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Wikileaks Expose: What India said about Sri Lanka

No need to say sorry - IG did what she thought was in the best interest of India after Sri Lankan support to Chinese in 1962 and Pakistan in 1971.

Does the US go about saying sorry to the innumerable banana republics it had created or closer home has Pakistan said sorry to the Afghans foer creating the Taliban.?
So pakistan bangladesh,nepal are doing whats they think is in best interest of their country .So why do u ve this double standards on terrorism and hafiz saeed.Why this morality issue when countries use terror against india as strategic weapon and not the same way when india does it in all these countries.
Et tu TL? What part of "LTTE cadres & their Indian companions held in India under arms smuggling charges" did you confuse with "India sheltering terrorists"?
Comprehension problem or wilful (mis)interpretation?

This thread is full of malarkey with people blatantly misinterpreting the cables- people with sinister motives or those with clear comprehension problems.

Clearly the cables showed GoI's concerns about Tamil civilians' fate during the final push by SL army. And many a dimwits here are getting carried away, emotionally, by false interpretation of the report. Geez, with reporters of such half assed caliber, no wonder people are being misled.
Then y india makes noises when world gets concerned about its minorities,its tribals and about kashmiris.Why this dual standards by india.
It is very hard to mess with the sentiments of one of the most productive communities in India and a state held by the same community with the lowest central assistance (-560%) and the second highest growth rate and GDP in India. the Centre was at a fix and they chose to remain neutral.
How was that offtopic ?? :what:

I just gave an analogy that every nation does what it thinks is in the best interests of it and put a question inside that while China doing the same thing is left off, it is India's action that is micro-analysed.

Anyway the GoI is dependent on DMK's support and any access given to the Sri Lankans will be seen as 'sellout' to a nation that was actively persecuting its ethnic Tamil minority ; a nation that was indulging in whole-sale war crimes and would have elicited a huge backlash in Tamil Nadu which in turn could have collapsed the Govt in the centre.

Now no party likes to loose its power ...Do they ? :azn:
Why should srilanka be answerable to the internal politics of india.Its like india complaining to pakistan about JUD and LeT.
New delhi declined srilankans' access to those ltte cadres who were arrested in india for drug smuggling charges.If we were sheltering them there would have been no arrests or news about arrests!In fact that crack down was big news here in south indian media and even a guy from my town who supplied medicines to ltte was arrested and still in prison.
Here's the thing- gun running crimes committed in India, under the jurisdiction of Indian laws, criminals sentenced by laws under Indian jurisdiction. Why then should India provide access to SL team?

[Mod edit: please discuss off-topic items in the relevant threads. See my note to Karthic above. You are welcome to talk about all the other countries you want, but not here... let's keep this on topic please. ]

Btw, there is no extradiction treaty with SL.

If such is the case then why india made noises when in beginning usa refused india access to david headly.You se parallel between both cases dont u.
There are actually some senior Tamil politicians who openly support LTTE too. It is just their ideology. These guys will be constantly behind bars and will come out to again talk on this issue. What they failed to notice was, the people didn't really care about it, selfish as they were. The only way to gain support was to do something tangible for the people. Not for the neighboring Lanka.
You mean to say vaiko is hafiz saeed.if yes then why india insists actions on hafiz saeed but ignore vaiko.
Hopefully, in your regular interactions on this forum, you have discovered that bringing India, Pakistan or China into an unrelated thread is not merely an "analogy", it is a sure fire way of defocussing from the core issue at hand. So, yes, the reference you used was entirely off topic for the purposes of this discussion, which is only concerned with India and Sri Lanka.

Point taken.

Anywho isnt it sad that we have to tread very carefully and even have to restrain ourselves from giving valid analogies for the fear of the thread getting hijacked.

I am not sure what the implication is here, but if you are suggesting that your argument makes it ok for the GoI to harbor members of a declared terrorist outfit who are foreign nationals and are being recalled by their own government, then NO, this is not ok.

No I am not suggesting anything. In the absence of a extradition treaty no one can be given access and this is the world wide practice except when you are the US.

Also, "whole sale war crimes" is an interesting way to put it. This, like most other complex situations, is a story with two sides, so let's not sell our opinions as facts. You may have an affinity with Tamils and may hold this opinion, but not everyone does.

Sorry If you think I am speaking out of just ethinic affliation then think again. I am speaking with first hand experience of meeting the Fleeing refugees who risk their life in the sea and come to my state to live in the various designated refugee camps and hearing their tragic stories of the brutalities committed by the SL Army in the name of Fighting Terror.

Actually as you said only one side of the story - the version of the SL Govt is known to the outside world and it is the other part of the story that is known to us,the people of Tamil Nadu that I am speaking about.

Are you saying that the GOI was granting both citizenship AND amnesty to fleeing members of the LTTE terrorist outfit?

There is no way to guarentee if a refugee arriving at Mandapam or Rameshwaram braving the dangers at sea is a Tiger or not. They arrive as refugees fleeing from the SL Persecution and that is to it.
It is very hard to mess with the sentiments of one of the most productive communities in India and a state held by the same community with the lowest central assistance (-560%) and the second highest growth rate and GDP in India. the Centre was at a fix and they chose to remain neutral.
If such is the case then why india insists actions on LeT and other kashmiri group knowing fully well how much popular and sentimental support they enjoy in pakistan.
Then y india makes noises when world gets concerned about its minorities,its tribals and about kashmiris.Why this dual standards by india.

So pakistan bangladesh,nepal are doing whats they think is in best interest of their country .So why do u ve this double standards on terrorism and hafiz saeed.Why this morality issue when countries use terror against india as strategic weapon and not the same way when india does it in all these countries.

Because world does not run on 'morals'. It runs on 'interests'.

And the world as i know does not accuse India of exporting terror. It sees India as a victim of terror.
Ultimately, it's because of India's cooperation that Sri Lanka was finally able to defeat the LTTE. If India really wanted to support the insurgency, you'd be still dealing with suicide bombings today.

Indian Center had to keep the sentiments of Indian Tamils in consideration also, because the fact is that Sri Lankan Tamils have suffered terribly because of Sinhalese jingoism, but fact of the matter is that the conflict for now is over, and it is upto the Sri Lankan government to honour its promises to the Tamil minority and recognize their right to speak their language and practice their way of life without being oppressed or suppressed.

Pakistan OTOH still gives full ideological, monetary, and armed support to the insurgency in Kashmir - that is why it is still going on.

But then Pakistan cannot even control the insurgency inside its own territory, so it is rather ambitious to expect it to control the one in India. Pakistan is helpless to contain its own frankenstein monster.
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Because world does not run on 'morals'. It runs on 'interests'.

And the world as i know does not accuse India of exporting terror. It sees India as a victim of terror.
but its always the india which harps about terror from bangladesh,nepal,pakistan china.but the cases is its two way traffic.u destabilize those countries they will pay u in the same coin.and india many a time been accused of helping LTTE,mukti bahini.
Ultimately, it's because of India's cooperation that Sri Lanka was finally able to defeat the LTTE. If India really wanted to support the insurgency, you'd be still dealing with suicide bombings today.

Indian Center had to keep the sentiments of Indian Tamils in consideration also, because the fact is that Sri Lankan Tamils have suffered terribly because of Sinhalese jingoism, but fact of the matter is that the conflict for now is over, and it is upto the Sri Lankan government to honour its promises to the Tamil minority and recognize their right to speak their language and practice their way of life without being oppressed or suppressed.

Pakistan OTOH still gives full ideological, monetary, and armed support to the insurgency in Kashmir - that is why it is still going on.

But then Pakistan cannot even control the insurgency inside its own territory, so it is rather ambitious to expect it to control the one in India. Pakistan is helpless to contain its own frankenstein monster.

It was the chinese help which was responsible for decimation of LTTE.even if india wanted to help ltte it could not ve succeeded coz by that time chinese were fully in the game.
but its always the india which harps about terror from bangladesh,nepal,pakistan china.but the cases is its two way traffic.u destabilize those countries they will pay u in the same coin.and india many a time been accused of helping LTTE,mukti bahini.

Pay us ?? Im an LMAO.

You need to brush up with recent happenings to see who is 'paying'.

Anyway that is offtopic.

India supporting terror on ground is true or not does not matter - the international community sees India as a victim of terror and not an exporter. So we will harp on that.

BTW what is Nepal doing in the list ?
Chinese or no Chinese, if India wanted to they could have easily supported it. Fact is that they wanted the LTTE to be finished and that's why it was finished.

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