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Why this Focus on Rapes in India by World Media

Negative news about India , China , Pakistan and the like reinforces prejudices and stereotypes about these cultures and makes Westerners feel better about themselves.

Depressed Westerners particularly like such news because it makes them feel , "oh great at least I have it better than them". They lap such news right up.

I was going to ridicule you, until I read the bolded part.

Notice, the countries news fit into a narrative too.
The collective bloodlines at the Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India’s leading genetic-research institute, pose a unique riddle for researchers. On the one hand, geneticists can trace nearly all bloodlines back to two ancestral groups, one hailing from Africa, the other from Eurasia. These groups mingled, married and swapped genes. A mixture of their genetic material can be found in nearly every person on the subcontinent today.
Their finding, recently published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, made waves when it was revealed that genetic mixing ended 1,900 years ago, around the same time the caste system was being codified in religious texts. The Manusmriti, which forbade intermarriage between castes, was written in the same period, give or take a century.
read the colored text...what does it says....
there were inter mingling nad inter inter varna marriage...and when caste system came into place it become rigid....
.....now read my 1st post .....

You are not thinking with stright head, there is genetic differences between lower and higher castes. After manu laws it become rigid. But even before that brahmin didnt allow their woman to marry outside. This is genetic and historical fact.
What Indian marriage sites portray is a wish of an individual to meet a person of similar background, nothing more, nothing less. There are also other sites where people meet, date, and marry across caste line.

My question to you was not about marrying into the caste of bhangee, it was about the social circumstance of being in that position. As I stated, if the girl was educated and of similar attainments like you, then caste would be irrelevant. But would you marry an uneducated, uncouth wench from a lower strata of the society.

Depends. How good looking is she?

Either way, Kerala used to be the worst in terms of caste segregation. If anything good can be said about that state, it is the lessening of that system.

I don't hear any Malayalees clamoring for the return of it.
Oh btw, I hope the people defending caste system here are defending it on grounds on the basis of somethingelse, and not the segregation itself.

Because quting to me concepts of Brahma's feet and head and a$$hole is not going to convince me why 90 years ago in kerala lower caste women were unable to cover their upper body in front of upper caste men.

Or why labourers had to stand twenty feet away dig a hole in the ground and wait to have lunch served in them.

Or why it was O.K. for Namboothiris to economically, socially and sexually exploit the lower castes.

None of this applied to Muslims or Christians btw.

Hey if you want to believe in this sort of thing, by all means continue to do so.

I say few good things about Kerala, but one of the proud things we have done is make some remarkable progress on it by social reformers like Sree narayana Guru, Ayyankali etc.

And some of the fools here are clamoring for Hindus to be united. What a pitiful joke.
People married across caste long time ago. They are doing that again now. Everyone cannot be equal. If you are a doctor you are a doctor, you cannot be considered the same as an engineer. I wont allow an engineer to operate on me. Marriages generally happens between equals, and that is what was happening in India too. Even today just look at Hollywood, actors marry actors, their children become actors. No society is immune from this sort of classification. It is the natural order of things.

If you are not married, I want to ask you something. Would you be willing to go and marry the "bhangee's daughter" in your society. Well if she is a doctor or an engineer, I am sure you wont mind, but if she was a bhangee too, then what

This sounds like a standard Mullah or even a Televangelist script, the world is small indeed.
Oh btw, I hope the people defending caste system here are defending it on grounds on the basis of somethingelse, and not the segregation itself.

Because quting to me concepts of Brahma's feet and head and a$$hole is not going to convince me why 90 years ago in kerala lower caste women were unable to cover their upper body in front of upper caste men.

Or why labourers had to stand twenty feet away dig a hole in the ground and wait to have lunch served in them.

Or why it was O.K. for Namboothiris to economically, socially and sexually exploit the lower castes.

None of this applied to Muslims or Christians btw.

Hey if you want to believe in this sort of thing, by all means continue to do so.

I say few good things about Kerala, but one of the proud things we have done is make some remarkable progress on it by social reformers like Sree narayana Guru, Ayyankali etc.

And some of the fools here are clamoring for Hindus to be united. What a pitiful joke.
Why are you scared of hindus being united. But you have no problems when muslims or christians become united , doing jihad and evangelism. They form a vote bank which decides who gets to rule this country? Why such selective bias?
Why we as a majority cannot ask hindus to get united? and vote for what is right for us?how is it wrong?Should a majority be ruled by a minority?
Why are you scared of hindus being united. But you have no problems when muslims or christians become united , doing jihad and evangelism. They form a vote bank which decides who gets to rule this country? Why such selective bias?
Why we as a majority cannot ask hindus to get united? and vote for what is right for us?how is it wrong?Should a majority be ruled by a minority?

I have no problem when they become united. No. I do have a problem when they use that to subjugate other people. Have said that many times here.

As for uniting Hindus, Pretending past injustices didn't happen isn't going to fix it.

I disagree with the reservation system. I disagree with the present descendants groveling for their ancestor's mistakes. But let's not just shrug it off or pretend that it wasn't an exploitative system.

Nothing wrong in saying, 'yeah that was wrong we did, time to move on.'
I have no problem when they become united. No. I do have a problem when they use that to subjugate other people. Have said that many times here.

As for uniting Hindus, Pretending past injustices didn't happen isn't going to fix it.

I disagree with the reservation system. I disagree with the present descendants groveling for their ancestor's mistakes. But let's not just shrug it off or pretend that it wasn't an exploitative system.

Nothing wrong in saying, 'yeah that was wrong we did, time to move on.'
Why do you automatically assume that hindus when they get united will start to subjugate other people?Maybe you think that we behave as muslims and christians(where their way is the only way and others are wrong).
What is going to fix it? do we have to beg and grovel for another 1000 years?
Why not shrug it off or you still want to be in time warp of the past?In that case you can never move forward.
Why do you automatically assume that hindus when they get united will start to subjugate other people?Maybe you think that we behave as muslims and christians(where their way is the only way and others are wrong).
What is going to fix it? do we have to beg and grovel for another 1000 years?
Why not shrug it off or you still want to be in time warp of the past?In that case you can never move forward.
The very assumption that hindus are better than others and will not do it is rather scary to be honest.Both of the groups u mentioned have the same mentality that they are always right and hence cannot be wrong.I for one would hate to see an India based on a specific religion.Present India isnt united by any religion.
The very assumption that hindus are better than others and will not do it is rather scary to be honest.Both of the groups u mentioned have the same mentality that they are always right and hence cannot be wrong.I for one would hate to see an India based on a specific religion.Present India isnt united by any religion.
While it is perfectly ok for other religions to be united and form a vote bank, but it is harmful for hindus to be united?
What is scary about hindus to be united?So you mean to say that while they think they are better than others and behave that way, we have to put up with them ? all the while we should never be united , NO NO, as united hindus pose more threat to India and the world.:omghaha:
Why as a majority we can't have the same right we give the minority(Their religious boards are not taxed run by miniorities themselves, no one questions their sources of funding money while our temple boards are run by government,taxed and god knows where our money goes).
Didnt we give others asylum and did we boot or convert everyone like hindus in pakistan and bangladesh infact the minority here has risen to 200 million while hindus who wwere 20% at independence are now 2%.
Please dont teach us what is wrong and what is right.
DId I say I approve of other groups ?To me religion is nonsense dragging down India.Let the same rules apply on everyone.The religious bigotry in India is dangerous,the various hindu supremacists on this forum are proof enough of dangers of religious bigotry.We Indians should concern ourselves with development first.Your very example of our two neighbours points out how dangerous it is when the majority of a certain religion "unite" themselves.I for one would reconsider being an Indian if any religious entity gains supremacy of this country.
While it is perfectly ok for other religions to be united and form a vote bank, but it is harmful for hindus to be united?
What is scary about hindus to be united?
Why as a majority we can't have the same right we give the minority(Their religious boards are not taxed run by miniorities themselves mpt anyone question their sources of funding money, while our temple boards are run by government,taxed and god knows where our money goes.
Didnt we give others asylum and did we boot or convert everyone like hindus in pakistan and bangladesh infact the minority here has risen to 200 million while hindus who wwere 20% at independence are now 2%.
Please dont teach us what is wrong and what is right.
Pakistani rape victim of Musharraf time, 'Mukhtar Mai' had her rape story published in more than 15 languages.
She went to US and got awarded, but Indian gang rape victims are not allowed to talk to international media.
Gud to confirm ur membership status in pdf is directly inversly propotional to ur intellect level.........
Is getting award frm US agency wud solve the problem in India. ....? I think urs solved since she was awarded as per ur analogy.....
U r also speaking inverse to OP highlighted, it says Indian rape news is all over then how cud u cum to such rotten conclusion. .......?
DId I say I approve of other groups ?To me religion is nonsense dragging down India.Let the same rules apply on everyone.The religious bigotry in India is dangerous,the various hindu supremacists on this forum are proof enough of dangers of religious bigotry.We Indians should concern ourselves with development first.Your very example of our two neighbours points out how dangerous it is when the majority of a certain religion "unite" themselves.I for one would reconsider being an Indian if any religious entity gains supremacy of this country.
Sanatana Dharama aka hindus are the one keeping India united because we tolerate nonsense, if it was not for them, India would be another angola or african country where both monotheistic groups form armed millitias with regular coups and civil war.
So tell me again how is religion bad for India?
What is a hindu supremacist? Asking for hindus to be united and wishing a better life and same rule of law to be applied to everyone is being supremacist?
Then you should start reconsidering yourself as Indian, since in kashmir valley, Hindus and kashmiri pandits were driven out Assam,west bengal,Kerala,UP have some places where the minority has its way,what have you got to say about that?
If you are so ashamed of being a hindu then you should stop being one, it is better to have a one who is confident and proud of his ancestry than a apologetic, politically correct person acting as hindu.
Sanatana Dharama aka hindus are the one keeping India united because we tolerate nonsense, if it was not for them, India would be another angola or african country where both monotheistic groups form armed millitias with regular coups and civil war.
So tell me again how is religion bad for India?
What is a hindu supremacist? Asking for hindus to be united and wishing a better life and same rule of law to be applied to everyone is being supremacist?
Then you should start reconsidering yourself as Indian, since in kashmir valley, Hindus and kashmiri pandits were driven out Assam,west bengal,Kerala,UP have some places where the minority has its way,what have you got to say about that?
If you are so ashamed of being a hindu then you should stop being one, it is better to have a one who is confident and proud of his ancestry than a apologetic, politically correct person acting as hindu.
Oh can that bullshit,it is the Indian people who keep India as India.Religious zealots of every religion are dangerous,the hindu supremacists,the islamic jihadists and christian freaks are all same to me,I value an India where one's religion is not the identifying feature of a person.All that hyper nationalistic nonsense is just used to by bigots to hide their narrow minded agenda.I am not a hindu or muslim or anything.Religion o no religion makes no difference to me.Assam is still very much hindu,only the ethnic assamese dont like outsiders,understandably so.Kashmir is just another I cited where people confuse religion with nationality.Nothing happened to the kashmiri pandits for centuries,trouble started when religious zealots that it was necessary to be a muslim to be kashmiri.Just like hindu supremacists think that it necessary to be hindu to be Indian.There are quite many parts of India where Hinduism or any other religion had little to no impact and I dare say they are better off for it.
Oh can that bullshit,it is the Indian people who keep India as India.Religious zealots of every religion are dangerous,the hindu supremacists,the islamic jihadists and christian freaks are all same to me,I value an India where one's religion is not the identifying feature of a person.All that hyper nationalistic nonsense is just used to by bigots to hide their narrow minded agenda.I am not a hindu or muslim or anything.Religion o no religion makes no difference to me.Assam is still very much hindu,only the ethnic assamese dont like outsiders,understandably so.Kashmir is just another I cited where people confuse religion with nationality.Nothing happened to the kashmiri pandits for centuries,trouble started when religious zealots that it was necessary to be a muslim to be kashmiri.Just like hindu supremacists think that it necessary to be hindu to be Indian.There are quite many parts of India where Hinduism or any other religion had little to no impact and I dare say they are better off for it.
Indian people consist of majority 80% hindus so keeping India as India the onus lies on them not the minority 20% and thereby India is united because hindus are peaceful and respect others,if hindus were not peaceful it would be a different matter.
If religion doesn't make any difference then you should stop posting in this thread, what i said was addressed to hindus.
Assam is very much hindu not for long it will,Kashmir well it has changed so what is your plan of approach to it?
"Quote me a post where i said to be a indian you need to be hindu".That is what you think hindus are about, but that is not what i think about hindus.
Which part of India has little impact from Hinduism or any other religion? and which part says we are better off it? giving examples of colonies,familiies etc. won't do India is a big country, give examples on the that scale not micro,nano scales.We are surrounded by hostile nations with a agenda to change our demography and push their religion since we are the only last nation which still has its religion strong and has not capitulated to the monotheistic religion,everywhere around the world "It's either them or us scenario, you don't get to stay neutral or third choice as in case of india"
All of the above is possible because of Sanatana Dharma.Otherwise you had to face "with us or against us scenario in India too".
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