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Why this Focus on Rapes in India by World Media

Hygiene issues? Do you realize how lame that sounds?

No it does not. Outcastes by then were performing activities related to sanitary issues and handling disposition of dead animals. Chances of communicable disease being high in them because of that.
open a new thread on caste system dont go talking about caste system and Hindus on a completely unrelated topic
Read from the beginning. It was the article that said we should stick to Hindu dharma and I defied it by saying it's nothing about religion. A patient reading would help.Thank you.

No it does not. Outcastes by then were performing activities related to sanitary issues and handling disposition of dead animals. Chances of communicable disease being high in them because of that.

This is why bar them from generation to generation, bravo..
Let us say our understanding of Brahma is the same as your Allah, would you say the feet of Allah is not divine? No part of Allah/Brahma is "not divine." Anyway it is just a metaphorical understanding of the social order. The brainiacs in any society naturally occupy the highest post. The foot soldiers make up the lower rung. This is true of all societies in the world. Caste system was anyways not meant to be birth based. It was based on "guna," meaning inborn talent. If you were born with aptitude to be a warrior, then a warrior you must be. The rest of the nonsense about caste is what happened to the society after it fell in turmoil.

If some mullah said some muslims are born from Allah feet and others from his head then ofcourse i would have problem. Because looking at how shudras/dalits has been treated its quite clear there is nothing divine about Brahma feet compared to his head. If everyone was equal and brahmins wouldnt have problem giving daughters to shudras/dalits then i could have considered brahma feet divine.

Well caste system was always birth based, maybe not in vedic times when they didnt yet entered India. In India it always has been birth based. And ancient brahmins like Bhudda and Padmasambhava tried to reform and abolish caste. While today brahmins defend it in 21st century.
If some mullah said some muslims are born from Allah feet and others from his head then ofcourse i would have problem. Because looking at how shudras/dalits has been treated its quite clear there is nothing divine about Brahma feet compared to his head. If everyone was equal and brahmins wouldnt have problem giving daughters to shudras/dalits then i could have considered brahma feet divine..

People married across caste long time ago. They are doing that again now. Everyone cannot be equal. If you are a doctor you are a doctor, you cannot be considered the same as an engineer. I wont allow an engineer to operate on me. Marriages generally happens between equals, and that is what was happening in India too. Even today just look at Hollywood, actors marry actors, their children become actors. No society is immune from this sort of classification. It is the natural order of things.

If you are not married, I want to ask you something. Would you be willing to go and marry the "bhangee's daughter" in your society. Well if she is a doctor or an engineer, I am sure you wont mind, but if she was a bhangee too, then what?
On what basis did you defy it ?

My objection was about the article's assertion that western model of modern society is a failed model and "Adoption" of Hindu dharma will lead us to an ideal society. And I said why any particular "way of life" when we have similar examples in all religions and cultures.
My objection was about the article's assertion that western model of modern society is a failed model and "Adoption" of Hindu dharma will lead us to an ideal society. And I said why any particular "way of life" when we have similar examples in all religions and cultures.

ever seen those aimless people in life in the west ? the Divorce rates , kids being left alone , separated ... kids having babies before their prime ? this is the outcome of western modern society.. over sexualisation of the society which is effecting bollywood as well.....ever noticed how ones "lack of virginity" is a status symbol now a days .. people are as much concerned about their dicks as their courier..

Again..what do you know about Hindu Dharma to defy it....
‘Modern, western values’ mean for example (I learned this from an article in Focus, a German magazine) to live in rainbow or patchwork families, Those families will either have gays as ‘parents’ or children from different partners as the parents would have had several live-in relationships earlier. It is supposed to be a great learning experience for everyone. A book will soon be out in Germany that examines whether gays make better ’parents’ than the traditional man–woman combination

This is where the Western model is heading towards.

It is a hollowed out society. All familial obligations have been outsourced to the govt, eg. social security, child care support, etc etc. All governmental obligations have been outsourced to private companies, eg. building roads, hospitals, etc. etc.
ever seen those aimless people in life in the west ? the Divorce rates , kids being left alone , separated ... kids having babies before their prime ? this is the outcome of western modern society.. over sexualisation of the society which is effecting bollywood as well.....ever noticed how ones "lack of virginity" is a status symbol now a days .. people are as much concerned about their dicks as their courier..

Again..what do you know about Hindu Dharma to defy it....

Western societies had lots of flaws when it comes to social and human relationship. That was never the context here. The issue was rape and my point was which part of the Dharma to be followed and where it all have been well defined? Then the argument came that our religion preaches "Mother worshipping". I said almost all the religion and societies were matriarchal so what about their "Dharma". That's all where it all started.
Western societies had lots of flaws when it comes to social and human relationship. That was never the context here. The issue was rape and my point was which part of the Dharma to be followed and where it all have been well defined? Then the argument came that our religion preaches "Mother worshipping". I said almost all the religion and societies were matriarchal so what about their "Dharma". That's all where it all started.

Which part of Dharma ?....wut .....dude...what do you even mean by that....You DO NOT KNOW what dharma is...

When you have a lack of family values in a society then the society turns bad..rapes, murders, crimes increase
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