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Why Sonia Gandhi Is More Indian Than You

:sick: are u alright bro? u dont see gujrat gov. is still thr? so does in bihar and many other states?

in my bidhanshabha seat- BJP never lost in last 8 elction . who told u no one elect BJP?

That allows you to set state agenda. Not national one. In all general elections your guys get booted out/kicked around etc. Excepting Gujarat and a second fiddle in Bihar, probably MP, I don't see major presence of BJP in any other major state. You had karnataka, now that's gonna go too. No one wants to touch your guys in UP. So where are the nos.?
Actually swiss bank account of Gandhi family is an allegation that even the BJP has never made (they really jumped in when Rajiv Gandhi was alleged to have got Bofors so that shows they aren't being soft either). Swamy pulls nos. and allegations out of his @$$. He even says MMRCA deal 'Sonia got 2 Billion'.

If she is as honest as she thinks, why not file a civil defamatory action in the court of law against Swamy who challenged her and Rahul to?
Silence is sign of a guilt.

That allows you to set state agenda. Not national one. In all general elections your guys get booted out/kicked around etc. Excepting Gujarat and a second fiddle in Bihar, probably MP, I don't see major presence of BJP in any other major state. You had karnataka, now that's gonna go too. No one wants to touch your guys in UP. So where are the nos.?

AAP has become a big force. and dont forget millions of Ramdev followers who will vote AGAINST congress.
Vote dynamics is going to change this time. Dont think Congress is invincble.
If she is as honest as she thinks, why not file a civil defamatory action in the court of law against Swamy who challenged her and Rahul to?
Silence is sign of a guilt.

AAP has become a big force. and dont forget millions of Ramdev followers who will vote AGAINST congress.
Vote dynamics is going to change this time. Dont think Congress is invincble.

Not just her- no one takes him seriously. And if you start going to court for every single thing he says, pretty much that's the only thing you're gonna do all day. There's waaayyyyy more where that came from.
Not just her- no one takes him seriously. And if you start going to court for every single thing he says, pretty much that's the only thing you're gonna do all day. There's waaayyyyy more where that came from.

But she went to the US court and LOST the case, where this traitor filed 100 million USD civil action. WHY?
It doesn't workout that way mate neither in India nor in any other Democracy.

However, this can happen in India but only through awareness when people will stop voting for regional parties or Regional Parties r able to secure only handful of seats then this will automatically happen.

Else the whole country will turn into UP n goons like Akhilesh n Mayawati will be ruling us...:hitwall:

Add Amma, mamta,Jud chief, Kalinjar.... etc etc...
You're saying the BJP knows and is not taking advantage- hell this stuff would bury the Gandhis forever and BJP, for some reason is not 'exposing' them. What kind of Kooky theories are you coming up with man. Rajiv didn't take money on Bofors (Even swedish investigators say so) and still they DISEMBOWELED HIM and got him thrown out for good. And here you say there are billions and BJP is not doing anything?

1st you tell me where i said that BJP knows. That's the problem with people They make own assume and quotes others people in saying that you are saying this. This is bullsh!t man.
You are arguing on National problem. Here we are not defending bjp or congress..
Stop your sickular mentality.
Yeh, yeh.............she is more Indian than any Indian. :rofl: If there is not bigger than than the biggest Indian, we will create a new one for her.
But none of these have anything to do with Mrs. Gandhi’s foreign origin. So if you oppose her, don’t do it because she’s Italian, but because she’s an Indian who backs some pretty awful ideas.

she was/is/will be an italian who became an indian passport holder through backdoor.....she may have lived in india more than some...but still she was neither born in indian soil nor to indian parents....
Not just her- no one takes him seriously. And if you start going to court for every single thing he says, pretty much that's the only thing you're gonna do all day. There's waaayyyyy more where that came from.

SS challenged her by saying common sue me, that way I get a chance to represent myself in the court.
She never did.
BUT Rahul threatened to. And guess what!
He backed out too.....
lol, Indians are still waiting for this bhudu to do what he said he will:
Rahul Gandhi threatens to sue after Subramanian Swamy accuses Gandhis of 'fraud' | NDTV.com
Thats sign of guilt.
RG and SG are phony

1st you tell me where i said that BJP knows. That's the problem with people They make own assume and quotes others people in saying that you are saying this. This is bullsh!t man.
You are arguing on National problem. Here we are not defending bjp or congress..
Stop your sickular mentality.

So who are you again? WHo exactly are you to ask me to change my 'secular' mentality? You can say 'secular', 'sikular' whatever, but WHo cares about you? WHo votes for your people? Who even takes you seriously? Just because you have a big mouth and can blare it in forums like this don't mean anything. Who gave you the idea that you can recommend what is good for us and our country? Guess what SECULARISM is the BEST THING to have happened to our country and most hindus agree with it. That's why we kept your guys out of power.
Is she more Indian? Bullshi#! Is she as Indian? Sure she is. A naturalized citizen should be afforded the same rights as someone born here. To me a Mother Teresa and an Annie Besant are as Indian as anyone else - their skin color or place of birth is secondary. What I don't like is the irony of a party which fought for freedom and democracy being reduced to a dynastic joke run by the latest scion of the Gandhi family - Indira, Sanjay, Rajiv, Sonia and now Rahul. How did they inherit the mantle anyway? Where are the families of Tilak, Gokhale, Patel, Mahatma Gandhi, Bose? Forget the families - do they even have leaders of that stature? Or do they just bow in front of the latest Nehruvian ruler?
She became Indian citizen only in 1983. Since India's median age is 25, she indeed has been citizen longer than a majority of population.

But thats such a lame logic. Anyway nobody these days challenges her for her foreign origin, we are deeply suspicious of our dealings with italy and the scam after scam with italian companies that have the indian govt act in weird ways.
So who are you again? WHo exactly are you to ask me to change my 'secular' mentality? You can say 'secular', 'sikular' whatever, but WHo cares about you? WHo votes for your people? Who even takes you seriously? Just because you have a big mouth and can blare it in forums like this don't mean anything. Who gave you the idea that you can recommend what is good for us and our country? Guess what SECULARISM is the BEST THING to have happened to our country and most hindus agree with it. That's why we kept your guys out of power.

Specimen example - congress plans rs 100 crore social media war chest

btw bewakoof.....secularism is not the same as pseudo-secularism...and people dont vote on that...dont lie here...people vote on caste lines.....and also more and more hindu youths are waking up to understand the discrimination they face as they get educated....so the downhill of congress has started....
She became Indian citizen only in 1983. Since India's median age is 25, she indeed has been citizen longer than a majority of population.

But thats such a lame logic. Anyway nobody these days challenges her for her foreign origin, we are deeply suspicious of our dealings with italy and the scam after scam with italian companies that have the indian govt act in weird ways.

She waited 17 years to apply for her Indian citizenship why?
when she travels, nobody knows nothing on which passport she traveled, and which destination.
It is given to understand that after she reaches Dubai, she gets Ambanis charter plane which takes her to Europe to moniter the health of her accounts in Swiss.
Very clandestine operations, very treacherous.
My foot.
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