Iraq open their border for them to f with Israel, I just don't see how this would happen.
Iran's FM confirmed that Iran and the resistance will most definitely go to war with the occupation if they attack gaza in a ground invasion.

Iran will NOT be a witness to all these atrocities.

lets see which other muslim country has the guts to help. or are they all going to turn the other cheek?
a more practical issue is where would Iran jump off with Israel?

Iran does not share a border with Israel, Israel only have border with Lebanon, Syria Egypt and Jordan, and Iran have either Turkey or Iraq to go thru before they can reach Syria, i seriously doubt Turkey will let Iran transit thru their territories, and Iraq is littered with US forces there, any movement there will alert Israel before even their force left Iran. And I doubt even Iraq government would allow Iran to transit thru their territories to get to Syria or Lebanon

The other way they can go is go all the way up Red Sea into the Med, which was controlled by NATO, it's going to take them ages and not guarantee they aren't going to be blockaded before entering the med. There are no practical way for them to heavily involved, other than firing missile from their off.

Any war between Iran and Israel has to be a ground war because Israel have unparallel advantage on their Air Force (Seriously we are talking about latest version of F-15E, F-16 and F-35 against Migs F-14 and F-5) and you are talking about launching strike into Israel with these legacy platforms, that's more or less suicidal, and you have to have way to deliver your troop and armour to the battlefield if you want to be a part of it, and I don't see how Iran can do it unless either Turkey or Iraq open their border for them to f with Israel, I just don't see how this would happen.
We are in Iraq and Syria and Lebanon now
We are in Iraq and Syria and Lebanon now
Yeah, but not majority of Iran Miliary. I mean how many tanks you have in Lebanon? How many fighter you have in Lebanon, and how many gunship you have in Lebanon? Or are you supposed to bum rush the Israeli with lightly armed infantry.........I mean, they have tanks, APC, Attack Chopper and even AC-130 style gunship waiting on those border, and you will have to breach their border, because you want to go into Israel and fight them, they have no intention on going into Lebanon or Syria

You also need material to fight a war, bullet, grenade, mine and all those have to come from Iran,, which mean constant supply from your home soil, how those gonna go thru and into Lebanon or Syria?
Yeah, but not majority of Iran Miliary. I mean how many tanks you have in Lebanon? How many fighter you have in Lebanon, and how many gunship you have in Lebanon? Or are you supposed to bum rush the Israeli with lightly armed infantry.........I mean, they have tanks, APC, Attack Chopper and even AC-130 style gunship waiting on those border, and you will have to breach their border, because you want to go into Israel and fight them, they have no intention on going into Lebanon or Syria

You also need material to fight a war, bullet, grenade, mine and all those have to come from Iran,, which mean constant supply from your home soil, how those gonna go thru and into Lebanon or Syria?
Iranian soldiers are with syrians and Iraqis and lebanese.
We have built a lot of infrastructure in these countries that we will probably use soon.
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