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Why would China fight India?

The question isn't whether China would fight with India, but why India would or would not fight China.

We all know - IF - Bharat is capable of winning they would have long waged a war. As it stands, Bharat is NO WHERE CAPABLE of staging an attack, there will be no war (minor skirmishes perhaps, but no large scale war).

war with inda????? over what? what is so important that the two nations would go to war?
The question isn't whether China would fight with India, but why India would or would not fight China.

We all know - IF - Bharat is capable of winning they would have long waged a war. As it stands, Bharat is NO WHERE CAPABLE of staging an attack, there will be no war (minor skirmishes perhaps, but no large scale war).


It is not about capability of Bharat it is more about peace and respecting the integrity of other nations else there are nations which would have been wiped off the map by now.
i think some indian reporters have been jailed in india for war hysteria against china rit?
The question isn't whether China would fight with India, but why India would or would not fight China.

We all know - IF - Bharat is capable of winning they would have long waged a war. As it stands, Bharat is NO WHERE CAPABLE of staging an attack, there will be no war (minor skirmishes perhaps, but no large scale war).


u sound like moin ansari. watch it or u'll end up like him.
What China means to Indian masses..

1. Model of high growth rate.
2. Cheaper products for masses like mobile, computers etc. which eventually will lead us to brighter tomorrow
Hi I have been reading the forum for a while. The last thread of China/India war in October is kind of strange.

China is much much bigger country than India in terms of land, economy, and military might. It won't be a fair fight.

Plus, there is NOTHING in India worth bombing. The state of India is a complete joke. Their GDP is probably 1/10 of the official figure. Nuking Mumbai would be nothing more than a free slum-clearing service. I honestly don't know any Indian city that is modern and comfortable. China, on the other hand, is much more advanced in infrastructure and quality of life. Taking a bomb in major cities like Shenzhen, Chengdu, etc will be too costly.

thank god that fools like you are not present in chinese govt........
false sense of pride is detrimental..............
And this is where I have most of my confusion. I work everyday with Pakistanis and Chinese, and i have such good friends in them. Each have their own peculiarites. As for China, the only issue we have if ever is the border. Question to China, did we ever invade you or take your land ? no ! So why are you disputing with us. Demographics must have changed centuries ago, that doesnt justify any Chinese claims. 100 years from now will India have the right to claim back Pakistan or Bangla Desh. Of course not, unless there is a dramatic change in the eco / politico and religious scenario.China is already such a large country, why does it have border dispute with so many countries. Just by increasing your borders does it really add to you. I suggest greater wisdom should prevail with China (especially) being the bigger and the stronger. China / India partnership is what will defend the old and ancient cultures of the East

i totally agree with you for the first part: no more wars.:toast_sign:

but i dont think the chinese government will agree on your suggestion: giving up southen tibet just because china is large enough or because many indians are now living there.:blink:i just can't help asking, are you willing to give up somewhere occupied by pakistan just because india is larger and many pakistani living there.:rolleyes:

finally, in my country, "invade" means breaking into other countries' territory and occupuied it. is that different from india .
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Wont happen.

2 countries with massive potential between them known as the growth engine of the world.

massive market of over 2.5 billion people combined and combined GDP of over $5 trillion

Annually growth rates of over 6% and 7% respectively wen the rest of the world is in recession at 0% growth or less.

Those 2 nations are too smart for a border war/clash.
Why china and india will fight each other ?

Both are going to be developed and i don't think chineese think about indians once in a year.they are so forward than us.indians are following their development method and if someone is in suspence then they can see may chineese engineer in indian infrastructure projects.Some members are behaving foolish.Dispite of poverty, india has many capability which she has been proved to the world such as Space,Medicine,Education,literature etc. but its long time to go and chineese know better, that how difficult to provide all facilities to bilions population, so dont criticize us we just awake in the morning, 15 years later than you.
The world just see the power of Russia and America now they are looking chineese power but they are also ready to look onto india.
Many members of india forget about our deadline to be developed and that is 2020 but if there is delay then it would be 2025 for whole great INDIA, on the other hand many members of neighbors country has nothing little knowledge about
our vision which is seen by Dr. abdul kalam.
So don't wary china and india will not fight soon.I believe in Hu-Jintao word
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