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Wikileaks Expose: What India said about Sri Lanka

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Wikileaks Expose: What India said about Sri Lanka

While the Sri Lankan armed forces were battling the LTTE in the East in early 2007, India expressed serious concern that the situation in Sri Lanka was rapidly deteriorating, according to a confidential US embassy missive released by the whistle blowing website, Wikileaks.

The US cable dated April 27, 2007 dealt with the situation in Sri Lanka at an initial stage of the military campaign launched by President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s government in response to the LTTE declaring war in the second week of August, 2006.

The cable quoted senior Indian officials as saying that the situation in Sri Lanka was ‘beyond bleak’ and that neither the government nor Tamil separatists had any ‘regard’ for the international community and also sought a briefing from the US regarding Sri Lanka’s growing relations with China.

Sources pointed out that a discussion between Indian and US officials based in New Delhi on April 26, 2007 had been the basis of the embassy cable in the wake of the launch of Sri Lanka’s military operations on the Vanni front in March 2007.

Military sources said that contrary to the perception in New Delhi, Sri Lankan forces had liberated the Eastern Province within three months. The LTTE collapsed on May 19, two years later.

A New Delhi based US diplomat quotes in the leaked cable Mohan Kumar, Joint Secretary of the External Affairs Ministry as saying, "The situation in Sri Lanka is "bad, really bad - beyond bleak."

The US official said that Kumar had called the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE as two sets of people with scant regard for the international community and was sceptical that political progress could be achieved anytime soon.

The embassy official says: "Kumar confirmed reports that the Indian Navy has stepped up patrols in the Palk Strait, and said that India and Sri Lanka are doing coordinated patrolling to prevent the smuggling of weapons from the Tamil Nadu coast. Kumar said it would be helpful to get the American assessment of the port being built in Hambantota, which he estimated China was willing to spend US $500 million to help develop." He noted that China has increased its influence with President Rajapaksa, opining that Rajapaksa had a "soft spot" for China following his visit to Beijing in March.

In spite of Kumar’s claim of coordinated patrols in the Palk Strait, the Sri Lankan Navy intercepted and destroyed many trawlers carrying weapons after they crossed the Indo-Lanka maritime boundary. Sources recalled how New Delhi declined Sri Lanka access to those LTTE cadres and their Indian associates held in India on arms smuggling charge.

According to the leaked cable, which dealt with Burma, Maldives & Bangladesh, the Indian Joint Secretary of External Affairs has expressed concern over the Hambantota Port building project. A New Delhi based British diplomat, too, was involved the discussion. The US embassy identifies the British official as Alex Hall-Hall. Sources said that this was evidence that US and British strategy on the four countries could be the same as revealed subsequently.

President Rajapaksa commissioned the first stage of the Hambantota port project last month.

The Island

The embassy official says: "Kumar confirmed reports that the Indian Navy has stepped up patrols in the Palk Strait, and said that India and Sri Lanka are doing coordinated patrolling to prevent the smuggling of weapons from the Tamil Nadu coast.

what ? read above
The embassy official says: "Kumar confirmed reports that the Indian Navy has stepped up patrols in the Palk Strait, and said that India and Sri Lanka are doing coordinated patrolling to prevent the smuggling of weapons from the Tamil Nadu coast.

what ? read above

Sources recalled how New Delhi declined Sri Lanka access to those LTTE cadres and their Indian associates held in India on arms smuggling charge.

what ? read above

Sources recalled how New Delhi declined Sri Lanka access to those LTTE cadres and their Indian associates held in India on arms smuggling charge.

what ? read above

Yes GOI declined so what? It remind neutral everybody knows that. nothing new. you people ever talked about srilankan tamil refugees in india? let solve that first
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In spite of Kumar’s claim of coordinated patrols in the Palk Strait, the Sri Lankan Navy intercepted and destroyed many trawlers carrying weapons after they crossed the Indo-Lanka maritime boundary.

i dont how fish could be used as a weapon.because the mighty lankan navy destroyed were the fishing trawlers and the tamil fisherman.
to justify a atrocity your army just made a claim that they were smuggling weapons. and in India weapons are not easily available in market.

Sources recalled how New Delhi declined Sri Lanka access to those LTTE cadres and their Indian associates held in India on arms smuggling charge.

the same was done in Headly case right? is there any agreements between the two countries in this regard???
india created tamil terrorist oraganization LTTE. Indian created terror organization in other countries. What better can be expected from india?

Sorry matey, your analysis is once again flawed!!:lol:
There is nothing wrong in the article. The cable is dated when you began your attacks in Jaffna peninsula. Your country was fighting a civil war. While actions were being taken by your army in Jaffna, suicide bombs were exploding in southern areas.
Who is not concerned in a war at their doorstep. The Chinese and Japanese are concerned of a conflict in Korea today. Same is our concern.
Plus we were worried about a potential refugee problem akin to 1971 in southern India, as it creates a security and economic problem for us. We obviously don't want that.
You will find quite a few news articles stating this if you had bothered to go back and look

Finally the article says that IN and SN were jointly patrolling the waters to ensuring smuggling does not take place. Amazing Backstab aint it :P

And our concern of China building facililties, potentially, for future naval bases right at our doorstep has been there for long time, nothing new about it.

Come back when you have some real proof. Adios and Vamoos till then.
what the surprise in sri lankan member actions...
it's a fect that over a time pakistan's friends turns anti-india ...
indian members better learn to give it a pass...
Some bad news for Sri Lankan, Card Sharp and ajtr - let Rajapakse speak:

Did you get the support you expected from India in your fight against the LTTE?
Yes. India's support was there and we appreciate it a lot.

What kind of support was it — moral or military?
Both (laughs). We needed both.

Weren't the Chinese more forthcoming about selling you arms?
Purchasing weapons is a military decision. We were fighting a war. We got whatever was possible from India. The rest was bought from China, Pakistan, European Union, Israel, even the US. It's simple logic — whoever could supply to us quickly, we bought from them.

India should treat us like its little sister - The Times of India

NR: They say you value friendships a lot. You have friends in India.

President: Even when a country needs a friend, I always trust that country as a friend. Personal friendship has become important even in international relations. That is why I always treat India as a friend. A little more than that: a relation, I would say.

NR: You are happy overall with India’s response to the recent developments?

President: Yes, India was very helpful, first by understanding what was happening. We had a list and we knew what was possible and what was not. We bought the weapons we wanted from China. It was a commercial deal. China helped us and when somebody helps you, you appreciate it, don’t you? But we paid them on international terms. We were very clear about this.

The Hindu : Opinion / Interviews : ‘Not a single Tamil house was attacked, not a single Tamil humiliated’
Are you really that naive Sri Lankan? Were you expecting bharats to stand shoulder to shoulder with Sri Lanka and not be two faced? :hitwall:

We are not expecting India to stand shoulder to shoulder with Sri Lanka

The issue is India telling us we are friends but the reality is they tried to destroy us in the past

Already Sri Lankan media had given large publicity to this new item, we can expect some nice result in the future

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