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Will Afghanistan Turn the Tables on Pakistan?

Afghans have been at it since the inception of Pakistan. their toy bombs, their hammer group their targeted assassinations date back to communist era and beyond. dont undersell the Afghans,

they kill random Balochis in and around Quetta and deliberately dump their bodies by the roadside so that the blame can be put on ISI and FC.
And your balochi separatists are involved in random target killing of punjabi settlers and pashtuns. ISI and FC has no choice but kill those bla mofos extrajudicially.
Sir ji,i am a pashtun myself and know the Ground realities much better than you do.This is the reason i said a federation
And i am also a pashtun and i agree with @Capt.Popeye here. The arguement that "i am aware of ground realities" dont back up your assertions. Afghans, unlike you and me, are masters of their own state since 1747 while we (pakistani pashtuns) ended up in sikh empire and british empire quite earlier, in 19th century, so there is big difference in the mindset of Afghan-pashtuns and pak-pashtuns. No matter how much backward is Afghanistan, they would consider the idea of joining pakistan as their ultimate insult and humiliation. If this was criterea, india and pakistan wouldnt have opted for independence from a developed country like britian.
But if the state of Afghanistan dissolves then any thing is possible. Historically this Afghanistan was split between various central asian, persian and indian empires before 1708. The Afghanistan, which was never truely conqured by empires and was always turbulent, was actually not the present day Afghanistan but small region comprising of koh e sulieman ranges and mountain ranges of present day FATA.
Afghanistan needs to stand its ground and not let Pakistanis bully them. The time of letting Pakistanis manipulate your country in the name of strategic depth is over.
The new President seems like a reasonable guy i think he is smart enough to know not to mess with Pakistan
Afghanistan needs to stand its ground and not let Pakistanis bully them. The time of letting Pakistanis manipulate your country in the name of strategic depth is over.

This is what Ganga Din Rajas used to say while bullying Sindhu din Rajas.

Then Afghan hoards would descend and defeat Sindhu Din Raja with the help of Ganga Din

Then the same Afghan hoards would rape Ganga Din too.

That's the story of 2000 years of Indian subcontinent.

Sad story but true nonetheless.


Ganga din raja: Governments in the Central Indian subcontinent
Sindhu din raja: Government along Sindh river valley
Afghanistan needs to stand its ground and not let Pakistanis bully them. The time of letting Pakistanis manipulate your country in the name of strategic depth is over.

same goes for nepal,bangladesh etc? or is it a special deal exclusively for afghanistan?

yes I am

and proud of it.

Are you proud of being RSS hindutvadi hindu?

nah hes the same shameless troll luffy d monkey from lucky marwat.. :lol:

in yet another new packing.
Americans did that, and only with 10,000.

you speak like an Indian who lived in Afghanistani slavery for too long.

You mean highlighting someone's instinct translates to slavery. Even British had to manipulate them because they failed to defeat them in their land.
This is what Ganga Din Rajas used to say while bullying Sindhu din Rajas.

Then Afghan hoards would descend and defeat Sindhu Din Raja with the help of Ganga Din

Then the same Afghan hoards would rape Ganga Din too.

That's the story of 2000 years of Indian subcontinent.

Sad story but true nonetheless.


Ganga din raja: Governments in the Central Indian subcontinent
Sindhu din raja: Government along Sindh river valley

The Sindhu people carry the historical burden of 3000 years of invasion from north-west of Persians, Greeks, Huns, Kushans, Turks, Mughals, Great Game, cold War and war on terror. We are now insulated from all these legacy because of the buffer named Pakistan. ;)

I'll ask you about tribals making mess next to Indian borders.

Will see if you have the same pussy-footing tone.

People mould their own fate.
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The Sindhu people carry the historical burden of 3000 years of invasion from north-west of Persians, Greeks, Huns, Kushans, Turks, Mughals, Great Game, cold War and war on terror. He are now insulated from all these legacy because of the buffer named Pakistan. ;)

funny all of em ruled from delhi...
And your balochi separatists are involved in random target killing of punjabi settlers and pashtuns. ISI and FC has no choice but kill those bla mofos extrajudicially.
and who is hosting and supporting these BLA terrorists in Afghanistan? both Indians and Afghan regime.
and we are already dealing with them fine. Afghan regime doesnt have anything else to turn table on us, they have done everything they can and forgot that they are themselves reduced to their green zone.
maza aaya Pakistanio,,,,how does it feel to have a naughty neighbour,who has nothing to loose. :D
Pakistan cannot escape any turmoil in Afghanistan(porous border)
so now what do u do now,,,,
a strong Afghanistan will demand territory,but a weak,turbulent Afghanistan will gift talibs....dilemma

The neighbor needs our roads to get every grain of food.
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