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Why Saleem, Who Became Susheel Two Months Ago, Wants To End His Life

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no religion has ever been compatible with hinduism to be honest, if eastern religion like buddhism was compatible, how did it vanish from india, how did buddhism replace hinduism in cambodia etc for instance

By that logic, Hinduism shouldn't even survive in India. And unlike Islam/Christianity, Hinduism is not a missionary religion and has no intention for world domination. Even Buddhism is a missionary religion and that's the reason it propagated in East Asia. And we Indians are proud that Lord Buddha was born in India and that India is the land which gave birth to 4 religions. And I haven't seen people from Western countries being fed up of Hinduism lol. Guess they are fed up with people from which religion?

I don't want to get into any religion based argument as I know it's not allowed but you had to be replied.
I certainly do not come here to watch some one speak ill of my faith, or project their ignorance as if they know it all, do I?
You are never restricted nor pressured to not discuss or seek answers about anything my faith has to say about anything.
But when you are ignorant about it, and then when you want to portray your lack of knowledge as if you knew everything, and make dumb statements like what happened in 7th century Arabia and what not about constitution of India and all, then I am surely not going to waste my time discussing anything with you? why should I?

Come with questions, not your hatred, and glass full and overflowing mentality and i definitely will have a lot to talk about.

I have no questions for your kind. :tdown:

Go beg to the Mods to ban me.

5 kids lol. May be he should ask maulvi to feed them & his family. This country has so much BS its unreal.

Nope, this BS is as real as it gets.

Question is what are you going to do about it ?
India has become a hell

But family did right

This is dude is fcuked in the head, leave him alone, let him commit suicide if he wants

He is not Muslim and marriage is invalid

Raise the kids as faithfull Muslims and be done with it
Why don't you stop being an embarrassment for yourself then? I have a particular perspective to things, you are welcome to explain yours instead of trying to be an asshole and telling me to not communicate mine? Or you prefer to be an asshole in general and stop others from saying their logic while having none of your own?

And what is your perspective ?? No music, no haircuts, dress code for women... Come on, that's Talibani.
Forced family planning will be a good idea

Right now there is Forced conversion going on.

A man's family is held hostage to force his conversion. And there is NOTHING the police can do about it.

So I don't think "family planning" is the solution.
That is because he is not doing any ILLEGAL activity like theft, smuggling etc. of livestock's, which seems to be specialty of a community that get lynched.

Also he is not an illegal migrant from BD or pakistan to get stripped of citizenship.

How many Hindus who convert to Islam have to deal with death threats ? However here is a case of a Hindu woman converting to islam to marry a muslim man only to get killed for being popular.

Ayaz Ahmed murders his wife Reshma aka Naina for being popular on Facebook. (news from 20th Jan 2020)

Husband strangulates her and then smashes her face with stone.



Its your choice to blame Pakistan Saudi Iran turkey Isreal or the international community for what happens with an Indian citizen by an Indian citizen. But we in now way don't feel obliged to accept the gangatic left over due to his having issues with an another India. Period!

In it's purest form, Islam is too rigid and therefore not compatible with eastern philosophy, religions and our way of life/culture.

Boy you would have regretted your way of living rant if I wasnt afraid of getting a ban. Be thankful to the Muslim and English dynasties - - - - - - -
Right now there is Forced conversion going on.

A man's family is held hostage to force his conversion. And there is NOTHING the police can do about it.

So I don't think "family planning" is the solution.

It's not his family

He is mentally unstable and suicidal

The Muslim family have left and gone home to be safe and live as they want
Saudi regime has nothing to do with Islam. They are a false flag on Islam under the guise of cleverly crafted "Wahabism".
And you might want to do some research on that starting from the story of "Lawrence of Arabia" and fall of the Ottoman Caliphate.

As for Iran, they have more to do with staying in power, just like CCP in China. What religion does CCP follow?

So let's not talk about Saudi Arabia nor Iran as having anything to do with purest version of Islam, just like we can't say every rapist is a Hindu or Indian though most rapes happen in India and through Hindus.

Now come to prohibition of Music and dress code for women.
Let's just accept that people are not all dumb. Not every one of them is a blind follower. Some of them know what they follow and know why.

So do you suppose if there was not logical reasoning for everything Islam prescribes to live a perfect way of life, there will be almost 2 billion people following it, and it would be the fastest growing religion in the world, that too in places like Europe and America among people who live free lives in free cultures and have no reason to accept something that won't be logical?

Music is prohibited because it alters the frequency your spirit resonates with the universe. It affects the balance of Spiritual energy within you, to the point your physical body starts feeling the affect. How many people you know who listen to music and the music does not affect their state of consciousness at that very moment? How many do not start experiencing the emotions that the music is trying to affect them with?

What's your research about 432 and 440 hz frequencies of sound and the music that you hear?

Music is described as a tool of devil to lure people away from what is right and into a state of emotions where they are open to be misled. Same reason there is music to induce emotions in any movie scene. There is music in war marches and preparations, and there is music in political rallies.

This will explain it further

Coming to dress code for women. Let's first understand that men are also required to follow a specific dress code and not just women. Men also cannot be starring at a woman who does not belong to them as their companion.
And any perfect way of live, if it is perfect will have something to say about every part of life with good reasoning behind it.

Women for us, are sacred and precious. Not tools or items who are to be on display and whose flesh and beauty if exposed for every one to run after. Just like your Bollywood likes to portray them.
Women are not some one who every stray dog on the street with their evil intention and eyes should be looking at harboring their evil imaginations. And being a man, I am sure you know exactly what I mean so don't even try to claim otherwise.

Our women get to choose whether they want to be seen as items of flesh and skin, and attract vile men with wrong intent, or to cover their out self, and be known for their inner beauty. For their kindness, modesty, shyness, and intellect.

While your culture and religion make them a tool to be used to be lured by or to lure others with. My Religions honors them by making them sacred, and only to be seen by those who they chose to be their life partners. Their beauty and their outer self is for their life companions.

This will explain this further

Btw, I agree wrt 3rd wave feminism, and that women should be feminine and men be masculine, there are only 2 genders etc. Our god is not a "him" exclusively, we believe in the divine mother and feminine aspect of creation/the universe too.

Not done any research or proper looking into 432 Hz sound etc

anyway, separate lines and sitting arrangements in McDonalds and Starbucks etc is just weird.

also think it is normal if the others view full veiled saudi/afghan style women suspiciously.

no, we're not all rapists who view women as objects, but the saudi garb is a disturbing sight, it just is..
Its your choice to blame Pakistan Saudi Iran turkey Isreal or the international community for what happens with an Indian citizen by an Indian citizen. But we in now way don't feel obliged to accept the gangatic left over due to his having issues with an another India. Period!

Nobody blames other Nations, but a certain religion for repeating history.

because you brought up my Islamic mind I did not. I told you what is right nothing related to my Islamic mind.

That is for me to Judge and I have judged based on your comments.
And what is your perspective ?? No music, no haircuts, dress code for women... Come on, that's Talibani.

No my little princess. That's Islam. Ever seen something called Quran, if you did you wouldn't be saying what you said up here. Go and read Surah Al-Nisa.
And if you call yourself Muslim then go and learn about it instead of referring to yourself as a Muslim and feeling comfortable in your hypocrisy?
And you are telling me music and women uncovering is fine and then telling me I'm an embarrassment to "rest of you"? Do you think I even want to associate with some one like you who only acts to be a Muslim and has no clue on how to be one?

You little ignorant kid have nothing to do with Islam if you are dayooth, which you are claiming right here to be.

Try and feel sorry for yourself and your lack, instead of stopping others from following or speaking about Islam. I posted both logic and two videos up there. Might want to look at them instead of doing the work of Shaitan by stopping me from posting it.

"The prophet Muhammad (sallaAllahu alaihi wa sallam) said “The Dayooth will not enter Jannah.” Who is the The Dayooth? He is the man who doesn’t have jealousy on his Maharaim"(his mother, sister, wife …)

Dayooth is the man who would show off his wife, her beauty and her style in front of men He is the one who doesn’t protect her from the eager eyes of strangers (non Mahram) He is the one who accepts that his wife go out with him wearing perfume, putting make up and wearing attractive clothes as if she is an item for sale to others He is the man who is pleased by the admiring glances from stranger men toward his wife/sisters He is pleased by sharing her with them!! He would let his sister/his daughter go out with tight clothes, without her Hijab He is the man who knows that his sister/his daughter has a boyfriend but he doesn’t care He never has Jealousy on her and would let her show her charm to any one!! So dear sister, never marry a Dayooth!

Abdullaah ibn ‘Umar(radiallaahu anhu reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wasallaam said: “Three people will not enter paradise, and Allaah will not look to them on the Day of Judgement: the one who is disobedient to his parents, the woman who imitates men and the ad-Dayooth.”

Ad-Dayooth is the man who permits women for whom he is responsible (eg: mother, wife, sister etc.) to engage in illicit relations, or to display their beauty to strange men, thereby stimulating their sexual desires."

Is your wife married to a Dayooth?
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It's not his family

He is mentally unstable and suicidal

The Muslim family have left and gone home to be safe and live as they want

He was driven to depression by his wife and in-laws.

They first threatened him with death and punishment, destroyed his family, kidnapped his children, Abused his religion , isolated him in the neighborhood, threatened his livelihood, and Forced him to eat beef and abandon his beliefs and values.

I applaud him for his courage and determination to fight for justice and truth.

Its pretty clear who is mentally unstable and not worthy of living in civil society.
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