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Wide Asia support for US despite China rise

Admiral Yi of Korea defeated pretty much the Japanese Navy. He is great in strategies. I admire his admiration of his defense.
It's good, u was a real soldier we'r just keyboard soldiers. :-)
How many years did u serve in JMSDF, which ship ?

I served for 4 years, buddy. Was stationed in the Chokai for a while. ;)

Again, you talk only for the late Ming to Qing period, in which we clearly closed ourselves off and don't actively pursuing navy force. We CLOSED ourselves off. Don't you get it?

The Imjin War, clearly you got the upper hand on Korean until we entered the war and regained Pyongyang and Seoul and pushed you deep into South Korea in which there was a stalemate for several year and you wanted to settle talk with the Ming force and demanding outlandish term. Even demand half of South Korea. We rejected, of course. Then a second war resumed. This time, we amassed even a larger force and finally you no longer believe an invasion on Ming is possible, you settle for talk. Defeated and humiliated, you asked to become a vassal state of Ming again and returned back to Japan. It had nothing to do with Hideyoshi. Your force can't move even an inch past the 38th parallel line. Fact is fact.

You fail to forget one natural calamity that occured in Korea at the time, which devastated not only the Kankukojin's numbers, but also ours: Yeresenia Pestis. The outbreak of the Bubonic Plague.

Please read some more. :coffee:
I served for 4 years, buddy. Was stationed in the Chokai for a while. ;)

You fail to forget one natural calamity that occured in Korea at the time, which devastated not only the Kankukojin's numbers, but also ours: Yeresenia Pestis. The outbreak of the Bubonic Plague.

Please read some more. :coffee:
Go read the historic book on Imjin War, my friend. The outbreak affect both sides but I see us going in and pushing you back like during the Korean War with American.
Go read the historic book on Imjin War, my friend. The outbreak affect both sides but I see us going in and pushing you back like during the Korean War with American.

lol. You truly are a boy with a childish mentality as if war is a game, you should enlist in the armed forces (PLA, PLAAN, PLAAF) if you really think this way, then. War is not a game, and a real soldier who actually served in any military service knows that war results in the death of a soldier in both sides. And a mother will have to mourn that son.
lol. You truly are a boy with a childish mentality as if war is a game, you should enlist in the armed forces (PLA, PLAAN, PLAAF) if you really think this way, then. War is not a game, and a real soldier who actually served in any military service knows that war results in the death of a soldier in both sides. And a mother will have to mourn that son.
Salute to you sir. Finally I meet someone who share the same opinion. War is painful to both side. Winner or loser, there are always dead soldiers. Medals or praising words are not enough to pay for a mother who lost her son. No mother would be happy to send her son to the battlefield, even to die for the country.
LOL let them keep boasting about "mighty imperial Japanese Yamato kaigun of the chrysanthemum emperor Akihito" when they can't even stop our coast guard ships and ADIZ from invading Diaoyu Islands :lol:

Time comes our multimegaton Dongfeng missiles will turn their volcanic island into wasteland anyway.... survivors then enslaved or slaughtered :coffee:
Salute to you sir. Finally I meet someone who share the same opinion. War is painful to both side. Winner or loser, there are always dead soldiers. Medals or praising words are not enough to pay for a mother who lost her son. No mother would be happy to send her son to the battlefield, even to die for the country.

Most military veterans usually think this way. My grandfather, who served in the Navy during the Pacific War also was rather bitter of the war -- whenever we talked about specifics. Tho he held nostalgia for his friends, and his brothers (all 5 of whom died while serving in the Imperial Navy-- against the American forces). My grandfather told me one thing , which will i will share with you and all who read, "that stupid war was a waste of many japanese boys. i don't care if you're japanese, american, chinese, korean, those boys who died in that war."

A military serviceman serves in his nation's armed forces in defense of it. But there is always a sense of understanding that death -- a natural reality for servicemen, is not something that is easily rebuffed. There is nothing wrong to have a sense of pride in one's nation, in one's armed forces, but to glorify the killing as if it is a game? no, that is something people with absolutely no military background -- would say.
lol. You truly are a boy with a childish mentality as if war is a game, you should enlist in the armed forces (PLA, PLAAN, PLAAF) if you really think this way, then. War is not a game, and a real soldier who actually served in any military service knows that war results in the death of a soldier in both sides. And a mother will have to mourn that son.
I will not waste my time respond to you had you not try to degrade my country with your fallacious information and malicious intention. This is why Korean and Chinese cannot trust you because we know you too well. Outside you smile but inside you are a wicked person.
I will not waste my time respond to you had you not try to degrade my country with your fallacious information and malicious intention. This is why Korean and Chinese cannot trust you because we know you too well. Outside you smile but inside you are a wicked person.

And you, who have never met me before or know my character, have the instrument to make a judgment about me? Tell you what, kid, learn not to judge. Karma , truly, is a B.

God Bless You. :smitten:
May all you wish for come to pass. May God always bless you with abundance and Graces in this life!
Most military veterans usually think this way. My grandfather, who served in the Navy during the Pacific War also was rather bitter of the war -- whenever we talked about specifics. Tho he held nostalgia for his friends, and his brothers (all 5 of whom died while serving in the Imperial Navy-- against the American forces). My grandfather told me one thing , which will i will share with you and all who read, "that stupid war was a waste of many japanese boys. i don't care if you're japanese, american, chinese, korean, those boys who died in that war."

A military serviceman serves in his nation's armed forces in defense of it. But there is always a sense of understanding that death -- a natural reality for servicemen, is not something that is easily rebuffed. There is nothing wrong to have a sense of pride in one's nation, in one's armed forces, but to glorify the killing as if it is a game? no, that is something people with absolutely no military background -- would say.
The act of taking another human life is never easy, and should not be easy. It will scar your body and your mind. No one comes out of war unchanged.

Some days ago a Chinese member told me that China is always ready for a vengenful war. I wonder why Chinese are so hateful toward Japan (for WW2) and Vietnam (for 1979 war)? Do we all really have to pay for the sin of our fathers? Why can't China let go of the past? Those who fought in those wars are either dead or become nameless people drowning in the flow of time now.
Some days ago a Chinese member told me that China is always ready for a vengenful war. I wonder why Chinese are so hateful toward Japan (for WW2) and Vietnam (for 1979 war)? Do we all really have to pay for the sin of our fathers? Why can't China let go of the past? Those who fought in those wars are either dead or become nameless people drowning in the flow of time now.
National characteristics do not change. They are passed down through generations.

For example, Viets are always backstabbing and try to become China's equal by territorial expansion. So you must be eliminated. Japanese have some virtues Chinese can learn from (unlike Viets -- who have absolutely nothing good except being slightly less of a Western slave than Pinoys) but they must be destroyed to liberate Ryukyu islanders.
or you can say Myanmar should lick US harder like vietnam? haha, it will not happen.
Who said Myanmar is not our friend? your big mouth? stupid viets always
Thats what their people say, idiot. Their leaders r trying to get to democracy now.
National characteristics do not change. They are passed down through generations.

For example, Viets are always backstabbing and try to become China's equal by territorial expansion. So you must be eliminated. Japanese have some virtues Chinese can learn from (unlike Viets -- who have absolutely nothing good except being slightly less of a Western slave than Pinoys) but they must be destroyed to liberate Ryukyu islanders.
Hah, you sound like a Nazi. And I don't talk Nazi language. You stereo type a race from lies fed to you by your govt, and ready to commit genocide. You of all people do not have the right to call China a peac-loving country. You are now on my black list. I won't comment to you anymore because it's just a waste time to argue with a Nazi.
Despite what many in China might like to claim but China has never been a force of peace and will not be one in the near future.

Not only does it has border disputes with its neighbors, it resorts to bullying and abusing its military power to pursue its territorial claims against them.

There's not a single country in the world that can be described as an ally of China. Even Russia and North Korea, two countries that in any manner can be described as friendly to China do not trust China fully. China doesn't trust them fully either. And it is worth noting that both Russia and N Korea have similarly tyrant governments like China and all these countries engage in mass human rights abuses and restricting civil liberties.
So true. I'm standing on neutral position anyway...
Hah, you sound like a Nazi. And I don't talk Nazi language. You stereo type a race from lies fed to you by your govt, and ready to commit genocide. You of all people do not have the right to call China a peac-loving country. You are now on my black list. I won't comment to you anymore because it's just a waste time to argue with a Nazi.
Truth hurts doesn't it ;)

After all the boasting, "third most powerful military in the world" is just a coward after all :rofl:
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