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Why the US , NATO and Israel haven't attacked Iran after 3 decades ?

China sold you Hawk? Wow...all those years I didn't realise we used Chinese SAMs.

Yes they did . They've always been the best ones in copying

The first Iranian Anti Air defense team was formed after Iran sent the experts to china .
Yes they did . They've always been the best ones in copying

The first Iranian Anti Air defense team was formed after Iran sent the experts to china .
Where did China get Hawk from? It's a US missile (If it's a copy....it's not Hawk....I know Ollie North and co. got you some Hawk)

Iran is actually under attack. If a similar economic blockade is imposed against the US, it will attack in accordance with the UN.

Iran is under attack, but some fools do not realize that the more you tighten Iran, the more the Mullahs get power.
it's so simple !
if US or NATO make a strike againt iran :
first , iran will close the strait of hormuz who is one of the world’s most important waterways, with daily flow of about 15 million barrels of oil. That’s 90% of Persian Gulf Exports and 40% of global consumption .. and iran have a lot of sea mines , ballistic missiles and a stong militry marine with destroyers and submarines .. so it's will be an easy job for iran .. at les they can close it for 3 or 4 mouths .. and then it will be an international crise .. and the petrodolars falls ! ... it's means the end for america
second , Iran have Hizboallah in lebnanon , Hamas in Palistine and Syria .. they will respond againt Israel
and if america or nato will strike iran .. they can't do a ground strike .. it's like walking to their death .. cuz iran is very large and have a strong ground militry with more than 14 millions Basijs .. so there is just the air option ,
to make a air strike they can use militry bases in gulf contries .. it will taugh .. iran is not an easy contry .. not like iraq or afghanistan .. and america has lerned a lot .. they can't do an other war with a lot of risque !
The main reason that US has not attacked Iran is political:
Any party who starts anther war may not get the vote of people for a very long time.

Other reasons are: oil, Hormuz, missiles, proxies, ...
This is not an analysis thread , we just want to read members' personal opinions and reasons about the question .

I ask members just express their own opinions and not quoting , criticizing or bashing others' . If you don't agree with a comment , simply forget it , because they are not necessarily coming true!



Good Luck .
From Iranian point of view, it is that Iranian nation is impossible to defeat and US lacks balls.

In reality, Saddam and other geo-political developments in the region kept US busy for a long time.

Wars are costly affairs and they can leave long term effects or totally change the geopolitical scenarios in a region. Decisions to go to war are not made in haste but after serious calculations.

Defeating Iran is not much of an issue; I find using Afghanistan as an analogue for other nations as hilarious and misleading. However, pros and cons are to be calculated and timing must be ideal.

US showed during 'Operation Praying Mantis' (the only major military engagement between US and Iran in history as per my understanding) that it can easily handle Iranian forces in combat. Iranians can shout all day that they have improved but so has US.

However, geo-political situations surrounding Iran have actually kept it safe from envious eyes thus far. Iranians can thank Allah Almighty for this. Iranians are currently using propaganda to great effect to delay the inevitable or prevent war; I fully understand this strategy because Iran has no other option.

War with Saddam began in 1991 and lasted till 2010. Very long period. Iraq became a major military power in Middle East under the leadership of Saddam but ironically the same man is reponsible for its decline. Fortunately for Iran, another war started during this period which is labelled as WOT and it may continue till 2014.

In addition, world witnessed an economic crises recently which lasted 2 years in duration. Therefore, many countries are busy in repairing their economies and the list includes US.

Even though the chapters of Saddam and Osama are now closed; Americans are possibly not yet psychologically ready for another war or so it seems but popular opinion can change soon and/or unexpectedly. However, one thing is certain that after the removal of the aforementioned fundamental enemies of US in the region, fall of Libya to Western sphere of influence, and internal turmoil in Syria which may result in fall of Bashar, the path for march towards Iran is much more clear then ever.

We can hope that the differences between USA and Iran are resolved amicably. However, neither side is showing much flexibility. Therefore, war between these two nations is currently a realistic possibility but it may not occur prior to 2014 or some years after that.

I expect Operation Desert Storm like action at maximum and not a full occupation initially; same strategy which was applied in Iraq.

Though I must point out that war with USA is no fun; entire country will be bombarded from all angles; Iranian military capability will be shattered in some weeks; their will be chaos and anarchy in several regions of Iran as the hold of government will weaken resultantly; and nation's infrastructure will suffer immense damage which will be a set back for future development. Oil prices may also shoot up due to this war but US and its allies are exploring alternatives to nullify this impact to a major extent before any action is taken.

So behind the veil of propaganda and politics, another major Asian power may be crippled/destroyed under the banner of Imperialism. At the end of the day, most nations will be like silent spectators, if this action unfolds, just like in case of Iraq and Afghanistan. Since Cold War ended, no major counter-balance to US influence exists on the world stage at the moment. Yes, US is facing some problems and China is on the rise but then we also cannot predict the future accurately.

Allah knows best. Just pray to the Almighty that this day never comes for Iran. Good luck.
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