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Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

And what are you saying is like a Pakistani Muslim claiming some Syrian or Egyptian civilization :omghaha:

Yes, their logic is retarded as always. People in Pakistan were polytheist before Islam, even Arabs were Polytheists in Arabia before Islam ! But apparently these kala kolas think they own our land and our heritage? Why? Because they seem to have nothing themselves. They are ashamed of their own skin colour, and shamelessly claim to be Europeans some how.
And what are you saying is like a Pakistani Muslim claiming some Syrian or Egyptian civilization :omghaha:

makes no sense. You keep saying Pakistan follow ancient Indian civilization. But when given FACTS that ancient Hindu civilization was all about idol worshipping and belief in supremacy of Vedas, then you do not post anything. Do you believe in Idol worship and that Vedas are the supreme literature of Mankind about Quran, Bible etc? Then I would agree that you follow Vedic ancient Indian culture.

Yes, their logic is retarded as always. People in Pakistan were polytheist before Islam, even Arabs were Polytheists in Arabia before Islam ! But apparently these kala kolas think they own our land and our heritage? Why? Because they seem to have nothing themselves. They are ashamed of their own skin colour, and shamelessly claim to be Europeans some how.

so now Kareena Kapoor, Akshay Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan are not HINDUS.:omghaha:

arent you the one who just few posts back was making fun of Vedas and Idol worshiping. These two things are the PILLARS of the ancient Indian culture.
No, not at all you intellectually inept clown.

The Vedas WAS written by Hindus. Hindus who descended from what is today Eastern Europe and basically created your culture, history, traditions, religions, and philosophy for you.

Maybe you need to get your head examined. Christianity in 1500 BC? I heard Indian education was as bad as the sub-Saharans, but I certainly didn't think it was THIS bad.

By 3000BC, Whites were spreading all throughout the Indian subcontinent. There they would remain in power up until comparatively recently. Hinduism dates from 1000BC or so. The conclusion that Whites created this religion is pretty hard to escape.

The ancient Whites in India carved themselves as Whites, described themselves as Whites (many with blonde hair), distinguished themselves from lower castes by their color.

I don't know how to break it to you, but those dark people living in the muck in all those truthful pictures you see on the internet are not the people who "invented" the zero; it was White people. (Not that I couldn't fill several pages on how moronic it is to claim that anyone had to "invent" zero. I assure you that all prior White civilizations understood the concept of nothingness just fine, and Archimedes even developed calculus without having a symbol for zero.)

See how much more sense this makes? Instead of looking at the poor, ignorant people in India and wondering how they could ever have fallen so far, we instead understand that they were always this low, and the people who did all those great things in the past were the same people who do all these great things today. Much simpler. Occam's Razor!

Forget buddha and other gods and deities, Indra, the most ancient North Indian has been described in the Rig Vedas the oldest of all the Vedas, as someone having blond or yellow hair.

Dialectics of Hindu ritualism, Volume 1 By Bhupendranātha Datta, page 90.

Indra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No brown Cro Magnon can have blond or yellow hair. To have yellow hair, you have to be a white guy or girl.
No, not at all you intellectually inept clown.

The Vedas WAS written by Hindus. Hindus who descended from what is today Eastern Europe and basically created your culture, history, traditions, religions, and philosophy for you.

Maybe you need to get your head examined. Christianity in 1500 BC? I heard Indian education was as bad as the sub-Saharans, but I certainly didn't think it was THIS bad.

By 3000BC, Whites were spreading all throughout the Indian subcontinent. There they would remain in power up until comparatively recently. Hinduism dates from 1000BC or so. The conclusion that Whites created this religion is pretty hard to escape.

The ancient Whites in India carved themselves as Whites, described themselves as Whites (many with blonde hair), distinguished themselves from lower castes by their color.

I don't know how to break it to you, but those dark people living in the muck in all those truthful pictures you see on the internet are not the people who "invented" the zero; it was White people. (Not that I couldn't fill several pages on how moronic it is to claim that anyone had to "invent" zero. I assure you that all prior White civilizations understood the concept of nothingness just fine, and Archimedes even developed calculus without having a symbol for zero.)

See how much more sense this makes? Instead of looking at the poor, ignorant people in India and wondering how they could ever have fallen so far, we instead understand that they were always this low, and the people who did all those great things in the past were the same people who do all these great things today. Much simpler. Occam's Razor!

Indra has been described in the Rig Vedas as a person having blond or yellow hair.

Indra is described in the Rig Veda having blond, or 'yellow', hair.[11] One part of the Rig Veda says, "At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair." The Rig Veda/Mandala 10/Hymn 96
Other characteristics

Like violent gusts of wind the droughts that I have drunk have lifted me Have I not drunk of Soma juice?[12]
Fair cheeks hath Indra, Maghavan, the Victor, Lord of a great host, Stormer, strong in action. What once thou didst in might when mortals vexed thee, where now, O Bull, are those thy hero exploits?
—RigVeda, Book 3, Hymn XXX: Griffith[13]

May the strong Heaven make thee the Strong wax stronger: Strong, for thou art borne by thy two strong Bay Horses. So, fair of cheek, with mighty chariot, mighty, uphold us, strong-willed, thunder armed, in battle.
—RigVeda, Book 5, Hymn XXXVI: Grffith[14]

Indra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who can have yellow hair?
To put that in proper prospective, it's "discovery". Chinese discovered tea.

Early people discovered that water was safer to drink if boiled first, and hot water was more palatable with tea leaves in it.
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No, not at all you intellectually inept clown.
The Vedas WAS written by Hindus. Hindus who descended from what is today Eastern Europe and basically created your culture, history, traditions, religions, and philosophy for you.
The same Hindus who "descended from Eastern Europe and basically created our culture,history,traditions,religions and philosophy"(acc to your theory) came to India and called themselves Indians. and I hope u realize that u r arguing with their very progeny that they owe their culture to some muck now sitting in Eastern Europe instead of to their own ancestors.
I always found it strange that the average Indian actor/actress looked like they came from a different continent. These people have some serious personal issues they need to resolve:

Bar the last one, they are born and bred Indians. Whats the issue?!
:omghaha: :omghaha:

Always showing off, we invented the concept of ZERO!! YEEHAAAA!! We don't have to do anything! We invented the concept of ZERO!

And they didn't even do that. :omghaha: :omghaha:

Vedas are the literature of the Christians

Great, now they are shamelessly claiming to be the pioneers of Judeo Christian civilization. How low can they get at this?

Lets see shinning India...the great pioneers of Judeo Christian civilization.

The same Hindus who "descended from Eastern Europe and basically created our culture,history,traditions,religions and philosophy"(acc to your theory) came to India and called themselves Indians. and I hope u realize that u r arguing with their very progeny that they owe their culture to some muck now sitting in Eastern Europe instead of to their own ancestors.

He is an ignorant kid.. no Europeans descended from Europe to India.

If that was the case then Europeans would be Hindus majority and you would find numerous temples in Europe.

Heck they know nothing of Vedas and Hinduism.

Great, now they are shamelessly claiming to be the pioneers of Judeo Christian civilization. How low can they get at this?

"Vedas are the literature of the Christians" by this I meant that if not Hindus, then are Vedas written by Christians? Please work on your comprehension.
He is an ignorant kid.. no Europeans descended from Europe to India.

If that was the case then Europeans would the Hindus majority and you would find numerous temples in Europe.

You guys derailed the thread and made it about your nut job history. It's about China and Europe not you guys, and oh by the way, your religious books don't qualifying as history books, they are fake and imaginary. Please stop derailing threads.

You are a dumb kid and I feel the argument with you is going in circles. Read my other posts on this thread and it'll give you a answer.
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The same Hindus who "descended from Eastern Europe and basically created our culture,history,traditions,religions and philosophy"(acc to your theory) came to India and called themselves Indians. and I hope u realize that u r arguing with their very progeny that they owe their culture to some muck now sitting in Eastern Europe instead of to their own ancestors.

With their mixed progeny... yes, and certainly not all of you. What's your point? They are my direct-descendants. I was just making sure all of the Hindu nationalists understood it wasn't a bunch of Australoid Dravidian's that did all of these amazing feats. It was 'White' people (people of European origin).
Why is an entire race (which includes Russians, some Latin Americans, some Central Asians) being compared to a nationality?

i think by chinese he might mean all east asians?

regardless its becuase white people are currently the most educated in the world so they made the inventions, in the next 100 years asia will rule once again like it always has.

You are a dumb kid and I feel the argument with you is going in circles. Read my other posts on this thread and it'll give you a answer.

you have avoided all the posts you could not answer. You have not given a single fact so far but just avoided the true facts to suit your beliefs.
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He is an ignorant kid.. no Europeans descended from Europe to India.

If that was the case then Europeans would be Hindus majority and you would find numerous temples in Europe.

Heck they know nothing of Vedas and Hinduism.

"Vedas are the literature of the Christians" by this I meant that if not Hindus, then are Vedas written by Christians? Please work on your comprehension.

LOL yea, all of the evidence is wrong. Indians are all actually blue-eyed, blonde-haired intelligent and innovative people. How do we share many genes with South Asians? Oh, it's a mystery and we'll never find out.

Conclusion: You are retarded.
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