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Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

Thanks to us not minding our own business. They attempted to attack our facilities because we engaged in conflicts against them.

But we also have had ties with Israel during the Soviet-Afghan war. Israel passed captured Soviet weapons in Lebanon to Pakistan to pass onto the Mujahideen.

The Iranian regime is no friend to Pakistan. It supports Shia extremism and has ties to India. They should not be allowed to posses nukes by any means.

They're a tyrannical regime whom terrorize their people.
You are a tyrannical idiot with a warped perverted view of Iran.
Yet,, we still there.

If Iran enters a war with Israel, yes

Air route is too easy to intercept, you can't make a plane disappear.....sea route again, NATO would block both Red Sea and Gibraltar choke point, you can't ship anything to Lebanon if you cannot pass thru either choke point. And how much stuff you can carry thru ground route and how long does it take. It's like asking Russia to bring in their war material to support the war in Ukraine over land from Siberia.....

Basic manufacturing, probably, not anything complex, and you can't win a war without a Ground component, Russian SRBM wouldn't work in Ukraine, hell, RuAF didn't work in Ukraine either and you are talking about Israel, which are 100 times better defended from the air. You will need heavies to go in and take Israel out, otherwise it's hard to punch thru the Iron dome, and even if you can, each SRBM have a payload no more than a 2000lb bombs, it's not going to make much difference. And it would be extremely non-cost effective to lob missile into Israel.
Isn't it homemade Palestinian rockets that are punching through the Iron Dome and killing Israelis on Israeli-occupied soil? Nice joke.

And you think this tinfoil dome will protect against much more sophisticated Irani rockets with MIRV, decoys, etc.
Amir Abdollahian:
Time is over!
Ah yes. Americans are famously laid back when their resources are spread thin. Not predatory in the slightest. I think shale gas/oil is the biggest story in the peace we have had the past 10 years - has made people think america is a teddy bear

Anyway lets forget NATO.

India will not allow hormuz to be shut down. China will not allow hormuz shut down. Despite the protestations of the pakistanis on this forum, pakistan will not want hormuz shut down. Palestine will feel like a universe away if oil hits $250 a barrel.

None of the gulf states will want hormuz shut down, whatch how quick they will abandon palestine if it does.
It's very easy to shut Hormuz with rockets and missiles fired from the shore, of which Iran has no shortage. And very difficult, if not impossible to stop this. It's only 39km wide.
It's very easy to shut Hormuz with rockets and missiles fired from the shore, of which Iran has no shortage. And very difficult, if not impossible to stop this. It's only 39km wide.

Iran should just do it. The rest of the world won't care and will just ignore it
First we should target them in occupied golan heights and southten Lebanon and then target all of their power plants , fuel storage and then shower then with shaheds
Iran should just do it. The rest of the world won't care and will just ignore it
Its pretty hard to ignore the global economic consequences of having around one third of the worlds sea traded hydrocarbons shut off.
How does oil at $200.00 a barrel sound?,how about $300.00?
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you see when you say Mediterranean you tend to think of countries around it , Iraq is 2 country away .
and I hope we agree that Atlantic is not applicable in this case

by the way as far as I'm aware i believe this discussion is not really important . after how UNSC resolution about protecting civilian in Libya presented by NATO and some other countries , i think that not matter at all they can say for us Afghanistan is part of Mediterranean or even Atlantic, who is gonna stop them ?

1, not two Turkey is next to Mediterranean, Iraq is next to Turkey

I think Afghanistan is below the equator (or part of) and you probably already know this will happen when they admit Turkey into NATO....
if they used it it would have worked , but i wonder do you consider Russia used its air-force in the war a correct statement ?

The Russian did tried tho, As for whether or not it would work, maybe, but even if they do, you are talking about serious loss of power to RuAF, which probably moot at this point, I mean if Russia uses all their air power to take down Ukrainian, it would probably worked if they can get Kyiv in a short run, if they are going to loss a lot of combat power over it then it would have been a moot point if the war drag on, and it did drag on.

Its pretty hard to ignore the global economic consequences of having around one third of the worlds sea traded hydrocarbons shut off.
How does oil at $200.00 a barrel sound?,how about $300.00?
Not one third actually


Unless Iran can project Naval power in Red Sea, otherwise even if they went to war, it would just affect Iran only and probably UAE to a degree, Saudi have port on the other side of Gulf of Oman, and the other in top 5 don't depends on Naval Route in the Middle East

And it would not go up to $300 a barrel lol, this is not even the case when Saudi capping their production (Which they already did).
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Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran :
View attachment 962698

Amir Abdullahian in response to the possibility of Iran entering to the war:

Every thing is possible , we cannot be indifferent to Israel crimes.

the possibility of pre-emptive action by the resistance axis is expected in the coming hours

Isn't it homemade Palestinian rockets that are punching through the Iron Dome and killing Israelis on Israeli-occupied soil? Nice joke.

And you think this tinfoil dome will protect against much more sophisticated Irani rockets with MIRV, decoys, etc.
you are talking about launching 3000-5000 with a few get thru, judging by the damage done you are talking about low hundred, otherwise Hamas already killed all Israeli if they launch 3000-5000 rocket and they all get thru, then why the worry?

And again, I don't know how much you know about MIRV, unless Iran had nuclear warhead, which Iran don't, Ballistic MIRV carry no more than 1000kg payload, ICBM like Minuteman carry 3 Re-entry vehicle with 110kg each, Trident SLBM carry 12 Re-entry Vehicle with 76kg each, if you replace the re-entry vehicle with High Explosive Warhead, you are looking at ICBM at the size of Minuteman and Trident carrying less than 800kg explosive, that's less than a Mk84 bomb. And we are talking about Minuteman and Trident, Iranian ballistic missile is a lot smaller

You can let it hit all day, but essentially what you are doing is dropping a single Mk84 per warhead. I don't know how much it take for you to make sophisticated Iranian MIRV rocket, but you can't be making it cheaper than a single Mk84 bomb.....
If Israel dares to invade Gaza, Iran will.
Iran nowadays don't fear the US, let alone a bunch of Anglo and Polish LARPers.
you are talking about launching 3000-5000 with a few get thru, judging by the damage done you are talking about low hundred, otherwise Hamas already killed all Israeli if they launch 3000-5000 rocket and they all get thru, then why the worry?
So if dirt poor Palestine, imprisoned and under occupation, can launch 3000-5000 with a few getting through that kills a score of Israelis, how many can a free and independent Iran launch?
And again, I don't know how much you know about MIRV, unless Iran had nuclear warhead, which Iran don't, Ballistic MIRV carry no more than 1000kg payload, ICBM like Minuteman carry 3 Re-entry vehicle with 110kg each, Trident SLBM carry 12 Re-entry Vehicle with 76kg each, if you replace the re-entry vehicle with High Explosive Warhead, you are looking at ICBM at the size of Minuteman and Trident carrying less than 800kg explosive, that's less than a Mk84 bomb. And we are talking about Minuteman and Trident, Iranian ballistic missile is a lot smaller
You can only hope Iran doesn't have a nuke.

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