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Why we Indians need Joe here

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I was just about to write a post but saw this gem, i back every word @Icarus has written. A very fine Gentlemen, i have the utmost respect for our friend @Joe Shearer .

We don't see to eye to eye on many issues but this is the beauty of having a discussion with Joe. We get to bring our facts to the table, our reasonings and when we leave, we both are better informed. Although i am not an Indian Voter, but if i was, i would vote for Joe as the next President of India 8-)


I hope you gentlemen understand that I might criticise my country's policies and its policy makers, but if it comes to that, I will defend those same policies and policy makers. Thank you for the kindness that you have shown me when I have been proposing my country's point of view with more vigour than with calm restraint.
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I hope you gentlemen understand that I might criticise my country's policies and its policy makers, but outside the country, anybody who attacks India will have to go through.

There is a limit for everything and when that limit is being crossed then it becomes an International issue.

India is not a soft power , its a global power economically and militarily.

Too many games have been played against Indians aboard in the name of religion, race, colour etc but now that will end because if international violations are done against Indian citizens aboard then MEA will respond back.
There is a limit for everything and when that limit is being crossed then it becomes an International issue.

India is not a soft power , its a global power economically and militarily.

Too many games have been played against Indians aboard in the name of religion, race, colour etc but now that will end because if international violations are done against Indian citizens aboard then MEA will respond back.

MEA will take care of the broader Indian interests first as they should case in point taken protest against KSA spiriting away their diplomat.
. .
MEA will take care of the broader Indian interests first as they should case in point taken protest against KSA spiriting away their diplomat.

MEA is doing everything and is even aware of the trouble making countries who are threatening world peace.

By the way, India is having defense treaty with KSA and even India is capable to explain UN nation states where are most human rights violations are being taking place against Indian, African, Middle Eastern and Turkish citizens.

World peace can be maintained that time only when UN civilian based immigration laws are being respected.
@Joe Shearer

You have got MANY Pakistani supporters as we can see here on PDF

SO Kindly reveal your REAL name and profile so that we can appoint you as the
Indian Ambassador to Pakistan

You might be the person who will bring a breakthrough in
India Pakistan relations

Just get them to stop the infiltration and we will give you Padma Bushan

And if you can get Hafiz Sayeed and Dawood ; Bharat Ratna is a Certainity
@Joe Shearer

You have got MANY Pakistani supporters as we can see here on PDF

SO Kindly reveal your REAL profile so that we can appoint you as the
Indian Ambassador to Pakistan

You might be the person who will bring a breakthrough in
India Pakistan relations

MEA will take care of appointing the Ambassador and even removing embassies of worthless nations.

I have already filed a written complaint to United Nations, Amnesty International, EU human rights and Indian external affairs Ministry just doesnt understand what will be done with my daughters lifes as both look real Indians ( tan, black hairs and black eyes similar like me ).

I am missing alot Ex President of India A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

I have already filed a written complaint to United Nations, Amnesty International, EU human rights and Indian external affairs Ministry just doesnt understand what will be done with my daughters lifes as both look real Indians ( tan, black hairs and black eyes similar like me ).

Mate I did not understand this paragraph
Hope United States, France take a stand against gross human rights violations along with India in United Nations.

Enough games have been played with the only Indian citizen and even now the game is going on and trying to show that they are cultured and civilized. Why just they dont shot me and my 2 tan daughters and finish the drama of civilized nations and close embassy and move out of India, KSA, GCC , South East Asia and Africa.

I am not any experiment that all will protect the wrong doings of such nations. I am aware what my nation is capable of and what Indian military can do and to be frank i am not the problem from anywhere. Enough i have saw since the last 10 years and the last 2 years were like hell for me. I am still alive and Thanks to the Supreme Creator .

Khel qaatam, dhukaan bandh.

Mate I did not understand this paragraph

You all do know what i am talking about. I am saying i am still alive and have not been dead.

Misusing of technology against an Indian citizen for 10 years and destroying his whole life and aparting him from his 2 daughters.

God will never forgive , these worthless people. I am having full faith in Indian establishment and i wont give up the happiness of my daughters. EU has failed human rights conventions and broke International conventions and here United States is aware of everything and i hope United States Government will work out with Indian Government here and up hold human values.
There is a limit for everything and when that limit is being crossed then it becomes an International issue.

India is not a soft power , its a global power economically and militarily.

Too many games have been played against Indians aboard in the name of religion, race, colour etc but now that will end because if international violations are done against Indian citizens aboard then MEA will respond back.

One has to be seriously deluded to consider so highly about him/her self. There is only one global military power, that is USA, and two economic power, USA and China.

We are still in the leagues of Australia, Italy or Spain as the military power is concerned.
One has to be seriously deluded to consider so highly about him/her self. There is only one global military power, that is USA, and two economic power, USA and China.

We are still in the leagues of Australia, Italy or Spain as the military power is concerned.

United States is indeed a super power and Americans are aware what really human rights means and the biggest set back to United States have been from its allies who always create International problems for the whole alliance and disturbing world peace and make United nations is weaker union of nations.

If its hard to uphold human values then its better to withdraw from UN resolutions instead of pointing out at developing countries.

Article 1.
  • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2.
  • Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.
  • Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 5.
  • No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 7.
  • All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
@Joe Shearer

You have got MANY Pakistani supporters as we can see here on PDF

SO Kindly reveal your REAL name and profile so that we can appoint you as the
Indian Ambassador to Pakistan

You might be the person who will bring a breakthrough in
India Pakistan relations

Just get them to stop the infiltration and we will give you Padma Bushan

And if you can get Hafiz Sayeed and Dawood ; Bharat Ratna is a Certainity

Can we start small? Could I get Afridi to stop bad-mouthing Indian cricketers for a Padma Shri? That would be for a month, any 30 days continuously.

Joe Shearer is the reason why I dont ban all of you this instant.

If I had powers to ban, I'd have thrown the book at the whole pack. They are unspeakable.
If I had powers to ban, I'd have thrown the book at the whole pack. They are unspeakable.

They are the worst that India can offer spare 6 or 9 others beside you,but then they are of the same crop as the bigots, racists, rapists and xenophobes. They represent a small but growing section in India, but still..they do no represent what India is, you and the saner ones do; that is knowledge I have through much more personal and real experience than one on an online forum.
They are the worst that India can offer spare 6 or 9 others beside you,but then they are of the same crop as the bigots, racists, rapists and xenophobes. They represent a small but growing section in India, but still..they do no represent what India is, you and the saner ones do; that is knowledge I have through much more personal and real experience than one on an online forum.

Bless you, @Oscar, you made my day. I really appreciate those very warm and touching words, as I did those from Icarus and notorious_eagle. All good people with whom I have fought in the past, and who have shown courtesy and forebearance to a pronounced degree. I am deeply touched, and honoured.
Bless you, @Oscar, you made my day. I really appreciate those very warm and touching words, as I did those from Icarus and notorious_eagle. All good people with whom I have fought in the past, and who have shown courtesy and forebearance to a pronounced degree. I am deeply touched, and honoured.

He just casually called all of us here collectively (and probably our parents as well by using the progenitor term "crop") bigots, racists, rapists and xenophobes.

And you are blessing him.

That really warms the cockles of my heart Joe.

Cheers, Doc
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