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Why this Focus on Rapes in India by World Media

Indian people consist of majority 80% hindus so keeping India as India the onus lies on them not the minority 20% and thereby India is united because hindus are peaceful and respect others,if hindus were not peaceful it would be a different matter.
If religion doesn't make any difference then you should stop posting in this thread, what i said was addressed to hindus.
Assam is very much hindu not for long it will,Kashmir well it has changed so what is your plan of approach to it?
"Quote me a post where i said to be a indian you need to be hindu".That is what you think hindus are about, but that is not what i think about hindus.
Which part of India has little impact from Hinduism or any other religion? and which part says we are better off it? giving examples of colonies,familiies etc. won't do India is a big country, give examples on the that scale not micro,nano scales.We are surrounded by hostile nations with a agenda to change our demography and push their religion since we are the only last nation which still has its religion strong and has not capitulated to the monotheistic religion,everywhere around the world "It's either them or us scenario, you don't get to stay neutral or third choice as in case of india"
All of the above is possible because of Sanatana Dharma.Otherwise you had to face "with us or against us scenario in India too".[
Many parts of AP have little no influence of hindutva or islam or anything.Arunachal Pradesh my state is itself an example,here we dont give a shit about Hindutva or anything.If those 80% are peaceful and tolerant its certainly not because of those who think hindutva is necessary for being Indian.The most of India is tlerant because our founding leaders wished us to be and laid our foundations for that.Only in your mind does the world care so much for religion,all over the world people are leaving religion.What is wrong with following a religion or being atheist for that matter anyway ?So what you are implying is one has to be poly theist to be Indian ?That all ideas from outside india make us less Indian ?
Many parts of AP have little no influence of hindutva or islam or anything.Arunachal Pradesh my state is itself an example,here we dont give a shit about Hindutva or anything.If those 80% are peaceful and tolerant its certainly not because of those who think hindutva is necessary for being Indian.The most of India is tlerant because our founding leaders wished us to be and laid our foundations for that.Only in your mind does the world care so much for religion,all over the world people are leaving religion.What is wrong with following a religion or being atheist for that matter anyway ?So what you are implying is one has to be poly theist to be Indian ?That all ideas from outside india make us less Indian ?
Isn't Arunachal Pradesh Buddhist? it comes under the Sanatana Dharma umbrella. Now tell me again how didn't Sanatana dharma didn't affect Arunachal Pradesh?

Like i said 80% is tolerant because we tolerate BS and still respect others.That is the reason you have India still.Founding fathers will fade with time, just like kingdoms fade and values change in time.
It is a reality of the world what i said, you can be atheitsts and others like communists but where are communists now in the world? a minority,defeated.
But then again you can choose to ignore reality and be a ostrich and bury your head in the sand.
I told you to quote me where i said to be Hindu means being Indian?Why are quoting things which i didn't say?
What is it to you if i ask Hindus to be united? since you dont consider yourself as one,this shouldn't automatically apply to you.Then why all this butthurt and posting for?
I said my post was for Hindus, if you are not one,you should take a hike.
Many parts of AP have little no influence of hindutva or islam or anything.Arunachal Pradesh my state is itself an example,here we dont give a shit about Hindutva or anything.If those 80% are peaceful and tolerant its certainly not because of those who think hindutva is necessary for being Indian.The most of India is tlerant because our founding leaders wished us to be and laid our foundations for that.Only in your mind does the world care so much for religion,all over the world people are leaving religion.What is wrong with following a religion or being atheist for that matter anyway ?So what you are implying is one has to be poly theist to be Indian ?That all ideas from outside india make us less Indian ?

Why don't you just admit that you are a Neo Christian convert from Arunachal pradesh and put an end to this Farce ?

Then again maybe you are an equal opportunity hater who especially likes to pick on Hinduisms to justify your weird rejection of your own religion.
I hope Indians get immune to criticism from the West. Let the barking dogs bark.

In other words you are saying lets Indians get immune to feeling any shame over such crimes against women.

BAD idea.

Let the world say or think whatever it wants BUT also muster the courage to call spade a spade viz a viz own countrymen's attitude

Nah we still havent reached where Great nation Pakistan is.

we are in bad but why you Indians find easy excuses to brush the dirty under the carpet.

Even if the west is doing it out of any interests, agenda but isnt it a reality ?
we are in bad but why you Indians find easy excuses to brush the dirty under the carpet.

Even if the west is doing it out of any interests, agenda but isnt it a reality ?
Who is brushing the dirt under the carpet?
We actively publish news on front pages about rapes.
Unlike other countries who have higher per capita rapes than us and then also they pick our news insttead of publishing their owns.
In other words you are saying lets Indians get immune to feeling any shame over such crimes against women.

BAD idea.

Let the world say or think whatever it wants BUT also muster the courage to call spade a spade viz a viz own countrymen's attitude

You missed the goodies when this thread veered into defending the caste system. So when you end up defending the caste system, you can see the mentality.

Isn't Arunachal Pradesh Buddhist? it comes under the Sanatana Dharma umbrella. Now tell me again how didn't Sanatana dharma didn't affect Arunachal Pradesh?

Like i said 80% is tolerant because we tolerate BS and still respect others.That is the reason you have India still.Founding fathers will fade with time, just like kingdoms fade and values change in time.
It is a reality of the world what i said, you can be atheitsts and others like communists but where are communists now in the world? a minority,defeated.
But then again you can choose to ignore reality and be a ostrich and bury your head in the sand.
I told you to quote me where i said to be Hindu means being Indian?Why are quoting things which i didn't say?
What is it to you if i ask Hindus to be united? since you dont consider yourself as one,this shouldn't automatically apply to you.Then why all this butthurt and posting for?
I said my post was for Hindus, if you are not one,you should take a hike.
It is not buddhist only a few upper parts are, most of AP inhabitants are descendants of abotani,we follow no religion.This thread is about India so I have full rights to be here,go take ur definition of Indianism somewhere else.It is people like you who are ostriched,too narrow minded to see that the world has long come over the boundaries of religion.Most of your posts imply that anyone who is not hindu is automatically a lesser Indian.And pray tell me,what is wrong if some Indian decides what his identity to be ?If he wants to be religious or not ?

Why don't you just admit that you are a Neo Christian convert from Arunachal pradesh and put an end to this Farce ?

Then again maybe you are an equal opportunity hater who especially likes to pick on Hinduisms to justify your weird rejection of your own religion.
Its only bigots like u who see everything through the lens of religion.You are a confirmed racist and hindu supremacist,you have no right to talk to an indian about what can be considered Indian.Go adore your Chadiwala gang,people like you are the very reason for why Hinduism has cancer.. most probably you are a casteist too.
But then again you can choose to ignore reality and be a ostrich and bury your head in the sand.
I told you to quote me where i said to be Hindu means being Indian?Why are quoting things which i didn't say?
What is it to you if i ask Hindus to be united? since you dont consider yourself as one,this shouldn't automatically apply to you.Then why all this butthurt and posting for?
I said my post was for Hindus, if you are not one,you should take a hike.

atheist = communist

West is a value less society and it is on the verge of collapse. We should guard and promote our value system from the evil of western culture.
Who is brushing the dirt under the carpet?
We actively publish news on front pages about rapes.
Unlike other countries who have higher per capita rapes than us and then also they pick our news insttead of publishing their owns.

Why dont you forget about the other country/ies and focus on solving your own issue which is making you becoming an apologist.

Indeed your media has recently started taking this issue up and hence you are feeling as if you are the only one who is being exposed whereas its not the case
Its only bigots like u who see everything through the lens of religion.You are a confirmed racist and hindu supremacist,you have no right to talk to an indian about what can be considered Indian.Go adore your Chadiwala gang,people like you are the very reason for why Hinduism has cancer.. most probably you are a casteist too.

The only Bigot here is you and you have been exposed as one with your labeling Hindus are 'Rat worshippers'. :tdown:

You are the one harping on "religion" especially Hinduism to justify your hate in a thread to celebrate 'Rape" :lol:

I would rather adore Chadiwala gang than Bigoted Haters like you :sick: ........... even a pakistani is much better than a Bigot like you. You and people like you are the real cancer in India.
West is a value less society and it is on the verge of collapse. We should guard and promote our value system from the evil of western culture.

West criticizes underage or young age marriages in subcontinent but accepts kids out of live in relations between youngsters in their own countries .

So lets put aside that , but we must atleast accept our own faults
The only Bigot here is you and you have been exposed as one with your labeling Hindus are 'Rat worshippers'. :tdown:

You are the one harping on "religion" especially Hinduism to justify your hate in a thread to celebrate 'Rape" :lol:

I would rather adore Chadiwala gang than Bigoted Haters like you :sick: ........... even a pakistani is much better than a Bigot like you. You and people like you are the real cancer in India.
Keep going on.Never did I insult hinduism as rat worshippers,I dont even know much about hinduism or any religion.If you are refering to my post on an earlier thread it was just meant to show that I really dont care.I repeat again,I dont know what hindus worship so If I offended anyone I am sorry it was unintentional.BUT,you are a bigot,reverse psychology eh ?Calling other bigots to take away the shame ?
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