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Why people should NOT get married in Pakistan

Marriage is a good and forever relationship and it brings happiness for both sides and also Fareeza E Islam. In Pakistan until now Has good successful marriage record if compared it with other countries like India and Iran in those countries high records of Talaaq. Now unfortunately talaaq ratio and late merriage due to financial problems arising in Pakistan and also big Demand of jaheez doubling these problems. Now I think govt should come forward for great Sadqa E Jaria and make a such system like in Iran recently govt launch website where applicants they apply for merriage by filling online form and One Uloma Council seeks both side applications and decide about perfect match and then invite both sides for final discussion after agreeing they go for Nikkah with govt help merriage ceremony is being done. In Pakistan our govt they should do it in this way we can decrease family related crimes that young one do.
Yes religious police sign of honor and dignity which so called liberals have lost it.
But fortunately we still have you!
Who is your issue withanyway: a) true liberals or b) fake liberals?


Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded. See Synonyms at broad-minded.
b. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
c. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.

Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor.
b. Generous in amount; ample: a liberal serving of potatoes.

Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation.

Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education.

Archaic Permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth; befitting a lady or gentleman.
b. Obsolete Morally unrestrained; licentious.


1. A person with liberal ideas or opinions.
2. Liberal A member of a Liberal political party.
:) frankly speaking it is not just Pakistan But Subcontinent.

On the other hand I have seen many worst cases as well as very positive and encouraging trends around.

So I think this rona dhona old style phrases in writing/s sound odd to ears and words look too worn-out to eyes.

Because YES there are husbands who are allowing their wives to focus on their career.

above all in today's atmosphere even the most liberal and educated ladies themselves want to get marry even if their amaa abba do not want them to leave :P
Like i said before Women just dont have a functional brain. And if u read this thread it just verifies.:rofl:
Like i said before Women just dont have a functional brain. And if u read this thread it just verifies.:rofl:
Heyyyy dont you bro!!!!
I think she really threatened some people's masculinity So much ad hominem for speaking her mind :angel:
i agree with you even though she was speaking for both genders i dont know why people here are taunting her and say she will get married soon or she is not a driver so why should we listen to her. yar she is saying what today's youth want and that we are developing more isolated personalities and self oriented.
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Bull crap no 1 But it was at the age of six when my brother (eight-years-old then) told me something that freaked me out.

Hmmm.. So an 8 years old is telling his six years old sister that your real home will be your husband's. She must be inspired by the Bollywood movies OR should I say that her long term memory is super sharp that she should get the nobel prize for that. Freud must be laughing in his grave.

Bull crap no 2 With regret on his face, my brother apologised and calmed me down. He explained that every girl has to leave her parents’ house after marriage. He explained how our mom lives with us and our dad and not with Nana Nani (maternal grandparents).

He apologized and calm her down and also explained how their mum lives with her dad and not with their grandma. Technically, she is saying that an 8 years old kid knows everything about marriages.

Bull crap no 3 Marriage isn’t all fun and games; it is something that takes you away from all the things you love. It’s better for boys; their lives pretty much stay the same. But for girls, your entire life will change. Since then I began to observe our society. I observed married people and their actions. As a student of psychology, I analysed their verbal and non-verbal cues, signs of distress, facial expressions and body language.

The problem with this immature girl is that she needs to know that people enters the marriage with unrealistic expectations. They think that things should be the same after the marriage. The scenario changes after the arrival of the first baby. Your responsibilities becomes more challenging in the life.

Bull crap no 4 When both the partners are so opinionated and do not have the ability to compromise or sacrifice their own needs and wants for the other, then how is a relationship supposed to work?

Is she really a Psychology student? CONFLICT RESOLUTION damn it. In western countries, people seeks marriage counseling but in Pakistan, our elder jumps in and try to patch up. Once you believe that the situation is getting out of hand than you seek someone's help ( could be your most trusted peer, parent or marriage counselor).

Bull crap no 5 Shaadi changes people.
It is not shadi that changes people damn it. You should think of conditions such as financial problem, taking care of baby and list goes on and on.

Bullcrap no 6 While a boy gets to live in his own home with his parents after shaadi (lucky son of a gun), he also faces the constant tick-tock. He is told he has to complete his entire education, build his career and get settled at least by mid or late 20s so that he can ‘afford’ to have a wife and family. I really don’t think that’s fair. The pressure of getting the best job and high-figure salary can be really stressful. What if he wants to become an artist or travel, things that won’t get him the money he needs. What about his dreams?Marriage is a full-stop to our dreams. They say we can pursue them after shaadi but who are we kidding?

This girl really needs to know the importance of financial status, a huge factor that is troubling most of the marriages nowadays. How can you fulfill your dreams without having a successful career? Let me guess she will move with her love bird on some mountain. The guy will be an artist and both of them will sing >>>Hum nay ghar chora hai//////rasmoon ka tora hai////// door kaheen jaa aain gay/// paar paisay kahan say aain gay? Money makes the mare go honey. No money no honey bunny so stop acting funny.
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Haven't read such a badly argued case in a while...

Here in US, we'll throw this piece of garbage for its low quality.

Horrendous! In Pakistan, you get published for writing such crap?

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