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Why Saleem, Who Became Susheel Two Months Ago, Wants To End His Life

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Akhlaq lynching case accused seen sitting in front row, chanting Yogi Yogi in BJP's Bisada rally
One of the key accused in the Dadri lynching case, Vishal Singh, was sitting in the front row and cheering the Uttar Pradesh chief minister along with his friends.


    • Arvind Ojha
  • New Delhi
  • March 31, 2019
  • UPDATED: March 31, 2019 21:55 IST

Mohammed Akhlaq lynching accused was seen in the front row and chanting "Yogi Yogi" in a rally. (Photo: Screengrab from the video)

One of the accused in the Mohammed Akhlaq lynching case was seen in a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) rally in Bisada village in Uttar Pradesh's Greater Noida. The rally was addressed by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.

The accused, Vishal Singh, was sitting in the front row and cheering the Uttar Pradesh chief minister along with his friends. A report said that 16 accused in the Akhlaq lynching case were seen attending the rally which was held today (March 31). India Today couldn't confirm it.

On September 28, 2015, 51-year-old Mohammed Akhlaq was dragged from his house and killed by a 200-strong mob on suspicion of eating beef, triggering communal tension in the Uttar Pradesh's Bisada village.

Akhlaq died before he could be taken to a hospital. His son was seriously injured in the incident.

The announcement that the family was consuming beef was made from the local temple. The chargesheet mentions that Vishal Singh as one of the prime accused who had made the announcement.

Akhlaq and his family were CRIMINALS who had stolen the neighbours calf and illegally slaughtered it and were caught red handed.


However all the accused in his case were arrested due to political reasons and not because they were guilty of anything.

Let's not comment on purest form of Islam when you have no clue what you are talking about?

Islam is a perfect way of life for anyone who chooses to live with it (period). You are welcome to prove me wrong and bring whatever logic you have to say otherwise. And I'm listening.
Eastern philosophy or culture whatever are half based on ignorance and half based on what goes fine with men.
Islam brings harmony and balance to the way of life by pulling people out of ignorance and the ignorant culture.

Problem is not a Muslim, problems is ignorants who think and act as if they were Muslims, while having no clue on how they are supposed to be as a Muslim.

As for people being killed for leaving Islam. There is no such thing in Islam. I don't know where it came from and how ignorants took it up, just like they take so much of ignorance and associate it to Islam to feel better.

In Islam, every one is free to choose what they want. No one is supposed to force anyone to anything, not convert them, nor leave them from leaving. It's a choice people make and they alone are responsible for its consequences.

"And say: The truth is from your Lord, so let him who please believe, and let him who please disbelieve.(Al-Kahf 18:29)"

“By the Sun and its Brightness,
By the Moon when it follows it (reflects the Sun's light),
By the day when it unfolds its glory,
By the night when it enshrouds it,
By the heaven and He Who made it,
By the Earth and He Who spread it,
And by the soul and He Who perfected it,
Then inspired it to understand what is wrong and (what is) right for it,
Indeed he succeeds who purifies it,
And indeed he fails who corrupts it.”

Proving you wrong would get me banned.

Sufficient to say most people know islam through its practitioner and that is ALL THAT MATTERS in any practical world.
How many Hindus who convert to Islam have to deal with death threats ?
I personally know a Jat girl who eloped with her muslim boyfriend and married him, they were high school sweethearts, both from "educated" upper middle class to rich backgrounds and families. Guy was irreligious, mostly a 'cultural muslim', his family never asked her to convert but her family was super rigid, couldn't live down the shame, and was eventually emotionally blackmailed to leave that marriage and return home.

So all I'm saying is, is that it happens both ways. and, I didn't have to google that.

Leaving Islam is not punishable according to Quran. "There is NO compulsion in religion".
Whereas recent hindutva brand of Hinduism is not better than ISIS. They will lynch anyone who marry Hindu girls. So it is better, instead of criticizing Islam which is easy. Talk about reforming hindutva
So why is there a death penalty for doing so in so many Islamic countries ? Can you leave Islam in Pakistan and adopt another faith ? Are missionaries free to go around preaching the Gospel and converting people in Pakistan and other Islamic countries ? Why do so many muslims support the death penalty for apostasy in Islamic countries ?



"in South Asia and the Middle East and North Africa, medians of more than half back both severe criminal punishments and the death penalty for Muslims who renounce their faith."


I am not an apologist for any acts of violence and extremism committed in the name of Hindutva.
LOL... are you for real ?

He was Literally a child SLAVE , given only food and cloth to work like a dog and made to convert his religion.

Like it used to be in the 7th Century arabia.

If he a Hindu decides to help his MUSLIM wives family, then why is his MUSLIM WIFE and FAMILY now torturing him and not showing Gratitude ?..... but in your "islamic" mind, him complaining about this is the "real problem" and "hypocrisy".

His marriage is very much valid as per the Indian constitution.

No one cares what the "sharia" or any other kangaroo court claims. This is India , not pakistan.

He is a Psycho who is now in Jail, unlike the other psycho who are now your "heroes".

Yes he was a pedophile and murderer , but he did not target anyone for their religion.

Unlike the muslim criminals mentioned above who specifically Targeted Hindus as victims.

Since your brain is clouded being a Modi lover so I will let go of the stupid details you referred out of your stupidity and come to the point.

A child was taken up, given food and clothing and a shelter, and in return he worked, this is normal for many kids in your country and its not slavery. It's getting shelter and provisions in return for doing work.

As for the kid being forced to convert.
I am talking about the kid as a grown up man and not a kid.
Did the grown up man not had a choice to say no to the marriage? Was he a little girly who was forced to mary?
Did he not have a choice to say he doesn;t want to be a Muslim but is a Hindu? Why did he had to wait and act and ruin lives of many in the process?

If he a Hindu decides to help his MUSLIM wives family, then why is his MUSLIM WIFE and FAMILY now torturing him and not showing Gratitude ?..... but in your "islamic" mind, him complaining about this is the "real problem" and "hypocrisy".

Do you help your relations expecting to show off and get soemthing in return? If you do then you too are a hypocrite, but since you are anyway, so you lack what it takes to understand the concept of helping without expecting.

His marriage is very much valid as per the Indian constitution.

No one cares what the "sharia" or any other kangaroo court claims. This is India , not pakistan.

Indian constitution and India can both go take a dip in some gutter. Do you believe I give a rats *** size of shit for your shitty place, which is fast pacing its way to earn the rank of world's rape capital, and the most uncivilized place on the planet?
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I personally know a Jat girl who eloped with her muslim boyfriend and married him, they were high school sweethearts, both from "educated" upper middle class to rich backgrounds and families. Guy was irreligious, mostly a 'cultural muslim', his family never asked her to convert but her family was super rigid, couldn't live down the shame, and was eventually emotionally blackmailed to leave that marriage and return home.

So all I'm saying is, is that it happens both ways. and, I didn't have to google that.

Anecdotal stories are dime a dozen and can be spun to prove almost anything including meeting aliens and having a conversation with god. Only they have no value when making your case.

Jat's are unlikely to take kindly to marring outside their community, much less their religion.

But for a "Upper Middle Class Urban Educated Jat girl" to return back from her husband takes more than emotional "blackmail". It smells like Unhappy marriage.
Proving you wrong would get me banned.

Sufficient to say most people know islam through its practitioner and that is ALL THAT MATTERS in any practical world.

You're gonna get banned anyway and that has nothing to do with proving me wrong (there is no proving me wrong with your ignorance) but your Modi godi brain and the shit you are spewing.
This is not your BJP whatsapp to come and talk bullshit and get away with lack of logic.

Sufficient to say he was referring to Islam in its purest form and hence my comment.
As for how people look at Islam.
An intellectual will study what he wants to comment on. A dumb brain will look at people and get his perspective from them.

Islam is for intellectuals and God hates those who do not use their brain.
So we don't need the dumb who get their perspective from ignorants and think that is Islam anyway, they should stay hindu whatever.
Since your brain is clouded being a Modi lover so I will let go of the stupid details you referred out of your stupidity and come to the point.

A child was taken up, given food and clothing and a shelter, and in return he worked, this is normal for many kids in your country and its not slavery. It's getting shelter and provisions in return for doing work.

As for the kid being forced to convert.
I am talking about the kid as a grown up man and not a kid.
Did the grown up man not had a choice to say no to the marriage? Was he a little girly who was forced to mary?
Did he not have a choice to say he doesn;t want to be a Muslim but is a Hindu? Why did he had to wait and act and ruin lives of many in the process?

Like it used to be in the 7th Century arabia.

Only a dumb hindu brain can claim that while having no clue what he is talking about. And you my friend are a moron for trying to peddle that shit over here while acting nice otherwise. @Dubious @The Eagle Please look into this scum.

If he a Hindu decides to help his MUSLIM wives family, then why is his MUSLIM WIFE and FAMILY now torturing him and not showing Gratitude ?..... but in your "islamic" mind, him complaining about this is the "real problem" and "hypocrisy".

Do you help your relations expecting to show off and get soemthing in return? If you do then you too are a hypocrite, but since you are anyway, so you lack what it takes to understand the concept of helping without expecting.

His marriage is very much valid as per the Indian constitution.

No one cares what the "sharia" or any other kangaroo court claims. This is India , not pakistan.

Indian constitution and India can both go take a dip in some gutter. Do you believe I give a rats *** size of shit for your shitty place, which is fast pacing its way to earn the rank of world's rape capital, and the most uncivilized place on the planet?
If you want to defend your bloody shit of a place then don't effing first come here post this shit and try to earn some brownies by highlighting the hypocrisy of a person and trying to get some sympathy for it.

And since you are here to peddle up Muslim vs Hindu thing, because your RSS *** might be hurtin right now for how your nation is doing now a days. So I don't believe you have anything positive to contribute to the forum and I hope the mods will sort out the problem for you.

Your actions tagging the mods have shown me that if you cannot kill me to silence me, you will have the Mods ban me to silence me.

Hence its obvious that in typical islamic fashion you resent my replies and Point of View. Thank you for proving my point.

You're gonna get banned anyway and that has nothing to do with proving me wrong (there is no proving me wrong with your ignorance) but your Modi godi brain and the shit you are spewing.
This is not your BJP whatsapp to come and talk bullshit and get away with lack of logic.

Sufficient to say he was referring to Islam in its purest form and hence my comment.
As for how people look at Islam.
An intellectual will study what he wants to comment on. A dumb brain will look at people and get his perspective from them.

Islam is for intellectuals and God hates those who do not use their brain.
So we don't need the dumb who get their perspective from ignorants and think that is Islam anyway, they should stay hindu whatever.

Oh I know I will get banned, if not for this then for something else. But till that happens, I will speak my mind.

It only proves my point and answers your question about "pure form" of islam. lol.
Your actions tagging the mods have shown me that if you cannot kill me to silence me, you will have the Mods ban me to silence me.

Hence its obvious that in typical islamic fashion you resent my replies and Point of View. Thank you for proving my point.

Oh I know I will get banned, if not for this then for something else. But till that happens, I will speak my mind.

It only proves my point and answers your question about "pure form" of islam. lol.

Not asking for the sake of trolling, but have you ever read the Quran? with the intention of actually understanding it and the logic that goes behind it?

Your logic of "judging a religion through its practitioners" is a double edged sword and can go both ways, actually. We can also judge Hinduism through the rapes that happen in your country every day as well. Now what does that say about your religion?

I know for a fact that you're here only for the sake of trolling and not for actual learning. But let me tell you a thing about Islam, it's not allowed for a muslim woman to marry a non-muslim man. Why? because In order for her and her children to be pious and good muslims, it is important for the dad to be a muslim too. In domestic life, the influence of a dad is very strong, over both the wife and the kids, so that's why it's important. Even for muslim men, they can only marry non-muslim women belonging to the "people of the book" because their way of life is similar to Islam to a degree. This means that a Muslim man shouldn't marry a Hindu woman either. It's prohibited. Our religions aren't compatible and our way of life and beliefs are also different. Those muslims that do such marriages in India despite this regulation are hypocrites that don't follow the teachings of their religion. So you cannot judge Islam on the basis of such Hypocrites.
Let's not comment on purest form of Islam when you have no clue
My post wasn't pretending to be a scholarly dissertation on Islam, happy to hear opposing points of view on it..

but when you talk of purity and gold standards etc, wrt Islam, it's Saudi Arabia, home of the holy cities (kaffir entry banned), and other things like the dress code for women, the morality police, separate lines and sitting areas in McDonalds and Starbucks etc, can't be alone in a room with a member of the opposite gender, prohibitions on music, alcohol, public beheadings and subsequent crucifixions of headless corpse for posting anti Islam content online (that happened too, didn't it ?)

Iran isn't much better either, hanging gays by cranes, stoning adulterers...

where on earth might the Iranian mullahs and Saudi leaders be getting these ideas from ? :what:o_O:undecided:

Anecdotal stories are dime a dozen and can be spun to prove almost anything including meeting aliens and having a conversation with god. Only they have no value when making your case.

Jat's are unlikely to take kindly to marring outside their community, much less their religion.

But for a "Upper Middle Class Urban Educated Jat girl" to return back from her husband takes more than emotional "blackmail". It smells like Unhappy marriage.
Please don't accuse me of being a liar, Manavan.

Let us all speak the truth, no matter how bitter or if it doesn't suit an agenda. The point of narrating my friends' grave misfortune was simply to say that it does happen both ways, even from segments of society who you'd expect more from.

Their story was also very likely the exception, not the norm, that is also true. Muslims rarely let their daughters out and keep them on a very tight leash, spl the rich ones.. and boy do I have some sansani true first hand stories on that lot too lol. Will share tidbits as and when appropriate :lol:
Not asking for the sake of trolling, but have you ever read the Quran? with the intention of actually understanding it and the logic that goes behind it?

Your logic of "judging a religion through its practitioners" is a double edged sword and can go both ways, actually. We can also judge Hinduism through the rapes that happen in your country every day as well. Now what does that say about your religion?

I know for a fact that you're here only for the sake of trolling and not for actual learning. But let me tell you a thing about Islam, it's not allowed for a muslim woman to marry a non-muslim man. Why? because In order for her and her children to be pious and good muslims, it is important for the dad to be a muslim too. In domestic life, the influence of a dad is very strong, over both the wife and the kids, so that's why it's important. Even for muslim men, they can only marry non-muslim women belonging to the "people of the book" because their way of life is similar to Islam to a degree. This means that a Muslim man shouldn't marry a Hindu woman either. It's prohibited. Our religions aren't compatible and our way of life and beliefs are also different. Those muslims that do such marriages in India despite this regulation are hypocrites that don't follow the teachings of their religion. So you cannot judge Islam on the basis of such Hypocrites.

Everybody DOES judge Hinduism by its practioners.

By "Caste" which does not even exist in Hinduism.

Islam does not have to be compatible with the Indian constitution. The constitution trumps islam in India.

Its as simple as that.

Please don't accuse me of being a liar, Manavan.

Let us all speak the truth, no matter how bitter or if it doesn't suit an agenda. The point of narrating my friends' grave misfortune was simply to say that it does happen both ways, even from segments of society who you'd expect more from.

Their story was also very likely the exception, not the norm, that is also true. Muslims rarely let their daughters out and keep them on a very tight leash, spl the rich ones.. and boy do I have some sansani true first hand stories on that lot too lol. Will share tidbits as and when appropriate :lol:

No one expects conciliation from the Jats, they are a community well know for their confrontational attitude.

Everyone in India is aware of the ground realities so you don't have to tell me stories to convince me of anything. Its only in pdf where fake narratives thrive. Not in the real world.
Everybody DOES judge Hinduism by its practioners.

By "Caste" which does not even exist in Hinduism.

Islam does not have to be compatible with the Indian constitution. The constitution trumps islam in India.

Its as simple as that.

Well, i'm saying that you CAN NOT judge Islam purely through its practitioners. It may be different from how Hinduism is judged but Islam should be judged on the basis of the teachings of the Quran and Hadees.

"Islam does not have to be compatible with the Indian constitution. The constitution trumps islam in India." What are you trying to prove or say through this statement?
Well, i'm saying that you CAN NOT judge Islam purely through its practitioners. It may be different from how Hinduism is judged but Islam should be judged on the basis of the teachings of the Quran and Hadees.

"Islam does not have to be compatible with the Indian constitution. The constitution trumps islam in India." What are you trying to prove or say through this statement?

My statement is in simple english. What part of that is hard to understand ?

You are no one to tell me "HOW" islam should be judged.

I will judge it by my own standards, not yours.
My statement is in simple english. What part of that is hard to understand ?

You are no one to tell me "HOW" islam should be judged.

I will judge it by my own standards, not yours.

Then i'm afraid you'll never understand the reality on the basis of what your standards are. I have every right to talk about my religion to someone who's trying to trash talk it.

Anywho, this conversation ends here. It was foolish of me to think that you'd be one of the the intellectual and reasoning kind.
Then i'm afraid you'll never understand the reality on the basis of what your standards are. I have every right to talk about my religion to someone who's trying to trash talk it.

Anywho, this conversation ends here. It was foolish of me to think that you'd be one of the the intellectual and reasoning kind.

You are entitled to your opinion.

I am certainly not seeking a "character certificate" from you.
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