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Will Afghanistan Turn the Tables on Pakistan?

Afghans have been at it since the inception of Pakistan. their toy bombs, their hammer group their targeted assassinations date back to communist era and beyond. dont undersell the Afghans,

they kill random Balochis in and around Quetta and deliberately dump their bodies by the roadside so that the blame can be put on ISI and FC.
So pakistan has no fault a all? it's always afghans or Indians or iranians... the developing plot is always Pakistan is innocent.... maybe this attitude is the root cause.
You absorbing Afghans, when they're piss poor they're independent minded, and think you can absorb them. :lol:

Really, have fun with that endeavor.

Handful districts of FATA can't be controlled properly, they think of controlling entire Afghanistan from Islamabad. :lol::lol:
of course maza Aya Bharti .. your presence in Afghanistan is not going unnoticed.
this is how every Indian embassy will look like that will host and plot terror attacks against Pakistan

naughty guests in a naughty country will get a naughty response ;)

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And hopefully such events will be the building blocks of Af-Pak relations.... You know those bombings harm pakistan's position more than they harm India in the long run....
all of them? see the list I mentioned Persians, Greeks, Huns, Kushans, Turks, Mughals, Great Game, cold War and war on terror. Delhi was not involved in these except Turkic-Mughal rule. ;)

stop bs kiddo... truth is bitter...
Flying into Kabul earlier this week just before Afghanistan’s presidential inauguration, a number of embassy cars sat waiting to pick up VIPs and visitors from their respective nations. It was telling that the Pakistani embassy cars were the only ones not armored. After all, because Pakistan supports the Taliban and its terrorism, the visitors from Islamabad had about as much need for an armored car as Iranian diplomats would in Hezbollah-controlled southern Lebanon. Terrorism is not a random phenomenon.

For many Americans, ancient history is anything more than a decade or two old. While a generation of American servicemen, diplomats, and journalists think about the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, they think about it in terms of one-way infiltration: Pakistani-supported Taliban or other terrorists infiltrating into Pakistan in order to conduct terrorism. In this, they are not wrong. But if the broader sweep of history is considered, then much of the infiltration went the other way, with Afghan and Pashtun nationalists sneaking across the border into Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, formerly known as the Northwest Frontier Province. (I had summed up a lot of that history, here.)

As U.S. forces and America’s NATO partners prepare to withdraw upon an arbitrary political deadline, terrorism will surge inside Afghanistan but terrorism will not be limited to that country. Many Afghans believe—and they are perhaps not wrong—that diplomacy will never convince Pakistan to curtail its terror sponsorship. Pakistani officials do not take American diplomats seriously. Pakistani diplomats either lie shamelessly or purposely keep themselves ignorant of the actions and policies of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Instead, Afghans may increasingly turn to tit-for-tat terrorism, all with plausible deniability: A bomb goes off in Kabul? Well, then a bomb will go off in Islamabad. A Talib shoots an Afghan colonel? Well, then a Pakistani colonel will mysteriously suffer the same fate.

Pakistan has supported Islamist radicalism since at least 1971, when its defeat at the hands of Bangladeshi nationalists convinced the ISI and President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto that radical Islam could be the glue that held Pakistan together and protect it against the corrosiveness of ethnic nationalism. President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq took that embrace of Islamism to a new level.

The Pakistani elite has not hesitated to use the Taliban and various Kashmiri and other jihadi and terrorist groups as a tool of what it perceives as Pakistani interests. Sitting within their elite bubble, they mistakenly believe that they can control these forces of radical Islamism. That Pakistan has suffered 50,000 deaths in its own fight against radicals suggests they are wrong. The blowback may only have just begun, however.

Pakistanis may believe that an American withdrawal will bring peace (on Pakistan’s terms) to Afghanistan, but they may soon learn the hard way that Afghanistan can be an independent actor; that not every official is under the control of, let alone easily intimidated by Pakistan; and that terrorism can go both ways. That is not to endorse terrorism—analysis is not advocacy—but simply a recognition that the regional reverberations of the forthcoming American and NATO drawdown will be far broader than perhaps both Washington and Islamabad consider.

Will Afghanistan Turn the Tables on Pakistan? « Commentary Magazine
if it comes to that… trust non of our neighbors will be safe from the isi…. we know who is behind the terrorists doing attacks in pakistan. so will have to finish them off to the root all the way in delhi.
pakistan has cut back its support to indian militants probably 99 percent in order to deal with its own problems so its best that india india don't push pakistans buttons…. because if 10 militants brought mumbai to its knees then imagine what pakistan can do you people with 100 militants or a 1000.
stop bs kiddo... truth is bitter...

I clarified Indians no more carry the historical burden of North-West, the Radcliffe line is insulating us from that historical burden, now its only the problem of North-West(which is Pakistan) after partition of India. ;)
if it comes to that… trust non of our neighbors will be safe from the isi…. we know who is behind the terrorists doing attacks in pakistan. so will have to finish them off to the root all the way in delhi.
pakistan has cut back its support to indian militants probably 99 percent in order to deal with its own problems so its best that india india don't push pakistans buttons…. because if 10 militants brought mumbai to its knees then imagine what pakistan can do you people with 100 militants or a 1000.
:fie:i am cho chcared
I clarified Indians no more carry the historical burden of North-West, the Radcliffe line is insulating us from that historical burden, now its only the problem of North-West(which is Pakistan) after partition of India. ;)

funny... but the slave mentality of indians is openly on display right here on this thread.... as for "historic burdens" ... child you are very welcome to google it...

you "pal" from across.:)
And hopefully such events will be the building blocks of Af-Pak relations.... You know those bombings harm pakistan's position more than they harm India in the long run....
I know just being devils advocate here and responding in kind to those who seeming to be enjoying the prospect of terrorism in Pakistan.
there is always a flip side of everything. hate to go down that track but there is a limit to every thing. when the intention of starting a thread and the subsequent posts is to incite flame and grief among the Pakistanis then why complain when we just show the other side of such behavior?

sadly, its been 6 pages but no senior and respected Indian has tried to advise his fellow Indians to stop trolling.

I mean what else you guys can do what you haven't done already? apart from opening a war front now? its been 10 + years of war on terror and India has used Afghan soil to fan the terrorism in Pakistan, no matter how much you guys deny it but your political lot, think thanks and opinion makers openly talk about punishing Pakistan and using this this opportunity.

bit rich to admonish us over our bad behavior when your fellow guys themselves are not only proud of inciting insurgency in Pakistan but actually openly celebrating it too.

whenever there is a chance to take a positive feedback from India and talk about becoming good neighbors with India ... we get this kind of behavior from Indian blowhards which only strengthens the likes of Hafiz Saeed.

your Probe has reached Mars but the Indian mentality has taken a degraded voyage in the past
funny... but the slave mentality of indians is openly on display right here on this thread.... as for "historic burdens" ... child you are very welcome to google it...

you "pal" from across.:)

Ali Khan Marri, can you explain the words slave mentality. :lol:
Ali Khan Marri, can you explain the words slave mentality. :lol:

i dont have too.. you are welcome to read comments by your countrymen... their comments reeks of a certain type of mentality... strictly opposite to ours.

Pakistan & China should set up tents outside New Delhi... Even then the cowards Won't do anything haha :D
i dont have too.. you are welcome to read comments by your countrymen... their comments reeks of a certain type of mentality... strictly opposite to ours.


so you can't explain it, poor me. :cry:
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