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Wide Asia support for US despite China rise

I don't think you understand our words properly. We do not oppose any alliance as long as an alliance is not form to target a particular country? We care of an alliance that target a "particular country" while we will not care of an alliance that form without targeting any particular country. Do we have to keep saying this over and over again? What we envision and propose a China alliance is a future thing. Currently, we only want to warn of any alliance that will lead to instability.
Right...But an aggressive China does not create instability at all ? Ever thought that an aggressive China is what urging those Asian countries to form alliances in the first place ?
Right...But an aggressive China does not create instability at all ? Ever thought that an aggressive China is what urging those Asian countries to form alliances in the first place ?
How are we aggressive again? Any countries have the right to defend their territorial integrity, why are you single us out? Yet there is no alliance of any sort that you dream of. Like we said, an alliance is not the right way for stability. You certainly don't want us to react to an alliance forming to threat us..
How are we aggressive again? Any countries have the right to defend their territorial integrity, why are you single us out? Yet there is no alliance of any sort that you dream of. Like we said, an alliance is not the right way for stability. You certainly don't want us to react to an alliance forming to threat us..
You are a fool if you think there are none. The US-Japan relationship for starter. All any country have to do is to engage in 'dialogue' with US and China's leadership will worry, as if they are not already.
You are a fool if you think there are none. The US-Japan relationship for starter. All any country have to do is to engage in 'dialogue' with US and China's leadership will worry, as if they are not already.
Your relationship with Abe-Japan is showing crack as we speak here. With that said, we don't care of any alliance. I mean why should we care? Does that alliance will prevent us from doing anything?
Frankly USA is a great country because the country has a good internal environment and economic and also bring technology and innovation to this world.It is a relatively good democratic nation inside.But you are not really a peacemaker outside because of your double standard.If you like the country and don't consider it as your competitor to challenge your hegemony,you will encourage the country.If you don't like the country,you will make the potential conflict around it and when the time is suitable,you will irritate both parts.We could see clearly.
Frankly tell you,Japanese doesn't really love you Americans but if they don't love you,the country would descend into a dilemma.So their politicians must suck up to you because you are the NO.1 in this world and Japan would benefit from it.The country could deny history,deny comfort woman,deny NANJING massacre and then what they will deny next?
USA and your allies are still living in the cold war and take use of geopolitics to anti-China,anti-Russia and anti-Iran,anti-North korea,Anti...Anti--the country you don't like.You are just concerned about politics and your interest but the livelihood of common civilians in those country.I think in this world anti-USA people are more than anti-China.When you find them anti-USA,you will name them as terrorist.
You of course have many developed countries friend because they must listen to your guide then they will move forward peacefully.Or else the country will become next target.
The most important thing is that you and your allies have controlled your media of English speaking broadcast.If the main language is another language in this world,you will be not that welcomed.Because you know clearly how to make negative news to your enemy.
Burma still is ur 'friend' ?? poor day dreamer. Burma becoming Democracy nation now. :coffee:
when will VN become a democracy?
Burma still is ur 'friend' ?? poor day dreamer. Burma becoming Democracy nation now. :coffee:
Are you stupid? which country got the most protests? ameraica. besides, just severalpeople's opinion make you orgasm?
I bet today nobody would protest vietnam, beacause you are incompetent.
I agree partly with some Chinese posters here. China is unlike the Soviet Union, It doesnt seek alliances per say as the U.S, it doesnt seek to export any ideology like communism or democracy or whatever, Its mostly business focus. It will trade with anybody regardless of the regime in place. You should note that even after fighting/invading Vietnam in 1979, and subsequent border clashes in paracels, etc. Vietnam wanted to ally with China after the demise of the soviet Union, fearing the U.S was out to destroy the communist party and replace it with a more pro U.S government like the one in the former south Vietnam. But surprisgnly China rejected it. It seems China has understood that alliances seems to be more of a burdern than not(they learned from maos so called communist alliance with the soviet Union which ended bad, the Korean war, Vietnam war which they lost lots of men/capital etc for no real strategic gain).. The U.S has learned it the hard way, but the U.S still can afford it since its still the worlds largest economy and has the dollar as the world reserve currency, So for any country be it China or India or Russia to even comtemplate making world alliances they should be prepared to spend quite alot, which at times doesnt bring no real economic benefit to the country.
If you look at countries like Zimbabwe, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Russia, North Korea, Sudan, Bengladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, sri lanka, many african countries, etc who have good relations with China, have never been called/termed as allies by China. Looking at how the U.S has been trying to caused some troubles in Venezuela, China has never once said anything to even support Venezuela or take measures to get involve diplomatically. I think this is a smart policy, since it avoids getting a country too entangle into others internal affairs. Until China is Strong enough/biggest economy by far/has a high gdp per capital. it should refrain from forming any sort of alliance and stick with its non interventionist policy.This one reason why its almost impossible for the U.S to contain China, since the country will cooperate/trade with any country even if that country is pro west or not. All it seeks at the moment is to further its economic interests/improve its lkiving standards/GDP.

However, as for Asia vies towards the U.S , in the thread it says even the Chinese themselves largely still say the U.S will remain the top dog in a decade from now, higher than even americans themselves. This shows they still have no illusions of grandeur(despite being Big) and are still focus on improving their standing/living standard than seeking to be a world polics or whatever.

Asia has always had a favorable View of the West/U.S having traveled to several Asian countries, i can attest to this, they still view the west/ U.S more favourably than any of their Asian neighbours, not just China. The South Koreans hate the Japanese more than anybody(even the chinese), the taiwanese hate more the Communist party of China than the Chinese people per say. The Filipinos love the U.S to death(even more than the maericans), the Japanese do prefer/like the U.S but hate the Chinese and south Koreans, The Indians hate the pakistanis and vice versa, the begladeshi seem to hate India as well, Singaporeans have their own ir own issues with Malaysia, Indonesia the papuans, the vietnames hate the Chinese/Thailand, the cambodians(and to some extent Laosians hate the Vietnamese etc....the region is just so complex and saddle with disputes among several countries. Its just that China being the largest country in Asia grab more of the limelight. However its more complex than a clear cut China vs Asia.

Asia is just si complex, and they tend to take historical issues more at heart/personally than we in the west. which makes any settlement/compromise difficult. this is one reason i believe it will take almost centuries/decades for Asia to reach the level of opensess/peacefulness/unity we have in Europe. though we had our share of conflicts/divisions and bloddy wars in the past. But we learned from it and now we live at peace with each other and are united. Long Live Europe/U.S.:usflag:

Asia sure can learn alot from us.:bunny:
when will VN become a democracy?
We were a democracy country from August 1945 to winter of 1946 before French colonial troops invaded VN again.

Are you stupid? which country got the most protests? ameraica. besides, just severalpeople's opinion make you orgasm?
I bet today nobody would protest vietnam, beacause you are incompetent.
With US's backing in Myanmar, then they r no longer China's friend any more. U dont believe the Truth ? Okay, ur choice. But US never help a pro-China Govt.:pop:
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With US's backing in Myanmar, then they r no longer China's friend any more. U dont believe the Truth ? Okay, ur choice. But US never help a pro-China Govt.:pop:

Don't you know US just sanction Maynmar again? The promise of US is just like a toilet paper.

Vietnam will be ditched by america soon for sure, used and throw.
To be honest, US is much more lovable than China. At least Vietnam can talk to the US.

Vietnam has a 10 years war with US, but how long has Vietnam fought Chinese invaders? 2000 years.
Don't you know US just sanction Maynmar again? The promise of US is just like a toilet paper.

Vietnam will be ditched by america soon for sure, used and throw.
Then Myanmar must try harder to make US lift the sanction. But at least Myanmar is not ur friend now .
The United States has eased restrictions to allow U.S. companies to responsibly do business in Burma. President Thein Sein, Aung San Suu Kyi and the people of Burma continue to make significant progress along the path to democracy, and the government has continued to make important economic and political reforms. Easing sanctions is a strong signal of the United States’ support for reform, and will provide immediate incentives for reformers and significant benefits to the people of Burma.
Burma Sanctions | Embassy of the United States Rangoon, Burma
"Despite great strides that Burma has made in its reform effort, the situation in the country continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States," he said.US imposes new sanctions against Myanmar - Australia Network News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
VN will be ditched or not, it doesnt matter, Russia-France r the one transfer military technology to VN now, not US . We make friend with US to avoid that US could team up with China again like in 1979, thats all :pop:
To be honest, US is much more lovable than China. At least Vietnam can talk to the US.

Vietnam has a 10 years war with US, but how long has Vietnam fought Chinese invaders? 2000 years.
Are you kdding me? you are lucky you survived 2000 years while we give you culture and treat you equal. Your first encounter with western ended up be colonized. If you sitting next to US, you are already exterminated like native indians.

With only 150 years histroy, US already grabed California, Texas, New Mexico from Mexico. I really hope you ungrateful, treacherous viets could be the neigbour of US, enjoy your life of colonization.

Then Myanmar must try harder to make US lift the sanction. But at least Myanmar is not ur friend now .
or you can say Myanmar should lick US harder like vietnam? haha, it will not happen.

Who said Myanmar is not our friend? your big mouth? stupid viets always
Are you kdding me? you are lucky you survived 2000 years while we give you culture and treat you equal. Your first encounter with western ended up be colonized. If you sitting next to US, you are already exterminated like native indians.

With only 150 years histroy, US already grabed California, Texas, New Mexico from Mexico. I really hope you ungrateful, treacherous viets could be the neigbour of US, enjoy your life of colonization.
Now you call it 'give Vietnam culture'. Just a few day ago a Chinese member called it 'stole Chinese culture'.
China is a big race melting pot. Whatever race or ethnic group in it become mixed and come out as one. Vietnam was thrown in it for 1000 years and came out intact. Surely there must be reasons why our ancestors sook independence from China.
I am ashamed to admit that a number of Vietnamese embrace the idea of becoming a colony for US yet I haven't seen anyone shows the same idea toward China. China is surely unpopular to Vietnamese.
Despite what many in China might like to claim but China has never been a force of peace and will not be one in the near future.

Not only does it has border disputes with its neighbors, it resorts to bullying and abusing its military power to pursue its territorial claims against them.

There's not a single country in the world that can be described as an ally of China. Even Russia and North Korea, two countries that in any manner can be described as friendly to China do not trust China fully. China doesn't trust them fully either. And it is worth noting that both Russia and N Korea have similarly tyrant governments like China and all these countries engage in mass human rights abuses and restricting civil liberties.
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