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Nope no such thing as Indian civilization in present day India, India didnt exist before 1947..

It was The Indus Valley (Pakistan) which made so called "Indian" civilization.
Present day Indians are just some dravidians from Africa. (where no civlization was made)
Indo-Aryan (Pakistan) are real inheritors

While majority of Pakistanis are Aryans, majority of Indians are non Aryans. But the Northern Indian Brahmins, Rajputs, Thakurs who rule north India as politicians and bureaucrats are Aryans.
All of the culture of Old indus Pakistanis follow today.

Hindustanis just copied it from us

Indus Valley Civilisation

Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would just quote one line for you. (you can read the rest from link)

"Some Indus valley seals show swastikas, which are found in other religions worldwide, especially in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism"

Now tell me which part of the ancient civilisation you follow?
While majority of Pakistanis are Aryans, majority of Indians are non Aryans. But the Northern Indian Brahmins, Rajputs, Thankurs who rule north India as politicians and bureaucrats are Aryans.

Of Course there are some areas of India which fall under Indus Valley like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab but they are not pure Indo-Aryan blood.
do you have anything to prove that Vedas are not the most ancient literature of the mankind. If you remove the cover of hate for Hindu and India and Idols from your eyes you will see objectively.

As seen in this post. When Indian/Hindus see REAL history of other REAL civilizations, reality is to much for them, thus they must derail the thread, make it about India some how. Then they start teaching everyone about their nut job "history" .....of pre ice age cities or what not..

@darkhero @Speeder 2 @rott @ephone @WhiteMansBurden
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Gujarat, Rajasthan, ind Punjab are like the outskirt slums of the metropolis(Indus)...

Indus Valley Civilisation

Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would just quote one line for you. (you can read the rest from link)

"Some Indus valley seals show swastikas, which are found in other religions worldwide, especially in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism"

Now tell me which part of the ancient civilisation you follow?

Sindh, Punjab, Pashtan, Baloch all follow Indigenous culture which their ancestors also followed.

What about Indians? Following religions whose concepts started in a different country, when even their blood is not the same? LOL
Of Course there are some areas of India which fall under Indus Valley like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab but they are not pure Indo-Aryan blood.

From paternal ancestry, they are pure but from maternal ancestry they are polluted blood. They have weakened themselves by marrying non Aryan women.
Gujarat, Rajasthan, ind Punjab are like the outskirt slums of the metropolis(Indus)...

Sindh, Punjab, Pashtan, Baloch all follow Indigenous culture which their ancestors also followed.

What about Indians? Following religions whose concepts started in a different country, when even their blood is not the same? LOL

Is it even worth talking to schizophrenics from Tamil Nadu?
Here come the Indian trolls with their pre ice age cities...


Starting to realize this pretty quickly.

Yet some Chinese members on PDF have consistently claimed buddha as Nepali. Buddha was Nepali of Aryan origin as his Aryan ancestors had occupied and ruled Nepal before his birth.

Also no other race unlike Cro Magnons have eye lashes which buddha had.

It's hilarious to think of Buddha as a blue-eyed Russian. It would be very awkard to see him as a blue-eyed Han Chinese or a blue-eyed Tamil! :yay:
Nope no such thing as Indian civilization in present day India, India didnt exist before 1947..

It was The Indus Valley (Pakistan) which made so called "Indian" civilization.
Present day Indians are just some dravidians from Africa. (where no civlization was made)
Indo-Aryan (Pakistan) are real inheritors

Maybe if they bleach their skin long enough with fair and lovely they would become "aryans" some day..
do you have anything to prove that Vedas are not the most ancient literature of the mankind. If you remove the cover of hate for Hindu and India and Idols from your eyes you will see objectively.

LMFAO! The Vedas came from the Pontic-Steppe Proto-Indo-Europeans, who branched out into Indo-Aryans and came into India around the mid-2nd millenium BC.

Please don't tell me that Indians just magically become East Baltic with 60-90% having blue eyes, and fair skin.

We invented Hinduism, and Buddhism came afterwards from a "blue-eyed" man. What kind of Indian has blue eyes?
Is it even worth talking to schizophrenics from Tamil Nadu?

It is human psychology that he who is artificial always suffers from insecurity and goes overboard to prove himself real. In the Bharatpur village of Rajasthan, the Bedias always claim themselves as Rajputs which is not totally true as the mothers are non Rajput low castes who get pregnant by Rajput male customers and follow religious matters more sincerely than the upper caste Rajputs themselves. I heard one guy from Sikkim, Tshering, a member of this forum, doggedly claiming himself both as a Mongoloid and an Aryan. :rofl:
Indus valley Civilization.

Some Indus valley seals show swastikas, which are found in other religions worldwide, especially in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

In view of the large number of figurines found in the Indus valley, some scholars believe that the Harappan people worshipped a Mother goddess symbolizing fertility, a common practice among rural Hindus even today. (Idol Worship so how many Pakistanis do Idol worship? :pop:

Not only the seated deities on some of the Indus seals are in Yoga posture and bear witness to the prevalence of Yoga in the Indus Valley Civilisation in that remote age, the standing deities on the seals also show Kayotsarga (a standing or sitting posture of meditation) position.

the culture Pakistan people follow is Islam. From Islamic view point, the Indus valley culture is Pagan and Indus valley people are Infidels who worshipped Idols and cows. A person following Islam is as away from ancient Hindu civilisation as some alien would be from Humans.

Vedas and Ancient Hindu Civilisation is all about Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs. It has nothing to with Christianity or Islam. Show me one aspect of VEDAS or Indus Valley which is related to Islam.
Maybe if they bleach their skin long enough with fair and lovely they would become "aryans" some day..

Indians before Indo-Aryans: :mamba: :mamba: :mamba: :mamba:

Indus valley Civilization.

Some Indus valley seals show swastikas, which are found in other religions worldwide, especially in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

In view of the large number of figurines found in the Indus valley, some scholars believe that the Harappan people worshipped a Mother goddess symbolizing fertility, a common practice among rural Hindus even today. (Idol Worship so how many Pakistanis do Idol worship? :pop:

Not only the seated deities on some of the Indus seals are in Yoga posture and bear witness to the prevalence of Yoga in the Indus Valley Civilisation in that remote age, the standing deities on the seals also show Kayotsarga (a standing or sitting posture of meditation) position.

the culture Pakistan people follow is Islam. From Islamic view point, the Indus valley culture is Pagan and Indus valley people are Infidels who worshipped Idols and cows. A person following Islam is as away from ancient Hindu civilisation as some alien would be from Humans.

Vedas and Ancient Hindu Civilisation is all about Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs. It has nothing to with Christianity or Islam. Show me one aspect of VEDAS or Indus Valley which is related to Islam.

Yep, everything you said is true. So where do you think this connection came from?
LMFAO! The Vedas came from the Pontic-Steppe Proto-Indo-Europeans, who branched out into Indo-Aryans and came into India around the mid-2nd millenium BC.

Please don't tell me that Indians just magically become East Baltic with 60-90% having blue eyes, and fair skin.

We invented Hinduism, and Buddhism came afterwards from a "blue-eyed" man. What kind of Indian has blue eyes?

A blue eyed Indian would easily become a television model in India or a superstar in Bollywood if he has the body built a blue eyed man should have.

There is a reason why not everyone can dream of becoming a rich model or a popular superstar in India. Gods are still worshiped as there were in the past. Hope you got it.
More validation for my points. According to Indian/Hindu psychology, Indians are a superior race every one else is inferior, and they would make up chronic lies to support their claims.

Look at today's India: what they are eating - rice - was from China, what they are wearing - cotton - was from Pakistan. They don't have any writing language until 500BC, there was no writing record of so called Rigveda, their current writing language was most like developed from others. They keep claiming IVC and Pakistan history because they have nothing else to be proud of. Without others, they probably still live in caves. If you ask if they have any invention, they say -ZERO.

BTW, this a thread about China, if you don't like it, how about just stay out
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