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Will Afghanistan Turn the Tables on Pakistan?

what a logic.......based on levels 1 through 4 ballistic protection provided on the official vehicles - smaller to no levels of protection is commensurate with the level of ties you have with certain sections of afghan society - be it talebs for example


you know - i gotta give it to the author for originality because this is one line of reasoning i havent seen yet....and since 2001 i thought i had seen it all

knowingly or perhaps unknowingly - the author acknowledges that the taleban are having more power in Kabul than the outgoing or upcoming government!!!

and on a serious note - we dont need talebs or afghanistan with regards to our Kashmiri policies or the nationalist struggle of Kashmiris....its an indigenous phenomenon. We do support the cause however and that support will continue.

I doubt it. The GoAf does not have the resources to put behind terrorism in Pakistan.
I would wager that Pakistani military has more warlords and militias in Afghanistan on their side/payroll than GoAf has on its.

dont open a pandora's box, friendly neighbour.

i can name a list of people and affiliations with whom india brushes shoulders with......some with the worst human rights records imaginable (as a 2001 Newsweek article pointed in great detail)


I know just being devils advocate here and responding in kind to those who seeming to be enjoying the prospect of terrorism in Pakistan.
there is always a flip side of everything. hate to go down that track but there is a limit to every thing. when the intention of starting a thread and the subsequent posts is to incite flame and grief among the Pakistanis then why complain when we just show the other side of such behavior?

sadly, its been 6 pages but no senior and respected Indian has tried to advise his fellow Indians to stop trolling.

I mean what else you guys can do what you haven't done already? apart from opening a war front now? its been 10 + years of war on terror and India has used Afghan soil to fan the terrorism in Pakistan, no matter how much you guys deny it but your political lot, think thanks and opinion makers openly talk about punishing Pakistan and using this this opportunity.

bit rich to admonish us over our bad behavior when your fellow guys themselves are not only proud of inciting insurgency in Pakistan but actually openly celebrating it too.

whenever there is a chance to take a positive feedback from India and talk about becoming good neighbors with India ... we get this kind of behavior from Indian blowhards which only strengthens the likes of Hafiz Saeed.

your Probe has reached Mars but the Indian mentality has taken a degraded voyage in the past

let them.......things arent going their way (as predicted)

why? because as was always the case, they supported the wrong side and brushed shoulders with people they should NOT have

as for anti-Pakistan activity - its been noted and never gone un-punished.....its in their interests to stop supporting anti-Pakistan activity b/c its just not worth it for them
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you should… i know its you personally who visits the ttp.
TTP(thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura aka Pakistan Taliban),,so bad,,u kill him wid plasmapharesis n steroids
but ATP(adenosine triphosphate aka afghan taliban based in Pakistan),,,so good,,they give energy to body n state,,,so no kill
TTP(thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura aka Pakistan Taliban),,so bad,,u kill him wid plasmapharesis n steroids
but ATP(adenosine triphosphate aka afghan taliban based in Pakistan),,,so good,,they give energy to body n state,,,so no kill

oh quiet you - or i'll corrupt you with falty cells with half-functional endoplasmic reticulums
TTP(thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura aka Pakistan Taliban),,so bad,,u kill him wid plasmapharesis n steroids
but ATP(adenosine triphosphate aka afghan taliban based in Pakistan),,,so good,,they give energy to body n state,,,so no kill
no all talibans are bad… pakistan supports non of them.

Pak Pashtuns are much more educated and civilized. Much better economically as well.
...with better infrastructure as well like rest of subcontinent, these are consequences of direct rule from British empire. Why do you think FATA lacks infrastructure and education?. British were willing to reward any entity in subcontinent who were willing to accept their rule and occupation. Before british occupation, hindostan was no better than afghanistan.

This is what Ganga Din Rajas used to say while bullying Sindhu din Rajas.

Then Afghan hoards would descend and defeat Sindhu Din Raja with the help of Ganga Din

Then the same Afghan hoards would rape Ganga Din too.

That's the story of 2000 years of Indian subcontinent.

Sad story but true nonetheless.


Ganga din raja: Governments in the Central Indian subcontinent
Sindhu din raja: Government along Sindh river valley
Hordes? Lol. Why bringing ancient history into todays relationships between countries? Idiot. There was no present day state by name of Afghanistan in that period.
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same goes for nepal,bangladesh etc? or is it a special deal exclusively for afghanistan?

Just Afghanistan. Bangladesh and Nepal don't face similar issues from Pakistan due to their geographic separation. Well Bangladesh did but they stood up and kicked Pakistan out of their country.
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...with better infrastructure as well like rest of subcontinent, these are consequences of direct rule from British empire. Why do you think FATA lacks infrastructure and education?. British were willing to reward any entity in subcontinent who were willing to accept their rule and occupation. Before british occupation, hindostan was no better than afghanistan.

Hordes? Lol. Why bringing ancient history into todays relationships between countries? Idiot. There was no present day state by name of Afghanistan in that period.

you are repeating the obvious.
Just Afghanistan. Bangladesh and Nepal don't face similar issues from Pakistan due to their geographic separation. Well Bangladesh did but they stoop up and kicked Pakistan out of their country.

id give a spare ___ abt your 2 bit rantings.. but im sort of busy... watchin a movie.. so go rant somewhere else "o mighty indian keyboard warrior"...

The truth is that we own Afghanistan... whether you like it or not..... and it shall always remain dependant on us...
lol, in that sense these indians should be thanking Pakistan because we keep them from getting invaded time and time again :laugh:
id give a spare ___ abt your 2 bit rantings.. but im sort of busy... watchin a movie.. so go rant somewhere else "o mighty indian keyboard warrior"...

The truth is that we own Afghanistan...
...as 5th province?.
lol, in that sense these indians should be thanking Pakistan because we keep them from getting invaded time and time again :laugh:

Most indian posters attack Pakistan pretty much the same way an idiot cuts the very branch he sits on.

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