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Why this Focus on Rapes in India by World Media

People married across caste long time ago. They are doing that again now. Everyone cannot be equal. If you are a doctor you are a doctor, you cannot be considered the same as an engineer. I wont allow an engineer to operate on me. Marriages generally happens between equals, and that is what was happening in India too. Even today just look at Hollywood, actors marry actors, their children become actors. No society is immune from this sort of classification. It is the natural order of things.

If you are not married, I want to ask you something. Would you be willing to go and marry the "bhangee's daughter" in your society. Well if she is a doctor or an engineer, I am sure you wont mind, but if she was a bhangee too, then what?

Hmm looking at Indian marriage websites where castes are considered very important. People didnt marry across the caste, especially brahmins. Before manu laws only brahmin men were allowed to marry outside caste. After that brahmin men will only marry brahmin woman. Brahmin woman were never allowed to marry outside caste.

Ofcourse i will not consider castes. But i agree even in Pakistani punjab most marry within caste in rural areas. Though we dont have much dalits, only 4% of population is. 2% christians and 2% muslims. But even then jatts will not marry rajputs and vice varsa most of the times. Even though genetic tests in harappadna.org shows there is not much difference between pakistani punjabi gujjars, jatts, rajputs, khatris, arain, etc So the mixing is more common, the only noticeable difference is between punjabi dalits and non-dalits.

Just to get you the idea of punjabi dalits suffering. Muslims even after converting to islam treated them badly. Because they were sweepers and belonged to chura comunity. Most of them converted to Christianity and Sikhism in last 300 years. Muslim punjabi dalits were mochis who used to make shoes for army in mughal times.
Hmm looking at Indian marriage websites where castes are considered very important. People didnt marry across the caste, especially brahmins. Before manu laws only brahmin men were allowed to marry outside caste. After that brahmin men will only marry brahmin woman. Brahmin woman were never allowed to marry outside caste.

Ofcourse i will not consider castes. But i agree even in Pakistani punjab most marry within caste in rural areas. Though we dont have much dalits, only 4% of population is. 2% christians and 2% muslims. But even then jatts will not marry rajputs and vice varsa most of the times. Even though genetic tests in harappadna.org shows there is not much difference between pakistani punjabi gujjars, jatts, rajputs, khatris, arain, etc So the mixing is more common, the only noticeable difference is between punjabi dalits and non-dalits.

Just to get you the idea of punjabi dalits suffering. Muslims even after converting to islam treated them badly. Because they were sweepers and belonged to chura comunity. Most of them converted to Christianity and Sikhism in last 300 years. Muslim punjabi dalits were mochis who used to make shoes for army in mughal times.

What Indian marriage sites portray is a wish of an individual to meet a person of similar background, nothing more, nothing less. There are also other sites where people meet, date, and marry across caste line.

My question to you was not about marrying into the caste of bhangee, it was about the social circumstance of being in that position. As I stated, if the girl was educated and of similar attainments like you, then caste would be irrelevant. But would you marry an uneducated, uncouth wench from a lower strata of the society.
Arre, all the big think tanks are here!! and I think fathfulguy has become Hypersonicmissiles ?
Hmm looking at Indian marriage websites where castes are considered very important. People didnt marry across the caste, especially brahmins. Before manu laws only brahmin men were allowed to marry outside caste. After that brahmin men will only marry brahmin woman. Brahmin woman were never allowed to marry outside caste.

Ofcourse i will not consider castes. But i agree even in Pakistani punjab most marry within caste in rural areas. Though we dont have much dalits, only 4% of population is. 2% christians and 2% muslims. But even then jatts will not marry rajputs and vice varsa most of the times. Even though genetic tests in harappadna.org shows there is not much difference between pakistani punjabi gujjars, jatts, rajputs, khatris, arain, etc So the mixing is more common, the only noticeable difference is between punjabi dalits and non-dalits.

Just to get you the idea of punjabi dalits suffering. Muslims even after converting to islam treated them badly. Because they were sweepers and belonged to chura comunity. Most of them converted to Christianity and Sikhism in last 300 years. Muslim punjabi dalits were mochis who used to make shoes for army in mughal times.
from where do up with such theories ...when you do not know do not write BS...
caste is a later hindu society phenomena....previously there were only varnas...bharmin, kshtriya, vaishya, sudra....
and yes there were inter varna marriage allowed previously... ..
later on society divided itself and became more rigid ....and inter cast marriages became taboo...
Of course we have a problem of rapes, but how does over reporting them help. There is something called as a sense of proportion. Excessive love, excessive food, excessive affection is a problem and not recommended just like any other excesses. What the article focuses on is this excess of focus on this one subject. Reporting about rape day and night is not going to stop rape. What is happening now is not honest reporting, rather branding of India as a rape destination.
What is wrong in reporting the rapes if they are actually happening? If rapes do happen,they need to be reported.
What is wrong in reporting the rapes if they are actually happening? If rapes do happen,they need to be reported.

Yeah along with that report every assault, every pick pocketing, every man/women/children dying in the hospital, every suicide, every murder, every accident. Really why should people only report rapes, do you not think these other issues also require same attention? All of this should be national headlines.
from where do up with such theories ...when you do not know do not write BS...
caste is a later hindu society phenomena....previously there were only varnas...bharmin, kshtriya, vaishya, sudra....
and yes there were inter varna marriage allowed previously... ..
later on society divided itself and became more rigid ....and inter cast marriages became taboo...

You need to read more. There were marriages between different varnas which was stopped after manu laws. Even then brahmin woman was never allowed to marry lower caste. And latest genetic study confirm that intermixing between castes was stopped 2100 years ago.
You need to read more. There were marriages between different varnas which was stopped after manu laws. Even then brahmin woman was never allowed to marry lower caste. And latest genetic study confirm that intermixing between castes was stopped 2100 years ago.
what do you know of Indian society......
and what genetic intermixing you are talking of .......
do you know that Brahmins daughter married khatriyas and vice versa....there are many cases of inter varna mariage available in indian literary works...
better know or don't write.....
what do you know of Indian society......
and what genetic intermixing you are talking of .......
do you know that Brahmins daughter married khatriyas and vice versa....there are many cases of inter varna mariage available in indian literary works...
better know or don't write.....

Their finding, recently published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, made waves when it was revealed that genetic mixing ended 1,900 years ago, around the same time the caste system was being codified in religious texts. The Manusmriti, which forbade intermarriage between castes, was written in the same period, give or take a century.

Read more: What DNA Testing Reveals About India's Caste System | TIME.com http://world.time.com/2013/08/27/what-dna-testing-reveals-about-indias-caste-system/#ixzz2sBxWpzeo

There are more links of same study, google it. This was posted on pdf also.
Their finding, recently published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, made waves when it was revealed that genetic mixing ended 1,900 years ago, around the same time the caste system was being codified in religious texts. The Manusmriti, which forbade intermarriage between castes, was written in the same period, give or take a century.

Read more: What DNA Testing Reveals About India's Caste System | TIME.com http://world.time.com/2013/08/27/what-dna-testing-reveals-about-indias-caste-system/#ixzz2sBxWpzeo

There are more links of same study, google it. This was posted on pdf also.

The collective bloodlines at the Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India’s leading genetic-research institute, pose a unique riddle for researchers. On the one hand, geneticists can trace nearly all bloodlines back to two ancestral groups, one hailing from Africa, the other from Eurasia. These groups mingled, married and swapped genes. A mixture of their genetic material can be found in nearly every person on the subcontinent today.
Their finding, recently published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, made waves when it was revealed that genetic mixing ended 1,900 years ago, around the same time the caste system was being codified in religious texts. The Manusmriti, which forbade intermarriage between castes, was written in the same period, give or take a century.
read the colored text...what does it says....
there were inter mingling nad inter inter varna marriage...and when caste system came into place it become rigid....
.....now read my 1st post .....
You need to read more. There were marriages between different varnas which was stopped after manu laws. Even then brahmin woman was never allowed to marry lower caste. And latest genetic study confirm that intermixing between castes was stopped 2100 years ago.

Women and men married across caste lines where they had clout. Did the Rajput princesses not marry Muslim Kings? How did that happen? Did lower caste people not become kings? Who was Shivaji then? Was he a Rajput to be crowned a king? There were large Bhakti movements like Lingayats, which took people out of the caste fold.
I read all your early post.Seems you are not confident about India and carry to much negative attitude.Be positive.Criticizing our own country action is good .But that dont need to go too far.No one is perfect
you are falling into the trap set up by western media, criticizing oneself is good but over doing it shows you lack of self esteem, as if you need others approval to feel good about yourself. lets say they dont like the way you dress, if it is torn clothes or dirty clothes then it need to be changed but dressing only as per their standards means you capitulated to them thereby they lead and you follow that is how things starts in colonization.
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