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Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

It is human psychology that he who is artificial always suffers from insecurity and goes overboard to prove himself real. In the Bharatpur village of Rajasthan, the Bedias always claim themselves as Rajputs which is not totally true as the mothers are non Rajput low castes who get pregnant by Rajput male customers and follow religious matters more sincerely than the upper caste Rajputs themselves. I heard one guy from Sikkim, Tshering, a member of this forum, doggedly claiming himself both as a Mongoloid and an Aryan. :rofl:

I donno what he said but he mentioned low caste. I guess he is throwing a schizophrenic fit. Fair and lovely might not be working for him. He needs the unadulterated bleach, the ones used for cleaning toilets, to make him into a true Aryan...

PS: the thread was about, Chinese and Europeans, till the Indian trolls derailed it.
LMFAO! The Vedas came from the Pontic-Steppe Proto-Indo-Europeans, who branched out into Indo-Aryans and came into India around the mid-2nd millenium BC.

Please don't tell me that Indians just magically become East Baltic with 60-90% having blue eyes, and fair skin.

We invented Hinduism, and Buddhism came afterwards from a "blue-eyed" man. What kind of Indian has blue eyes?

So now Vedas are not from India and not written by Hindus....
Yeah right... Vedas are the literature of the Christians...:rofl:

get your head examined boy.. :omghaha:
I donno what he said but he mentioned low caste. I guess he is throwing a schizophrenic fit. Fair and lovely might not be working him. He needs the unadulterated bleach, the ones used for cleaning toilets, to make him into a true Aryan...

Are you referring to my post? Did you ask why I mentioned low caste non Rajputs with reference to Bedias of Bharatpur?
A blue eyed Indian would easily become a television model in India or a superstar in Bollywood if he has the body built a blue eyed man should have.

There is a reason why not everyone can dream of becoming a rich model or a popular superstar in India. Gods are still worshiped as there were in the past. Hope you got it.

I always found it strange that the average Indian actor/actress looked like they came from a different continent. These people have some serious personal issues they need to resolve:




Indus valley Civilization.

Some Indus valley seals show swastikas, which are found in other religions worldwide, especially in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

In view of the large number of figurines found in the Indus valley, some scholars believe that the Harappan people worshipped a Mother goddess symbolizing fertility, a common practice among rural Hindus even today. (Idol Worship so how many Pakistanis do Idol worship? :pop:

Not only the seated deities on some of the Indus seals are in Yoga posture and bear witness to the prevalence of Yoga in the Indus Valley Civilisation in that remote age, the standing deities on the seals also show Kayotsarga (a standing or sitting posture of meditation) position.

the culture Pakistan people follow is Islam. From Islamic view point, the Indus valley culture is Pagan and Indus valley people are Infidels who worshipped Idols and cows. A person following Islam is as away from ancient Hindu civilisation as some alien would be from Humans.

Vedas and Ancient Hindu Civilisation is all about Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs. It has nothing to with Christianity or Islam. Show me one aspect of VEDAS or Indus Valley which is related to Islam.

Religion is one of the many aspects of culture.
Just because you are black and Christian doesnt mean you're related to the first White/Brown Christians.

Pakistanis have the most ties to Indus Valley in both blood and culture.
Indian just think they do because they follow Dharmic religions a contaminated dravidian version of what Indus Valley used to.
I always found it strange that the average Indian actor/actress looked like they came from a different continent. These people have some serious personal issues they need to resolve:





You have finally got it. No mainstream popular Bollywood superstar or model looks like average Indians even in the Southern Tamil film industry, the heroes and heroines have fair skins and facial features like those of North Indians with side roles or supporting roles acted by average Tamilians who in no way are Aryans.

In India, you are a blue eyed Cro Magnon man, you are destined to be rich and influential if you work in film industry.
Religion is one of the many aspects of culture.
Just because you are black and Christian doesnt mean you're related to the first White/Brown Christians.

Pakistanis have the most ties to Indus Valley in both blood and culture.
Indian just think they do because they follow Dharmic religions a contaminated dravidian version of what Indus Valley used to.

Now that is like saying I convert from Hindu to Muslim but I still follow Hinduism.
I always found it strange that the average Indian actor/actress looked like they came from a different continent. These people have some serious personal issues they need to resolve:

Alot of actors in Bollywood have ancestors who came from Pakistan, and the Indians, as their ancestors did, hail the fairest men as God
Religion is one of the many aspects of culture.
Just because you are black and Christian doesnt mean you're related to the first White/Brown Christians.

Pakistanis have the most ties to Indus Valley in both blood and culture.
Indian just think they do because they follow Dharmic religions a contaminated dravidian version of what Indus Valley used to.

Now that is like saying I convert from Hindu to Muslim but I still follow Hinduism more than the Hindus. So this is the case of being more Hindu then the Hindus.

As you can see from post of the fellow Pakistanis, the thing that is most hated is Hindu and Idols.
So how come now you become the real followers of the ancient civilization of Hindus and Idols?
I always found it strange that the average Indian actor/actress looked like they came from a different continent. These people have some serious personal issues they need to resolve:

Alot of actors in Bollywood (Khans) have ancestors who came from Pakistan, and the Indians, as their ancestors did, hail the fairest men as God
I always found it strange that the average Indian actor/actress looked like they came from a different continent. These people have some serious personal issues they need to resolve:

This is what Indians actually look like.


But they try to claim to be Europeans.. Go figure..
I always found it strange that the average Indian actor/actress looked like they came from a different continent. These people have some serious personal issues they need to resolve:

This is what Indians actually look like.


But they try to claim to be Europeans.. Or something...go figure..
So now Vedas are not from India and not written by Hindus....
Yeah right... Vedas are the literature of the Christians...:rofl:

get your head examined boy.. :omghaha:

No, not at all you intellectually inept clown.

The Vedas WAS written by Hindus. Hindus who descended from what is today Eastern Europe and basically created your culture, history, traditions, religions, and philosophy for you.

Vedas are the literature of the Christians

Maybe you need to get your head examined. Christianity in 1500 BC? I heard Indian education was as bad as the sub-Saharans, but I certainly didn't think it was THIS bad.

By 3000BC, Whites were spreading all throughout the Indian subcontinent. There they would remain in power up until comparatively recently. Hinduism dates from 1000BC or so. The conclusion that Whites created this religion is pretty hard to escape.

The ancient Whites in India carved themselves as Whites, described themselves as Whites (many with blonde hair), distinguished themselves from lower castes by their color.

I don't know how to break it to you, but those dark people living in the muck in all those truthful pictures you see on the internet are not the people who "invented" the zero; it was White people. (Not that I couldn't fill several pages on how moronic it is to claim that anyone had to "invent" zero. I assure you that all prior White civilizations understood the concept of nothingness just fine, and Archimedes even developed calculus without having a symbol for zero.)

See how much more sense this makes? Instead of looking at the poor, ignorant people in India and wondering how they could ever have fallen so far, we instead understand that they were always this low, and the people who did all those great things in the past were the same people who do all these great things today. Much simpler. Occam's Razor!
This is what Indians actually look like.


But they try to claim to be Europeans.. Or something...go figure..

:omghaha: :omghaha:

Always showing off, we invented the concept of ZERO!! YEEHAAAA!! We don't have to do anything! We invented the concept of ZERO!

And they didn't even do that. :omghaha: :omghaha:
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