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Pakistani double standards really! How pathetic can one get just to prove a point:sick:
Pak finds proof of Indian involvement in Balochistan crisis

ISLAMABAD (Online) – Indian consulates in Afghanistan have a secret hand in the creating troubles in Balochistan and tribal belt of Pakistan and in this connection intelligence agencies handed over a report with proofs to government, well placed sources told Online here on Sunday.
According to the intelligence reports, involvement of Indian consulates working in different cities of Afghanistan have been found in anti-Pakistan activities whereas solid proofs have been found that the consulates are providing financial assistance to Baloch chieftains and also giving funds and weapons to Balochistan Liberation Army and Balochistan Liberation Front. These consulates have performed important role in worsening the situation in the province.
Besides their hand in Balochistan crisis, proofs have also been found that these consulates were extending help to elements who were conducting terrorist acts on Pak-Afghan borders and the government was investigation the incidents of Hangu by keeping this prospective in mind.
Sources disclosed that President Musharraf would discuss this matter with the Afghan president Hamid Karzai during his visit to Pakistan on Feb 15.
If situation would not improve, Pakistan would raise the issue directly with Indian government. However Pakistan would force Afghan government to ask Indian consulates in Afghanistan to refrain from intervening in internal affairs of Pakistan.

And whats that solid proof ? this is just an allegation.
Do you understand the difference between allegation and Proof ?
So this again proves your double standard.
And whats that solid proof ? this is just an allegation.
Do you understand the difference between allegation and Proof ?
So this again proves your double standard.

Read the title of the thread again before coming up with such nonsense.

Pakistan finds PROOF of Indian involvement in Balochistan crisis.

Do you think we would raise the issue with the afghan govenrment and the indian government wthout solid proofs? Think again.
Could raise.

Anything is feasible.

No Mr.Salim! anything is not feasible. You see unlike you guys who after the very first hour of a bomb blast in india finds out that pakistan is behind it thanks to the holly blessings of Hanumaan, we donot have that privilege and so we look for facts and proof before raising issues with our indian counterparts.

Mods edit: PLease avoid religious slurs.
Read the title of the thread again before coming up with such nonsense.

Pakistan finds PROOF of Indian involvement in Balochistan crisis.

Do you think we would raise the issue with the afghan govenrment and the indian government wthout solid proofs? Think again.

So what is that Proof

secessionist movement in baluchistan is terrorism and kashmir is freedom struggle .. - double standard
Unfortunately, no, actually very fortunately, democracy and humanity are not defined by you or your twisted “common sense”: your “humanity” is well known with your belief that the right to live by not starving to death is nothing compared with the right to vote..

No my dear Friend democracy and humanity is not defined by me .. but there is a universally accepted definition of it ..and by the way the richest and the most prosperous countries are democracy they dont starve ..

1.3 billion people want to live, not starved to death, and to have a unified and peaceful China. This is what they want.l

How do you know ? are you a spokesperson of those 1.3 million .. let them speak ..

The first conditional reflection from your words is very naturally one thing, and the only thing: imperialistic. And with perfect understanding.
This is another reason I call you imperialistic. On soft side, why don’t you recall 40000 pregnant women died yearly in UP and criticize your government? India Together: New govt's population control thrust - June 2004 . On hard side, why don’t your recall your policemen killed peaceful demonstrators and accuse the brutality of your system? IndianExpress.com :: Bhagalpur police firing toll up at threei

there are equal number of pregnant chinese women dying in various provinces in China. and here you go again same silly excuses trying to prove the superiority of China by showing these incidents in India when you urself know that these incident very well happen in China too .

Even so, per your link, the sentenced criminal is mainly because “accepting money from hostile foreign organisations, ….” and he has a lawyer named Li Fangping for his legal defence.

It is a common sense for avoiding a potential litigation, even in the US: don’t do anything illegal or (legal but) appears illegal. For instance, you are obviously hostile to China. Should I get money from you, and wage some activities in China for you, I’d better be prepared to be in trouble even I’d do good thing. Weird that your antagonism culminates by such a simple reason and a common sense!

Back to the criminal sentenced, he sounds like a loser in a market economy, and definetely nurtured a degree of disfaction and probably sold himself to foreign hostile forces. So be in ja

you also know he was jailed for expressing his views ..
No Mr.Salim! anything is not feasible. You see unlike you guys who after the very first hour of a bomb blast in india finds out that pakistan is behind it thanks to the holly blessings of Hanumaan, we donot have that privilege and so we look for facts and proof before raising issues with our indian counterparts.

Even though I am not a Hindu, as a sane person and capable of discussing without veering to imbecility as you, I seriously feel that you should not use words like, ""holy blessing of Hunuman"".

Supposing some gave a left handed compliment using the name of Mohammed and Allah, I am sure you would go berserk!! Howl, scream and jump like a monkey with a stick in the posterior is what you would do!!

Do quit this.

This type of syntax indicates low on substance and high on stupidity!!

Maybe you are stupid. Indeed, it screams as being true!!

Are you so low on intellect and knowledge that you cannot discuss with facts and intelligently?

So what is that Proof

secessionist movement in baluchistan is terrorism and kashmir is freedom struggle .. - double standard

Baluchistan unlike Kashmir is not accepted by the UN as a disputed terrority. Learn to make the difference.
Baluchistan unlike Kashmir is not accepted by the UN as a disputed terrority. Learn to make the difference.

UN is a body to mediate and solve a political problem and not to define or prove someone's struggle of freedom ..
Even though I am not a Hindu, as a sane person and capable of discussing without veering to imbecility as you, I seriously feel that you should not use words like, ""holy blessing of Hunuman"".

Supposing some gave a left handed compliment using the name of Mohammed and Allah, I am sure you would go berserk!! Howl, scream and jump like a monkey with a stick in the posterior is what you would do!!

Do quit this.

This type of syntax indicates low on substance and high on stupidity!!

Maybe you are stupid. Indeed, it screams as being true!!

Are you so low on intellect and knowledge that you cannot discuss with facts and intelligently?


Please do let me know the definition of the word fact according to your dictionary. Because whenever facts are pasted in the shape of an article you completely dismiss them by either targeting their background or simply calling them incompetent like you are the only sain person with knowledge left on the whole planet. This kind of pathetic attitude makes you look nothing more then plain stupid, an old fool who just couldnt get out of his misery and is out to prove a point.
And even though you are not hindu, the blessing seems to be still there afterall you are from india.
UN is a body to mediate and solve a political problem and not to define or prove someone's struggle of freedom ..

And perhaps it is india to define the boundaries of that struggle. This shows the amount of knowledge that you have about world bodies and their roles.
Please do let me know the definition of the word fact according to your dictionary. Because whenever facts are pasted in the shape of an article you completely dismiss them by either targeting their background or simply calling them incompetent like you are the only sain person with knowledge left on the whole planet. This kind of pathetic attitude makes you look nothing more then plain stupid, an old fool who just couldnt get out of his misery and is out to prove a point.
And even though you are not hindu, the blessing seems to be still there afterall you are from india.

Do you want me to start the show about all this left handed blessings?

Are you sure other Mos*lems would appreciate it?

Would it be a level playing field?

Think it over and let me know.

Remember, you are initiating this!!

I find it repulsive to use left handed tongue in cheek chicanery over religion. Cowards to it. But then, one can always take such cowards on. Cowards die a hundred deaths.
Cowards do not count in battle; they are there but not in it.

For cowards the road of desertion should be left open; they will carry over to the enemy nothing, but their fears.
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