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Will Afghanistan Turn the Tables on Pakistan?

Did i say we "own kochis"?

Yes im sure we are scarred of mighty kochis..:(

war in hazarajat? :lol: ..

As if we care.

calm down mayakh.... afghans have no respect even around Torkham forget Quetta...

As for Quetta being influenced by kandahar .. yeah n pigs fly... just bcoz Baloch n Pakhtuns were allies in the past doesnt mean shyt when it comes to the afghanistan of today....
Lol but Afghans dont reside in baloch-majority regions so it doesnt matter whether balochis dislike them or not, native Pashtuns of Balochistan are the ones who are hosting Afghans due to wrorwali. While Balochs resent the presence of Afghans, hazaras and punjabis in the province.
Its in the best interest of Pakistan to give citizenship to the Balochistan's Pashtun and hazara mohajirs from Afghanistan.

when you make comments be clear if you are assuming and theorizing or your comments are based on facts beyond google search.
bakarwal are gypsies and they are not bound by boundaries. they are no different to any other gypsy from the subcontinent dont try to over sell them like some crack commandos or shock troopers. Balochistan is a harsh place and no one is a lamb there. every one is a predator
Oh bhai sahab, kya predator?. Bakarwals dont keep weapons, but kochis are armed even when they come to pakistan. They migrate in the most dangerous and volatile regions , thats why they always have kept arms.
And dont get excited, they dont migrate to balochi districts of balochistan. Afghans are guests of us pashtuns according to wrorwali, it has nothing to do with you balochis.
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Evil Indians manipulating Afghan groups to do terrorism on innocent Pakistan! Pakistan must strike back!
Innocent Pakistanis? :woot: They should strike back? :rofl: :omghaha:

Man, your trolling has become legendary. I suggest you go borrow some brain cells from us Indians so you stop writing crap in all your posts.
In the long term,Pakistan and Afghanistan merger is inevitable.
man I hope that you and Horus are being sarcastic, because if you're not, then you're freaking me the hell out. Afghanis are the stupidest, most gullible and corrupt people that walk the face of this planet. If the day Afghanistan merges into Pakistan comes within my lifetime I seriously will not hesitate to trace back my grandfather's village in India and settle back there because Afghanistan only means destruction. Although I think it's very, very unlikely to happen since the people of Pakistan will not allow such an atrocity and self destruction to take place. Just people on this forum actually discussing the possibility of a Pak-Afghan merger is boggling my mind! We cannot allow those terrorists to become one of us!
Lol but Afghans dont reside in baloch-majority regions so it doesnt matter whether balochis dislike them or not,

Who likes em anyways? i mean not even local pashtuns like em to begin with...

native Pashtuns of Balochistan are the ones who are hosting Afghans due to wrorwali.

Lmao... as if the kochis need any hosting... they are good with living in their make shift tents and smugglin wheat,livestock n tractors etc.... But we dont hate them or anything... infact i feel sad for those poor souls...

Its in the best interest of Pakistan to give citizenship to the Balochistan's Pashtun and hazara mohajirs from Afghanistan.

There are no hazara mohajirs in Balochistan...... the afghans again are useless... the kochis for example dont even need any citizenship... they travel to n fro all the time.... its not tht they are going to settle anyways...
Oh bhai sahab, kya predator?. Bakarwals dont keep weapons, but kochis are armed even when they come to pakistan. They migrate in the most dangerous and volatile regions , thats why they always have kept arms.
And dont get excited, they dont migrate to balochi districts of balochistan. Afghans are guests of us pashtuns according to wrorwali, it has nothing to do with you balochis.

Oh shut up.... kochis are nothing but poor nomads unlike some retarded impression you are trying to push here of them being the mighty warrior nomads from the steppes capturing countries.. :lol:

Even the kochis will laugh at your bs.
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Who likes em anyways? i mean not even local pashtuns like em to begin with...

Lmao... as if the kochis need any hosting... they are good with living in their make shift tents and smugglin wheat,livestock n tractors etc.... But we dont hate them or anything... infact i feel sad for those poor souls...

There are no hazara mohajirs in Balochistan...... the afghans again are useless... the kochis for example dont even need any citizenship... they travel to n fro all the time.... its not tht they are going to settle anyways...

Oh shut up.... kochis are nothing but poor nomads unlike some retarded impression you are trying to push here of them being the mighty warrior nomads from the steppes capturing countries.. :lol:

Even the kochis will laugh at your bs.
Lol who was talking about kuchis, they are nomads but you mentioned them along with mohajirs so tazkara zarori ta. And native pashtuns are perfectly fine with them and unlike KPK-walas, they would take stand on mohajirs.
And no, they are not mighty warriors but you were telling indian guy that they and mohajirs are halwa in your province, on many occasions you have said racist and stupid things about them. It makes me laugh when a fat burger like you pretend to be tough in front of indians who have no idea that Afghan mohajirs live in pashtun districts not baloch. And sajji, your balochis are also dirt poor so dont make fun of poverty, burger.
As for as hazaras are concerned, big portion of them came after 80s, the original ones were not that great in number who settled in quetta in 1890s. You racist scum, not only pashtun of afghanistan has to be a mohajir, a portion of hazaras are also mohajir. (you are shia so i know)
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Lol who was talking about kuchis, they are nomads but you mentioned them along with mohajirs so tazkara zarori ta.
And no, they are not mighty warriors but you were telling indian guy that they and mohajirs are halwa in your province

Lmao... any Pak member can confirm how much afghanis are respected or how they are looked upon even in Pashtun areas... so much for your bs lectures..

, on many occasions you have said racist and stupid things about them.

For example? its not my fault if your gutter of a brain even considers pics of a cute chubby kid as "racist" ... you are gettin dumber n dumber by the minute... too much afghani s... is killing alot of your brain cells..

It makes me laugh when a fat burger like you pretend to be tough in front of indians how have no idea that Afghan mohajirs live in pashtun districts not baloch.

Oh shut the hell up you retarted 2 faced prick from lucky marwat.... your retarded mindset is known by all... a third class ... who pops up like a weed after gettin banned... "Sharam magar tum kou nahin atti" ... beghairat.
Well, Afghanistan has no option but to make better relationship with Pakistan.
Lmao... any Pak member can confirm how much afghanis are respected or how they are looked upon even in Pashtun areas... so much for your bs lectures..

For example? its not my fault if your gutter of a brain even considers pics of a cute chubby kid as "racist" ... you are gettin dumber n dumber by the minute... too much afghani s... is killing alot of your brain cells..

Oh shut the hell up you retarted 2 faced prick from lucky marwat.... your retarded mindset is known by all... a third class ... who pops up like a weed after gettin banned... "Sharam magar tum kou nahin atti" ... beghairat.
Lol baktay raho burger
This is an internet forum, this not battleground, Mr.keyboard-warrior baloch.

alaka i dont like you n your bs rants... so stop quoting me here n tagging me in other threads.. kyun? kyun k "sharam magar tum kou nahi atti".
Flying into Kabul earlier this week just before Afghanistan’s presidential inauguration, a number of embassy cars sat waiting to pick up VIPs and visitors from their respective nations. It was telling that the Pakistani embassy cars were the only ones not armored. After all, because Pakistan supports the Taliban and its terrorism, the visitors from Islamabad had about as much need for an armored car as Iranian diplomats would in Hezbollah-controlled southern Lebanon. Terrorism is not a random phenomenon.

For many Americans, ancient history is anything more than a decade or two old. While a generation of American servicemen, diplomats, and journalists think about the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, they think about it in terms of one-way infiltration: Pakistani-supported Taliban or other terrorists infiltrating into Pakistan in order to conduct terrorism. In this, they are not wrong. But if the broader sweep of history is considered, then much of the infiltration went the other way, with Afghan and Pashtun nationalists sneaking across the border into Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, formerly known as the Northwest Frontier Province. (I had summed up a lot of that history, here.)

As U.S. forces and America’s NATO partners prepare to withdraw upon an arbitrary political deadline, terrorism will surge inside Afghanistan but terrorism will not be limited to that country. Many Afghans believe—and they are perhaps not wrong—that diplomacy will never convince Pakistan to curtail its terror sponsorship. Pakistani officials do not take American diplomats seriously. Pakistani diplomats either lie shamelessly or purposely keep themselves ignorant of the actions and policies of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Instead, Afghans may increasingly turn to tit-for-tat terrorism, all with plausible deniability: A bomb goes off in Kabul? Well, then a bomb will go off in Islamabad. A Talib shoots an Afghan colonel? Well, then a Pakistani colonel will mysteriously suffer the same fate.

Pakistan has supported Islamist radicalism since at least 1971, when its defeat at the hands of Bangladeshi nationalists convinced the ISI and President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto that radical Islam could be the glue that held Pakistan together and protect it against the corrosiveness of ethnic nationalism. President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq took that embrace of Islamism to a new level.

The Pakistani elite has not hesitated to use the Taliban and various Kashmiri and other jihadi and terrorist groups as a tool of what it perceives as Pakistani interests. Sitting within their elite bubble, they mistakenly believe that they can control these forces of radical Islamism. That Pakistan has suffered 50,000 deaths in its own fight against radicals suggests they are wrong. The blowback may only have just begun, however.

Pakistanis may believe that an American withdrawal will bring peace (on Pakistan’s terms) to Afghanistan, but they may soon learn the hard way that Afghanistan can be an independent actor; that not every official is under the control of, let alone easily intimidated by Pakistan; and that terrorism can go both ways. That is not to endorse terrorism—analysis is not advocacy—but simply a recognition that the regional reverberations of the forthcoming American and NATO drawdown will be far broader than perhaps both Washington and Islamabad consider.

Will Afghanistan Turn the Tables on Pakistan? « Commentary Magazine
Not a chance. This article contains some good politico-strategic dimensions of regional tendencies; however, the writer doesn't seem to have a clue about the historical roots of regional dynamics and operating forces. In a nutshell, Afghanistan can NEVER retaliate either quantitatively or qualitatively to whatever fall on it from Pakistan side. ISI, and numerous other governmental and individual forces, are very active and have well established and entrenched roots in Pakistan. Afghanistan is a landlocked country, and has always been dependent on Pakistan for international trade and numerous other things for its very existence. And every inch of Afghanistan's territory and every fighter in Afghanistan has a close relative living in Pakistan who have no intention of going back to Afghanistan, and almost ALL its so called Mujahideen leaders permanently live in Peshawar, Pakistan, and is being funded by Pakistani agencies. Its not the question of Pakistan's infiltration into Afghanistan, rather its a matter of Pakistan's integrity, security, and solidarity.
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