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Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions


You are a dumb kid and I feel the argument with you is going in circles. Read my other posts on this thread and it'll give you a answer.

This Indian troll brigade derailed another perfectly good thread, by coming up with their imaginary history. These people can not stand REAL history, thus they must destroy every good thread and make it about themselves and their pre ice age cities..

They need to be put in a mental asylum, not on PDF, they are lowering the quality of this site, by making rubbish sub standard nut job posts.
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With their mixed progeny... yes, and certainly not all of you. What's your point? They are my direct-descendants. I was just making sure all of the Hindu nationalists understood it wasn't a bunch of Australoid Dravidian's that did all of these amazing feats. It was 'White' people (people of European origin).

How dumb the whites have to be in that case. They came to India, Indians still preserve the Vedas and the Hindu culture. But the Europeans completely forget about the Vedas and Hinduism. :omghaha:

Please keep your funny theories to yourself.

Let me tell you the complete theory.

In 5000 BC Indians went to Europe. There they taught civil manners to the Europeans. Then in 3000 BC the whites came to India to study as all the best and the biggest universities were in India.

You share genes because Humanity originated in India.
If that was the case then Europeans would be Hindus majority and you would find numerous temples in Europe.

Heck they know nothing of Vedas and Hinduism.

No ignoramus, they were either bred out of existence or killed. The modern historical, genetic, and archaeological fields support this.

But as always, Indians are smarter than the rest of the world's scientists combined, which is why I just posted an article on World forums on India's imminent collapse. China is now 5x bigger than your country. What's that about India superpowah White slaves 2030?
Indra has been described in the Rig Vedas as a person having blond or yellow hair.
Indra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who can have yellow hair?

The Vedas have descriptions of beings of every hue and color. So what ?
Do you know that Indra is a post and not a person? and that a new "Indra" is selected from time to time? And that the description of Indra is an allegorical description of the "then " Indra ?
How dumb the whites have to be in that case. They came to India, Indians still preserve the Vedas and the Hindu culture. But the Europeans completely forget about the Vedas and Hinduism. :omghaha:

Please keep your funny theories to yourself.

How did the Europeans forget? They were BRED out of existence. Should I define the terms for you?

And how do you explain the major commonalities in language, religion, and genetics?

How do you explain the blue-eyed and blonde-haired fair-skinned people, attested to by modern genetic sequencing techniques and the historical record.

How do you wannbe White supapowahs explain that?
The Vedas have descriptions of beings of every hue and color. So what ?

Do not argue with this moron... Neither he nor his exalted Indologists know a word of Sanskrit... Let him believe whatever crap he does... And do not look up the meaning of the Vedas from the English translations (Griffith etc)...It is utter crap... There are good Indian language translations from Gita Press / Arya Samaj...

It is the duty of every Arya to read Vedas... and to perform their rituals regularly...
No ignoramus, they were either bred out of existence or killed. The modern historical, genetic, and archaeological fields support this.
But as always, Indians are smarter than the rest of the world's scientists combined, which is why I just posted an article on World forums on India's imminent collapse. China is now 5x bigger than your country. What's that about India superpowah White slaves 2030?

If rest of the world's scientists are all so stupid like you , then yes we are smarter than all of them combined. You have no facts and no understanding . All you have is a shameless life with nothing better to do .
Do not argue with this moron... Neither he nor his exalted Indologists know a word of Sanskrit... Let him believe whatever crap he does... And do not look up the meaning of the Vedas from the English translations (Griffith etc)...It is utter crap... There are good Indian language translations from Gita Press / Arya Samaj...

It is the duty of every Arya to read Vedas... and to perform their rituals regularly...

You guys just spewed your nut job fake history all over this thread. This is a place we talk about REAL history, not fake history, of pre ice age cities, , and you guys are wanna be whites who are ashamed of their own skin colour, and stop claiming contribution of other civilizations as your own. Also no body gives a damn about Vedas. It's a fake over imaginative book, which people who literally worship farm animals, like to "believe" in.
This Indian troll brigade derailed another perfectly good thread, by coming up with their imaginary history. These people can not stand REAL history, thus they must destroy every good thread and make it about themselves and their pre ice age cities..

The REAL history that you get taught in your world famous text books? No thanks.
You guys just spewed your nut job fake history all over this thread. This is a place we talk about REAL history, not fake history, of pre ice age cities, , and you guys are wanna be whites who are ashamed of their own skin colour, and stop claiming contribution of other civilizations as your own. Also no body gives a damn about Vedas. It's a fake over imaginative book, which people who literally worship farm animals, like to "believe" in.

For Hindus, Vedas are the word of God...just as Quran is for Muslims

Please do not insult our religious texts....unless you want yours to be insulted too...
If rest of the world's scientists are all so stupid like you , then yes we are smarter than all of them combined. You have no facts and no understanding . All you have is a shameless life with nothing better to do .


The MAIN theory that has consensus in the scientific community.

Kurgan hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's no point in listing the literally hundreds of thousands of studies that have already concluded that this is what happened.

Here are a few snippets Australoid:

Most genetic studies indicate that there are clear genetic differences between Indian castes and tribal populations. They support the notion that there was a massive influx of Indo-European migrants into the Indian subcontinent around 3,500 years before present.

A 2004 study also established that during the Bronze Age/Iron Age period, the majority of the population of Kazakhstan (part of the Andronovo culture during Bronze Age), was of west Eurasian origin (with mtDNA haplogroups such as U, H, HV, T, I and W), and that prior to the 13th–7th centuries BCE, all samples from Kazakhstan belonged to European lineages.

Geneticists have noted the correlation of a specific haplogroup R1a1a defined by the M17 (SNP marker) of the Y chromosome and speakers of Indo-European languages in Europe and Asia. The connection between Y-DNA R-M17 and the spread of Indo-European languages was first proposed by Zerjal and colleagues in 1999.[8] and subsequently supported by other authors.[9] Spencer Wells deduced from this correlation that R1a1a arose on the Pontic-Caspian steppe.

Subsequent studies on ancient DNA tested the hypothesis. Skeletons from the Andronovo culture horizon (strongly supposed to be culturally Indo-Iranian) of south Siberia were tested for DNA. Of the 10 males, 9 carried Y-DNA R1a1a (M17). Fairly close matches were found between the ancient DNA STR haplotypes and those in living persons in both eastern Europe and Siberia.[11] Mummies in the Tarim Basin also proved to carry R1a1a and were presumed to be ancestors of Tocharian speakers.

The DNA testing of remains from kurgans also indicated a high prevalence of people with characteristics such as blue (or green) eyes, fair skin and light hair, implying an origin close to Europe for this population.

Ancient DNA has confirmed the connection with kurgan burials directly. Out of ten human male remains assigned to the Andronovo horizon from the Krasnoyarsk region, nine possessed the R1a Y-chromosome haplogroup and one C haplogroup (xC3). Mitochrondrial DNA haplogroups of nine individuals assigned to the same Andronovo horizon and region were as follows: U4 (2 individuals), U2e, U5a1, Z, T1, T4, H, and K2b. 90% of the Bronze Age period mtDNA haplogroups were of west Eurasian origin and the study determined that at least 60% of the individuals overall (out of the 26 Bronze and Iron Age human remains' samples of the study that could be tested) had light hair and blue or green eyes. Significantly R1a also appeared in later kurgan steppe burials through a series of related cultures up to the Scythians, known to speak an Indo-European language.
No ignoramus, they were either bred out of existence or killed. The modern historical, genetic, and archaeological fields support this.
how convenient. Whites taught Indians about Vedas and Hinduism. Then there was a comet strike which wiped out the Hindu whites and also all traces of Hinduism and Vedic knowledge from Europe.

Must be the conspiracy of evil hindu baniyas to take away the legacy of Vedas from whites. :lol:
The REAL history that you get taught in your world famous text books? No thanks.

Yes, modern textbooks use the Kurgan Hypothesis, and also explain the 2nd most-held theory, the Anatolian hypothesis.

But like you arrogant, dumb, dim-witted Indians already said, you are smarter than all of the scientists in the world combined.

This is why you are a country of failures.
how convenient. Whites taught Indians about Vedas and Hinduism. Then there was a comet strike which wiped out the whites and all traces of Hinduism and Vedic knowledge from Europe.

Must be the conspiracy of evil hindu baniyas to take away the legacy of vedas from whites. :lol:

Maybe if you turd-eaters bothered to consult the evidence you'd realize you have accomplished nothing in the history of your country.

Read up, and then summarily dismiss! Kurgan hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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