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Will Indonesia replace India in the BRICs?

US is far away on the other side of the Pacific, as simple as that. have you finished primary education?
Dont be an idiot . So what if US is other side? Even Brazil is away on the other side of pacific should not be a part of BRIC according to your dirty logic .
"India not repressive" - err - what are you trying to say?

Nations, like people are known by the company they keep. The fact that your strongest allies are North Korea and Pakistan speaks volumes about your nation. Another reason, it does not deserve to be in BRICS.

dont do it on PDF. it wont give you an Oscar!

Our allies and great trading partners spread around the world, some in mid or s america, in asia, in africa, oceanic, north america and europe!
Link? We will join SCO and we will spoil your party . Fist stop us from joining SCO then think of replacing us in BRICS .


Shanghai Cooperation Organisation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, I would LOVE it if India joined the SCO. Since the SCO is like a backdoor FTA for us, it prevents member nations from using trade restrictions against other members.

By applying to join the SCO (as India has already done)... India is putting themselves in for what is essentially an FTA with China. :lol:
Dont be an idiot . So what if US is other side? Even Brazil is away on the other side of pacific should not be a part of BRIC according to your dirty logic .

I think this plus the above post by CD have already more than adequately answered your stupid question! idiot!
Yet according to the BBC Country rating polls, China is viewed more positively worldwide than both the EU and the USA.

And ALL THREE are rated far above India. :rofl:

BBC Country rating polls

You may live in a world of delusions, but there are plenty of actual polls and data out there to show what people really think. :azn:

No answer from Jackdaws? :lol:

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, I would LOVE it if India joined the SCO. Since the SCO is like a backdoor FTA for us, it prevents member nations from using trade restrictions against other members.

By applying to join the SCO (as India has already done)... India is putting themselves in for what is essentially an FTA with China. :lol:
Seriously you should make sure that India dont sides US against you . As i told we will spoil your party . If you are serious in building relationship with India , you are welcome and that would be win win situation but that would hurt Pakistan
Seriously you should make sure that India dont sides US against you . As i told we will spoil your party . If you are serious in building relationship with India , you are welcome and that would be win win situation but that would hurt Pakistan

Hahahaha I always hear this from Indians. "If China isn't nice to us, we'll sit on the USA's lap!"

Nobody cares. India didn't do that after the 1962 war, or after we helped Pakistan acquire nuclear weapons. So why would they do it now?

India even claimed that Chinese troops violated the Indian border 500 times over the past two years. Yet they don't do anything about it.

And it was the USA who wanted a "G-2" with China. India is not even in the picture. :lol:
Yet according to the BBC Country rating polls, China is viewed more positively worldwide than both the EU and the USA.

And ALL THREE are rated far above India. :rofl:

BBC Country rating polls

You may live in a world of delusions, but there are plenty of actual polls and data out there to show what people really think. :azn:

Are we discussing the same poll?
BBC Poll: Attitudes towards Countries

India is ranked above China in both positive as well as negative perceptions.
Yet according to the BBC Country rating polls, China is viewed more positively worldwide than both the EU and the USA.

And ALL THREE are rated far above India. :rofl:

BBC Country rating polls

You may live in a world of delusions, but there are plenty of actual polls and data out there to show what people really think. :azn:
Alrighty then a poll covering probably less than a million citizens in one nation is representative of what exactly ? Oh btw the negative perception for CN is still greater by 4% points in that particular chart !
BRICs is an organization of the fastest growing major developing economies.

Turkey, Argentina and even Sri Lanka are growing above 8%+. Indonesia is growing faster than India too, from the data on the last quarter.

India's GDP growth meanwhile, is 6.1% and falling rapidly.

India's GDP Growth Slows to 6.1% - WSJ.com

India is also the only one of the countries mentioned that was recently downgraded by S&P. Due to extreme policy paralysis, an awful budget deficit, along with a massive debt-to-GDP ratio and a growing trade deficit. I.e. Poor economic fundamentals.

Sir I have mentioned 10 main points to compare emerging economies in my post 178, please have a look on those points carefully.

you have raised 3 points here, and I would clarify them as below:

1: GDP Gorwth rate: please have a look on the number 3 of my post #178. India is far ahead than rest of E7+BRICS except China during last 3 years. only for the quarter ending March 2012, its Growth rate was 6.1%, lowest in many years but it is still far above than Turkey's and Indonesia's average growth rate of last 3 years, please check point 3 of #178.

2: Credit Ratings Down Grade: India is now on BBB- than BBB of Turkey and Indonesia, does it make big difference, only one step downgrade? and the reason they gave was, widening budget deficit and account deficit due to growing trade deficit. then here, please compare Indian 'growing' Trade Deficit and Budget Deficit with rest of the world also during last 6 months of financial crisis which has affected the whole world. Im not professional in this field but I do read news about Pakistan as below. but we know that right now indicators of whole world is bad due to the same reasons of debt woes of US/EU.....

Sources said that upon finalisation of the figures for July-April period, it has been found that the budget deficit had surpassed the upwards revised limit of 4.7 percent of the GDP and had reached at five percent of the GDP, or Rs 1 trillion in 10 months.

(its not just Pakistan which has registered 45% increase in trade deficit during last 10 months and already surpassed even the 'revised' budget deficit level only in 10 months but if we google, we will find most of the economies suffering due to US/EU. even China has registered in slowest growth rate in the first quarter of 2012 :agree:)

3: please check 'massive' Debt to GDP ratio of India in points 6 and 7 of my post #178 and compare with rest of emerging economies. India has only around 50% public debt and 15% foreign debt to its GDP :wave:

but sir, an economist mainly check Investment to GDP ratio of any country, to see the potential to have high growth in future, in point 4 of #178 :pop:
Hey! like i said, tell that to the Hong Kong janitor, it affect him more than me :lol:

And about Indians in Hong Kong not even qualified for janitor's job, you any have any data on the employment of Indians in Hong Kong , to support your statement, or was it another attempt to humiliate yourself?

If you dont know a sh*t about "external debt" dont brag and let the rest of the people see how much a fool you are!

it is that you started to humuliate yourself!

there is no ethnic profiling in HK government but from a close associate of mine who is working in the welfare dept most indians in HK are living on min governmental subsistence! They are the laziest people on earth and yet the most arrogant! exactly demonstrated by the same traits of indian cyber cheerleaders on PDF and other international forums
it is that you started to humuliate yourself!

there is no ethnic profiling in HK government but from a close associate of mine who is working in the welfare dept most indians in HK are living on min governmental subsistence! They are the laziest people on earth and yet the most arrogant! exactly demonstrated by the same traits of indian cyber cheerleaders on PDF and other international forums

Now that your close associate has said it - it must definitely be true.
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