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Why Should Burqa be banned in India?

Its a part of their faith and they do take it seriously so it is secular to grant them the freedom to wear what they want. Your opinion is for the ban but I dont think it will be enforced on Indian muslim women.

I think u doesn't knw the reality. Have u knw abt women terrorist group in Kashmir?? they used to hide guns and bombs in burqua. Most of terrorists/anti social element using burqua as shield to protect them. My interest is we have ensure the national security in all possible ways.
I think u doesn't knw the reality. Have u knw abt women terrorist group in Kashmir?? they used to hide guns and bombs in burqua. Most of terrorists/anti social element using burqua as shield to protect them. My interest is we have ensure the national security in all possible ways.

I have been to kashmir. Women dont wear burqa there mostly.

OMG- robbers wearing orange cloth to cover their faces-
some using handkerchiefs to cover their faces-
some wearing sikh turbine-

Bombay Dude- Lets start a campaign against all those items-
Lets start with turbines- :azn:-

ispikes- where is your NATIONAL SECURITY now- :rofl:-
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I think u doesn't knw the reality. Have u knw abt women terrorist group in Kashmir?? they used to hide guns and bombs in burqua. Most of terrorists/anti social element using burqua as shield to protect them. My interest is we have ensure the national security in all possible ways.

Possible, but how can you just simply generalize against all burqa clad women? They are Indians first and it goes against our constitution to enforce a ban on one's faith, terrorists do employ all means but it doesn't mean that if we ban burgas they will cease their attacks. I don't buy this argument.
3 pages on this seriously does any 1 of you think this thing will ever happen and how many girls do you see wearing them anyway
I have seen most girls wear a big cloth covering their faces in pune.
But thats due to pollution.
Strangely no guy wears that.


See the robber is wearing a helmet-
BAN the helmet-

Your point being?-

My Best Try for the Bearded Party!

The use of women suicide bombers by Taliban to target security personnel in Peshawar on Thursday - the second attack of its kind in one and a half month – poses serious security challenges as security forces appear to have failed to learn any lesson from previous such attack on June 26 in Bajaur.

The attack on a checkpoint near a World Food Programme centre in Bajaur tribal region on June 26 was said to be first such attack of its kind in which a woman suicide bomber was employed along with her husband, and killed 46 people and injured over 80.

The modus operandi of by the terrorist in the Thursday’s attack was similar to that adopted in June 26 attack, as burqa-clad women were used since traditionally the male police staff had been reluctant to check women for security needs. In Thursday’s attack the women terrorists reportedly found no hurdle in getting closer to the site where their fellows had already detonated a planted bomb, outside the Lahori Gate. In June 26 attack, the husband and wife with the suicide bomber clad in a burqa managed to swiftly get closer to the police checkpoint since the man was in the company of a woman, something which generally doesn’t raise suspicion in a society like ours in general and in Peshawar and Tribal Areas in particular.

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No excuse ,then We should ready do die prepare for loss. We having huge population ,human life is so cheap in India no issues. Long life secularism. Jai hind
What does it have to do with secularism? You make no sense.
There should be a compelling reason to ban something, I don't like bans in general.
Our society already have a lot of people using it, why make them uncomfortable. Has anybody stopped cooperating with authority.
Has anybody said she wont reveal her face when challenged by police?
Also we are not like french, they have a reason, we dont.
I have seen most girls wear a big cloth covering their faces in pune.
But thats due to pollution.
Strangely no guy wears that.
That is a different thing we are talking about burqa and well you cant wear them any more
Ahem, any suggestions/ predictions/hypocrisy/biased conditions concerning the robberies in Rajasthan . ?? !!

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