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WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi Warned US Of Hindu Extremist Threat


Jun 2, 2010
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WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi warned US of Hindu extremist threat

Scion of India's leading political family told ambassador radicalised Hindu groups could create religious tension and political confrontation

Jason Burke in Delhi

guardian.co.uk, Thursday 16 December 2010 21.30 GMT

Rahul Gandhi, the "crown prince" of Indian politics, told the US ambassador at a lunch last year that Hindu extremist groups could pose a greater threat to his country than Muslim militants.

In controversial comments likely to cause a storm in India, Gandhi – considered a likely prime ministerial candidate and a scion of the country's leading political family – warned Timothy Roemer that although "there was evidence of some support for [Islamic terrorist group Laskar-e-Taiba] among certain elements in India's indigenous Muslim community, the bigger threat may be the growth of radicalised Hindu groups, which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community".

The 40-year-old politician, the son of the Congress party president, Sonia Gandhi, told the ambassador that "the risk of a "homegrown" extremist front, reacting to terror attacks coming from Pakistan or from Islamist groups in India, was a growing concern and one that demanded constant attention".

The US view of him has evolved. In late 2007, US diplomats described the young politician, recently appointed to lead the Congress youth wing, as "widely viewed as an empty suit and will have to prove wrong those who dismiss him as a lightweight".

"To do so he will have to demonstrate determination, depth, savvy and stamina. He will need to get his hands dirty in the untidy and ruthless business that is Indian politics," one said in a cable entitled The son also rises: Rahul Gandhi takes another step towards top job.

Other cables talk of Gandhi's political inexperience and repeated gaffes. They also repeat cutting criticism from political analysts and journalists.

However as Gandhi warmed to the US, the US warmed to him. In a meeting with another American official last summer, he explained his strategy of targeting rural populations and small towns, impressing his interlocutor.

"[Gandhi] came off as a practiced politician who knew how to get his message across, was precise and articulate and demonstrated a mastery that belied the image some have of [him] as a dilettante," the official said.

In November last year, after a meeting with the US ambassador, a cable to Washington described Gandhi as "an elusive contact in the past" but now "clearly interested in reaching out to the USG [United States government]".

A cable from February this year describes him as "increasingly sure-footed".

For Roemer, writing after the lunch during which Gandhi had commented on extremism, "the rising profile of young leaders like Rahul Gandhi provides [the USA with] an opening to expand the constituency in support of the strategic partnership with a long term horizon".

WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi warned US of Hindu extremist threat | World news | The Guardian
lol Sahi hai! For the first time, I was beginning to think about voting for Congress because of the young age of Rahul Gandhi in the next General Elections but they have messed up big time:

1. They failed at controlling inflation.

2. They failed at corruption.

3. They failed at any worthwhile bills (like Right to food, women's reservation even RTI is under threat)

4. They failed in defence.

5. They failed on Kashmir.

6. They failed on poverty.

In short, an EPIC FAIL!

Congress has become really arrogant and underestimated the power of the people. I'm not voting for Congress the next time. :tdown::tdown:
Rahul Gandhi, the "crown prince" of Indian politics, told the US ambassador at a lunch last year that Hindu extremist groups could pose a greater threat to his country than Muslim militants.
No terror group can cause as much dangare to india as much its ruling elites do of which rahul gandhi is a part too.At least terrorist kill instantaneously but rahul ghandhi tribe kills slowly with lot of agony.
lol Sahi hai! For the first time, I was beginning to think about voting for Congress because of the young age of Rahul Gandhi in the next General Elections but they have messed up big time:

1. They failed at controlling inflation.

2. They failed at corruption.

3. They failed at any worthwhile bills (like Right to food, women's reservation even RTI is under threat)

4. They failed in defence.

5. They failed on Kashmir.

6. They failed on poverty.

In short, an EPIC FAIL!

Congress has become really arrogant and underestimated the power of the people. I'm not voting for Congress the next time. :tdown::tdown:

Next election my and my family vote will go for BJP
US embassy cables: Ambassador warned that radical Hindu groups may pose bigger threat than LeT in India

Monday, 03 August 2009, 14:29


EO 12958 DECL: 08/03/2019




Classified By: AMB Timothy J. Roemer. Reasons 1.4 (B, D)

1. (C) Summary: In a candid conversation with the Ambassador during the July 20 lunch hosted by Prime Minister Singh for the Secretary, Indian Congress Party General Secretary Rahul Gandhi described his focus on upcoming state and local elections, expressed concerns regarding the challenges surrounding the UPA coalition's ability to implement its programs, and speculated about radicalization among Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi was interested in engaging with the Ambassador and could become a key interlocutor, along with other young members of Parliament, as we pursue a Strategic Dialogue with India. End Summary.

2. (C) During the Secretary's July 20 meetings in New Delhi (see reftel), Prime Minister Singh hosted a lunch in honor of the Secretary. Among the invitees was Indian Congress Party General Secretary Rahul Gandhi, as well as other prominent figures from politics, business and civil society. Gandhi, who was seated next to the Ambassador, shared his views on a range of political topics, social challenges, and electoral issues for the Congress Party in the next five years.

Rural Strategy


3. (C) Gandhi stressed that his focus in the upcoming months would be on state assembly elections in Maharashtra and party building efforts at the local level. He was busy trying to recruit more appealing candidates to run for Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) positions nationwide. Gandhi's focus was on finding younger party members who would not carry some of the baggage of older Congress candidates. He aimed at rebuilding party structures in small towns and rural areas to attract voters and believed the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was vulnerable there. He did not seem to be as focused on electoral efforts in bigger cities, such as Delhi and Mumbai.

Honeymoon is Over


4. (C) Noting that the Congress Party victory in this past spring's parliamentary elections had put the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in a comfortable position, Gandhi still expressed concerns about the numerous challenges regarding the UPA's ability to implement its programs in Parliament. He said that the honeymoon period had been short and he now expected the BJP and Left Parties would be unrelenting critics of the government's program. Speaking while the budget session of Parliament was ongoing, Gandhi touched on the difficulties in keeping the UPA coalition on the right track. (Note: This conversation took place before the full scope of opposition to the July 16 Indo-Pakistani joint statement in Sharm el Sheikh had become apparent. End Note.)

Creeping Radicalization?


5. (C) Responding to the Ambassador's query about Lashkar-e-Taiba's activities in the region and immediate threat to India, Gandhi said there was evidence of some support for the group among certain elements in India's indigenous Muslim community. However, Gandhi warned, the bigger threat may be the growth of radicalized Hindu groups, which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community. (Comment: Gandhi was referring to the tensions created by some of the more polarizing figures in the BJP such as Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.) The risk of a "home-grown" extremist front, reacting to terror attacks coming from Pakistan or from Islamist groups in India, was a growing concern and one that demanded constant attention.



6. (C) Gandhi was forthright in describing the challenges faced by the Congress Party and the UPA government in the months ahead. Over the past four years, he was an elusive contact, but he could be interested in reaching out to the United States, given a thoughtful, politically sensitive and strategic approach on our part. We will seek other opportunities to engage with him and with other promising young members of the new generation of parliamentarians. Gandhi mentioned that in the recent election 60 members of the new Parliament were 45 or younger. In a system long viewed as relatively static, the influx of new faces and the rising profile of young leaders like Rahul Gandhi provides us an opening to expand the constituency in support of the strategic partnership with a long term horizon.

Ambassador warned that radical Hindu groups may pose bigger threat than LeT in India

Thank god that it didnt happen and wont happen.
so raul vinci shared domestic intelligence info with American ambassador?
so raul vinci shared domestic intelligence info with American ambassador?

It would be nice if they had any leak regarding any conversation with laloo or mayavati. :lol:
I agree with Rahul, the worst thing that can happen in India is rise of local religious terrorist groups, who will direct terrorism against Indian minorities..thereby creating communal divide amongst Indians...which has the potential of destroying the secular fabric of this society.
I agree with Rahul, the worst thing that can happen in India is rise of local religious terrorist groups, who will direct terrorism against Indian minorities..thereby creating inter religious divide amongst Indians.

And Rahul was seen making comments which can trigger a tension..

And who is he to talk to US diplomats regarding the internal security situation of the nation,?? self appointed ambassador??/
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