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Wikileaks: India’s Muslim population largely unattracted to extremism

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Aug 18, 2010
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India’s Muslim population largely unattracted to extremism

India’s over 150 million Muslim population is largely unattracted to extremism, U.S. diplomatic cables have said, endorsing India’s vibrant democracy, inclusive culture and nationalistic nature of the minority community.

“Separatism and religious extremism have little appeal to Indian Muslims, and the overwhelming majority espouse moderate doctrines,” Former U.S. envoy to India, David Mulford said in a cable released by whistle-blower website WikiLeaks.

“India’s growing economy, vibrant democracy, and inclusive culture, encourage Muslims to seek success and social mobility in the mainstream and reduces alienation. With Indian Muslim youth increasingly comfortable in the mainstream, the pool of potential recruits is shrinking, while Muslim families and communities provide little sanction or support to extremist appeals,” the cable said.

The vast majority (of Muslims) remain committed to the Indian State and seek to participate in mainstream political and economic life, it said.

Although there are a wide variety of Islamic religious, political and social organisations, most Muslims join or support secular groups without a specific Islamic identity.

India’s vibrant democracy has ensured that the large Muslim community has a voice in politics and recent elections have demonstrated that Muslim voters are courted actively by political parties, the leaked cable said.

“With a Muslim President (A.P.J. Abdul Kalam) occupying the highest political position in the country, Muslims have been encouraged to seek political power in electoral and parliamentary politics, all but eliminating the appeal of violent extremism,” the cable added.

India’s secular education system increasingly integrates Muslim students into the mainstream and has spawned a growing and prosperous Muslim middle class.

The cable said that, “Young and dynamic Muslims are popular culture heroes in sports (Sania Mirza) and Bollywood (Sharrukh Khan and many others). The message for young Muslims is that they are Indians first and Muslims second, and that they can fully participate in Indian society and culture and win the adulation and respect of other Indians, regardless of religion.”

The Hindu : News / International : 'India’s Muslim population largely unattracted to extremism'
New Delhi, Dec 17 (IANS) A WikiLeaks cable quoting Rahul Gandhi as saying that “radicalised Hindu groups” may be a bigger danger than Islamist terrorists fetched a quick clarification from the Congress general secretary Friday that both “terrorism and communalism of all kinds” posed major threats to India. The BJP and RSS were scathing in their criticism of his reported comment. According to leaks of diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, Gandhi, son of Congress president Sonia Gandhi and a Lok Sabha member, made his remarks last year to US Ambassador Timothy Roemer.

He reportedly told Roemer that though “there was evidence of some support for LeT (Islamic terrorist group) Lashkar-e-Taiban among certain elements in India’s indigenous Muslim community, the bigger threat may be the growth of radicalised Hindu groups”.

The Guardian also quoted Gandhi as telling the ambassador that “the risk of a ‘homegrown’ extremist front reacting to terror attacks coming from Pakistan or from Islamist groups in India was a growing concern and one that demanded constant attention”.

The conversation took place in 2009, when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was hosting a dinner in honour of visiting Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton.

Reading out a statement on Gandhi’s behalf, Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari quoted him as saying that “terrorism and communalism of all kinds are a threat to India” and that “we need to remain vigilant against terrorism of all kinds no matter who commits them”.

Tewari added that “fighting terrorism is the duty of every Indian. The Congress always believes in this”.

Gandhi’s reaction came soon after Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi said the Congress would comment on the WikiLeaks cable release about Gandhi’s remarks after verifying its authenticity.

“We will inquire into this matter, verify its authenticity and let you know thereafter,” Singhvi said.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) reacted angrily to Gandhi’s remarks on Hindu radical groups.

“The BJP strongly condemns the statement, which is also irresponsible,” spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad said.

“If at all Rahul Gandhi has a problem like this, he should speak to Indians, in parliament. Sharing it with an ambassador of a foreign country shows how little he knows about Indian problems.”

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was more scathing. RSS spokesperson Ram Madhav said it showed Gandhi’s “utter ignorance”.

Singhvi dismissed the BJP criticism as unimportant. “Do people listen to such allegations?” the Congress spokesperson asked.

Rahul Gandhi is quoted to have said to Timothy Roemer - “The bigger threat (to India) may be the growth of radicalised Hindu groups which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community”.

His observation came as a reply to Roemer’s enquiry about Lashkar-e-Taiba’s activities in the region, and its threat to India.

AICC General Secretary Janardan Dwivedi said in a release issued on Gandhi’s behalf: “Rahul Gandhi’s view is that terrorism and communalism of all types are a threat to India. We need to remain vigilant against acts of terrorism of all kinds no matter who commits them.”
New Delhi, Dec 17 (IANS) A WikiLeaks cable quoting Rahul Gandhi as saying that “radicalised Hindu groups” may be a bigger danger than Islamist terrorists fetched a quick clarification from the Congress general secretary Friday that both “terrorism and communalism of all kinds” posed major threats to India. The BJP and RSS were scathing in their criticism of his reported comment. According to leaks of diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, Gandhi, son of Congress president Sonia Gandhi and a Lok Sabha member, made his remarks last year to US Ambassador Timothy Roemer.

He reportedly told Roemer that though “there was evidence of some support for LeT (Islamic terrorist group) Lashkar-e-Taiban among certain elements in India’s indigenous Muslim community, the bigger threat may be the growth of radicalised Hindu groups”.

The Guardian also quoted Gandhi as telling the ambassador that “the risk of a ‘homegrown’ extremist front reacting to terror attacks coming from Pakistan or from Islamist groups in India was a growing concern and one that demanded constant attention”.

The conversation took place in 2009, when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was hosting a dinner in honour of visiting Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton.

Reading out a statement on Gandhi’s behalf, Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari quoted him as saying that “terrorism and communalism of all kinds are a threat to India” and that “we need to remain vigilant against terrorism of all kinds no matter who commits them”.

Tewari added that “fighting terrorism is the duty of every Indian. The Congress always believes in this”.

Gandhi’s reaction came soon after Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi said the Congress would comment on the WikiLeaks cable release about Gandhi’s remarks after verifying its authenticity.

“We will inquire into this matter, verify its authenticity and let you know thereafter,” Singhvi said.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) reacted angrily to Gandhi’s remarks on Hindu radical groups.

“The BJP strongly condemns the statement, which is also irresponsible,” spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad said.

“If at all Rahul Gandhi has a problem like this, he should speak to Indians, in parliament. Sharing it with an ambassador of a foreign country shows how little he knows about Indian problems.”

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was more scathing. RSS spokesperson Ram Madhav said it showed Gandhi’s “utter ignorance”.

Singhvi dismissed the BJP criticism as unimportant. “Do people listen to such allegations?” the Congress spokesperson asked.

Rahul Gandhi is quoted to have said to Timothy Roemer - “The bigger threat (to India) may be the growth of radicalised Hindu groups which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community”.

His observation came as a reply to Roemer’s enquiry about Lashkar-e-Taiba’s activities in the region, and its threat to India.

AICC General Secretary Janardan Dwivedi said in a release issued on Gandhi’s behalf: “Rahul Gandhi’s view is that terrorism and communalism of all types are a threat to India. We need to remain vigilant against acts of terrorism of all kinds no matter who commits them.”
U have posted in a wrong thread ...
There is another 2 threads running on this..
I doubt this article due to generalization.

(Whole)150 Million are not saying they are Indians first and Muslims second. :P Few of them are just 'superstars'

Enough many problems in Hindus/Muslims fighting (trains, Mosque/temples, bombing, revenges, etc)....Even muslims citizens are second citizens in India.
Hm bad news for ISI ! Now they have seek hindu extremist to achive their goal 
I doubt this article due to generalization.

(Whole)150 Million are not saying they are Indians first and Muslims second. :P Few of them are just 'superstars'

Enough many problems in Hindus/Muslims fighting (trains, Mosque/temples, bombing, revenges, etc)....Even muslims citizens are second citizens in India.

No raptor you are wrong..! I reccomend you to come here and visit the purani delhi's jama mashjid area and ask locals, i am sure you will get the answer of all your questions..:)
and so is the majority muslim population anywhere in the world not just particularly in India..no "superpower" points for this discovery..however india could score for some hardcore backward type muslims because it is the HO of deobandi gang!
I totally agree with the article ....

People outside the India have no idea about Indian Muslims they just observe Kashmir and some incidents and come to a conclusion that Indian Muslims may not be treated well.

But guess what, they share equal rights and more importantly you can see many Indian Muslims leading the nation.

We even celebrate each other festivals and show immense respect for their ways of life.

Coming to the Food part, I come from Hyderabad and trust me people ( most of them Hindus ) eagerly wait the whole year for Ramzan. People in Hyderabad will do anything for haleem:smitten:.

I have grow in locality with many Indian Muslim friends and I'm still in contact with them now.

I really proud of my Indian Muslim Brothers.
Wikileaks has become the new revelation in India..expect a Julian temple coming soon somewhere.
Its not the muslim radicalism but the hindu radicalism india should worry about.And if not india tackles its closet hindu terrorist from hindu main stream parties(sadly some of them are on this board too), india will push the its other minorities into radicalism in order to protect themselves from majority hindu terror.
Its not the muslim radicalism but the hindu radicalism india should worry about.And if not india tackles its closet hindu terrorist from hindu main stream parties(sadly some of them are on this board too), india will push the its other minorities into radicalism in order to protect themselves from majority hindu terror.

I agree that there are Hindu extremists. Bu one has to think why such a phenomenon started all of a sudden in the past century. It is to safeguard what ever remaining they have. Hindu fascism is the reply to Zia's islamic Fascism and and aggressive conversion tactics of Christians. I don't care about religion. Hindus or muslims when they are fascistic , that's when tension arise.

YouTube - TalkBack w/ Wajahat Khan & Javed Akhtar Ep31 Pt3
I agree that there are Hindu extremists. Bu one has to think why such a phenomenon started all of a sudden in the past century. It is to safeguard what ever remaining they have. Hindu fascism is the reply to Zia's islamic Fascism and and aggressive conversion tactics of Christians. I don't care about religion. Hindus or muslims when they are fascistic , that's when tension arise.

YouTube - TalkBack w/ Wajahat Khan & Javed Akhtar Ep31 Pt3
How easily you can blame the zia who only came into picture around 1977.What was going on till 1977.with all those riots going on in india since 1947.and people not even once getting justice.What happened how many bomb-blasts went on in inddia response to those.....none.And how can you blame the khalistani movement on zia when it was the short sighted policy of indian govt itself.And if you think that conversion is the reason killing and burning christian is the reason then i pity u.Is hidu religion is fraglie that it has to go on killing spree to protect it self from conversions or is it that hindu religious ideology is so weak that hindus convert to other religions. Its when people are denied justice they are forced to take up arms and become radical.the phenomenon u r seeing with SIMI and IM they are the result of all thos injustices of riots and their religious place demolitions.
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