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Why people should NOT get married in Pakistan

The author makes some valid points and criticism isn't exactly a bad thing as it points out where the Pakistani society has gone wrong in regards to the institution of marriage. But what the author and many other people fail to realize is exactly that this is all cultural/pre-Islamic traditions mixed with modern materialistic individualistic desires/aspirations of parties involved in the wedding. Nothing to do with how marriage should be in a Islamic society. We have attached cultural baggage to the institution of marriage and made it a complicated stage in life for people who will/want to get married.
This is pure Hindu culture that Muslims of India adopted. This is called Indianization of Islam. When I got married, my father strictly prohibited my in-laws to give anything in the name of dowry. When my in-laws insisted on giving a bedroom set, I still remember the words of my honorable father, he said "I sure can provide at-least a room and furniture into it to my daughter in law".
This is desi culture man. I have even seen weddings in Pakistan where the brides family was giving dowry to the grooms family and that is contrary to Islamic principles/Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). Only the groom is obligated to give dowry to the bride he cannot take it back from her. Many Pakistanis still follow a lot of pre-Islamic traditions unknowingly.

In Islam the bride and groom don't necessarily have to be of the parents choosing. For example if a guy takes interest in a girl and he wants to propose to her he is allowed to do so through a friend or a relative who informs the girl of his interest on his behalf and if she's also interested in him she accepts and informs her family and they both arrange a meeting for each others families where both parties get to know each other and see if they are suitable for each other. And from their if they're compatible they proceed.
I dont know theological aspect of it, nor is it important for me. I am not going to search into geeta or vedas to figure out what real hindus should do. What I do know, is our society, as it is, has evils and we need to open our eyes to such instances, especially when people point it out (in this case the lady who wrote the blog).

I have never been to pakistan, may be she is telling blatant lies about your society, she is god damn right about Indian society though.
I dont like people forced into/pressured into marriage.
Me neither.
I dont want people pressured into thinking divorce is end of world, it will ruin your life, and your children's lives.
Unfortunately, in many cases, it will. I don't want people, especially people as immature as the author of the OP, being told that divorce is all nice and good and just 'a new beginning', because it's not. It's a very serious step and should have some sort of stigma or weight attached to it.
In our culture, divorce is taboo, people look at you in weird way. You will get sympathy from others as if you are a cripple. People are scared to separate, because lack of divorced people creates an eco system that separates you as failure for life, with no second chance given.
I do agree that divorced people shouldn't be seen as cripples or too far gone, but it has to be a little bit controverisal and serious so that couples actually try to fix their relations, whether it be through counselling or elders, before jumping to divorce like they do in the West.
I have read lots of accounts of children whose parents divoced amicably and those who sticked together because of children. Children of people with parents separated had it bad, but not as bad as broken family. Apart from the guilt (that your mom/dad destroyed their lives because of you) you never had a happy upbringing. Thats unhealthy.
Obviously it's better to get divorced than suffer from domestic violence or serious issues. But the majority of divorces in the West are just people going through perfectly normal relationship difficulties, who, because they have so much encouragement available, decide to divorce and jeopardize the future of their children because they're too stubborn, lazy or egoistic to even attempt reconciliation through compromise. They don't even try to 'fix' their marriage

I've also read and heard lots of accounts of children whose parents divorced and they ended up without one parent or with an abusive step parent.
I was countering the notion that a low divorce society is better one (successful?), in my own observation it hides cruel reality.
I wouldn't term the entire society as 'better' just because of a low divorce rate. But that certainly is one of the positive aspects of our society as compared to Western society.
I dont know theological aspect of it, nor is it important for me. I am not going to search into geeta or vedas to figure out what real hindus should do. What I do know, is our society, as it is, has evils and we need to open our eyes to such instances, especially when people point it out (in this case the lady who wrote the blog).

I have never been to pakistan, may be she is telling blatant lies about your society, she is god damn right about Indian society though.
She's not telling lies about Pakistani society, in fact she is correct on many things and i agree with her observation. But what she has observed is the pre-Islamic cultural traditions of the subcontinent which unfortunately are common in Pakistan. An example of this is the dowry which the brides family gives to the groom or another example of this is banning the newly-wed wife from receiving an education and yet another example is extravagant weddings to impress relatives and friends. None of this can be found in Islam and these practices only make marriage disliked by people and i don't blame her. But i disagree with her conclusion as its wrong to blame marriage in itself when its the cultural traditions of the society (unfortunately) that are to blame.
I have even seen weddings in Pakistan where the brides family was giving dowry to the grooms family and that is contrary to Islamic principles/Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). Only the groom is obligated to give dowry to the bride he cannot take it back from her. Many Pakistanis still follow a lot of pre-Islamic traditions unknowingly.
  • Mehr is the sum of money which groom gives to the bride also known as haq mehr here in Pakistan.
  • Dowry is something which wife brings with her. According to Islam, dowry is not "given" to husband but instead it is something which is property of girl and she brings it with her as her own needs.
  • Our Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) also gave dowry to Fatima(R.A), below is the narration.
" The Prophet gave Abu Bakr some money and asked him to accompany Bilal and Salman, (or Ammar Ibn Yasir) to buy some household necessities for Fatima's house. The Prophet said to Abu Bakr: "Buy some appropriate household necessities for my daughter with this money." Abu Bakr said: "He gave sixty-three (63) dirhams, so we went to the market and bought the following:

01. Two mattresses made of Egyptian canvas. (One stuffed with fiber and the other with sheep wool).

02. A leather mat.

03. A pillow made of skin, filled with palm tree fiber.

04. A Khaibarion cloak.

05. An animal skin for water.

06. Some jugs and jars also for water.

07. A pitcher painted with tar.

08. A thin curtain made of wool.

09. A shirt costing seven (7) dirhams.

10. A veil costing four (4) dirhams.

11. Black plush cloak.

12. A bed embellished with ribbon.

13. Four cushions made of skin imported from Ta 'ef stuffed with a good smelling plant.

14. A mat from Hajar.

15. A hand-mill.

16. A special copper container used for dyestuff.

17. A pestle for grinding coffee.

18. A (water) skin. "
Me neither.

Unfortunately, in many cases, it will. I don't want people, especially people as immature as the author of the OP, being told that divorce is all nice and good and just 'a new beginning', because it's not. It's a very serious step and should have some sort of stigma or weight attached to it.

I do agree that divorced people shouldn't be seen as cripples or too far gone, but it has to be a little bit controverisal and serious so that couples actually try to fix their relations, whether it be through counselling or elders, before jumping to divorce like they do in the West.

Obviously it's better to get divorced than suffer from domestic violence or serious issues. But the majority of divorces in the West are just people going through perfectly normal relationship difficulties, who, because they have so much encouragement available, decide to divorce and jeopardize the future of their children because they're too stubborn, lazy or egoistic to even attempt reconciliation through compromise. They don't even try to 'fix' their marriage

I've also read and heard lots of accounts of children whose parents divorced and they ended up without one parent or with an abusive step parent.

I wouldn't term the entire society as 'better' just because of a low divorce rate. But that certainly is one of the positive aspects of our society as compared to Western society.
Gufi, in-fact in recent years, the rate of divorce has gone down in certain 'developed' countries but it is simply because getting or giving divorce has become so phenomenally expensive that couples prefer to live together without getting married. So abuse of one practice (to be able to give or take divorce with ease and on petty reasons) has lead to another and bigger social ill, that is, living together without getting married.

Their are some blind followers of west known as liberals the author belongs to that group. Liberals in Pakistan has only one goal rejecting Islam getting drunk and naked and acting like mad animals.
"Nikah is my Sunnah,whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from me."
Rasool Allah SW.

There you go.So you see those people who oppose the very idea of marriage are going where.

Surely hell-
Just like driver driving a car without license goes to jail-
its just a simple concept that liberals fail to understand - Aight go to hell then-

the author sounds like 8 year old

wen she be aunty her next article will be
" why people should not marry a man "

then another one
" why people should not marry a women "

and when she gets old and thinking about her end
" why i believe i am going to hell "
The most miserable people that I have seen are Unmarried Old Females. Believe it or not but this is what I have witnessed personally.

When you are young you may think you don’t need anyone to take care of you, you are energetic, want adventure in life but at some stage of life when your knees start to hurt, when you need a cane to walk, when young people ignore you considering you old and boring, then maybe you will realize that it hurts to have no family no kids all that enjoyment in your youth comes back to haunt you, in your youth you may want new adventure every night without fears of long term commitments but one day you will hit the menopause and impotency, then maybe you will realize marriage is not just for the sex but fulfillment of certain other emotions, like having and caring about children, love, responsibility, decision making skills etc. Nothing is scarier for a human than loneliness.

Regarding marriages in Pakistan arranged or love, the way most of these happen there is nothing Islamic about them. And again my personal experience is arranged marriages are more lasting then love marriages. Bakio ka to nahi pata par Pakistani Mujnoo, Laila say wo wo wady kar laita hai jo badh may nibhany mushkil ho jaty hain. :D
Dont know about 'West', even with high divorce, UK is a fantastic country for both men and women. Divorce means new beginning, you want to give a new chance to yourself. You got only one life, and you made a mistake. Its okey, try again, you got better understanding of relationship now.
You also free the other person to do the same.
Even here divorce has real implication, including financial, people dont just leave marriage like they discard their shirt.
Divorce is never a rosy experience for most people in any society. It can be traumatic and financially costly to the individuals involved in any society, specially in the WEST where individuals have to split their assets 50/50.

Yes, it is better to end a bad marriage but marriage itself is not a full-time rosy journey either. It works with compromises and respecting your partner.
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Their are some blind followers of west known as liberals the author belongs to that group. Liberals in Pakistan has only one goal rejecting Islam getting drunk and naked and acting like mad animals.
These idiots want to impose the 'normals' of west to us.
If the west has progressed,it doesn't mean that we copy paste their whatever into our culture and society.The good in their societies must be adopted and their ideas/norms which collide head on with our ideology/culture should be rejected and detested at once.
And for a Muslim society,what's normal is what was approved by Rasool Allah SW and his legacy.
This 'tehreek' of redefining the norms can go to hell.
The most miserable people that I have seen are Unmarried Old Females. Believe it or not but this is what I have witnessed personally.

When you are young you may think you don’t need anyone to take care of you, you are energetic, want adventure in life but at some stage of life when your knees start to hurt, when you need a cane to walk, when young people ignore you considering you old and boring, then maybe you will realize that it hurts to have no family no kids all that enjoyment in your youth comes back to haunt you, in your youth you may want new adventure every night without fears of long term commitments but one day you will hit the menopause and impotency, then maybe you will realize marriage is not just for the sex but fulfillment of certain other emotions, like having and caring about children, love, responsibility, decision making skills etc. Nothing is scarier for a human than loneliness.

Regarding marriages in Pakistan arranged or love, the way most of these happen there is nothing Islamic about them. And again my personal experience is arranged marriages are more lasting then love marriages. Bakio ka to nahi pata par Pakistani Mujnoo, Laila say wo wo wady kar laita hai jo badh may nibhany mushkil ho jaty hain. :D
You are right.There is a great deal of wisdom behind marriages and raising a family.
These idiots want to impose the 'normals' of west to us.
If the west has progressed,it doesn't mean that we copy paste their whatever into our culture and society.The good in their societies must be adopted and their ideas/norms which collide head on with our ideology/culture should be rejected and detested at once.
And for a Muslim society,what's normal is what was approved by Rasool Allah SW and his legacy.
This 'tehreek' of redefining the norms can go to hell.
I completely agree these are some brainless dumbs who want to turn humans into bunch of animals with no dignity and honor
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