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Why Partition happened - The Hindu discrimination - *WORSE THAN UNTOUCHABLE

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Sorry, Dont have time to watch 36 minutes video of some clerk. But I would rather be convinced by a figure, For example, like Indian Muslim have a litracy rate of 80%, while Pakistanis are at 50% ... 8% of Indian Muslims live below Poverty line as compared to 22.3% Pakistanis.

He is not a clerk he is a member of Parliament - I don't think Pakistani media send their premier tv hosts to interview clerks in their homes in India.

I agree a bigger proportionate population of Indian Muslims are poor - but that could be due to culture of not giving emphasis on education and career. All equal opportunities are open to everybody be it of any caste or religion, it depends on how one utilizes them. It's not only in India, Indians do well throughout the world and this has to do with one's priorities rather than the society.
lol, his own report proves our point.
that's gotta be embarrassing. :rofl:

OK. the litracy figure in that report shows higher than Pakistans.

But I thought the discussion was related to the title of the thread : Why Partition happened - The Hindu discrimination - *WORSE THAN UNTOUCHABLE

And this relates all of the things I talked. I am not making any claim. I merely copied a qoute from the report you were refering to.. Which proves that Indian Muslim lag behind other people in India, in litracy, jobs, etc.

I dont have figures on income levels. I am still convinced of a general perception about Indian Muslims in India.. to whom no statistics have proved wrong so far.

Wait a sec, if that's that point of discussion. it's just oxymoron to begin with. What exactly or how exactly were the Hindus discriminating Muslims before Partition, I would like to know.
Wait a sec, if that's that point of discussion. it's just oxymoron to begin with. What exactly or how exactly were the Hindus discriminating Muslims before Partition, I would like to know.

Now you want to move the discussion from current fate of Indian Muslims, to pre-partition situation? Lets stick here first.
Wait a sec, if that's that point of discussion. it's just oxymoron to begin with. What exactly or how exactly were the Hindus discriminating Muslims before Partition, I would like to know.

Watch the video by the OP.
Even Hindus admit that Muslims were discriminated against.
He is not a clerk he is a member of Parliament - I don't think Pakistani media send their premier tv hosts to interview clerks in their homes in India.

I agree a bigger proportionate population of Indian Muslims are poor - but that could be due to culture of not giving emphasis on education and career. All equal opportunities are open to everybody be it of any caste or religion, it depends on how one utilizes them. It's not only in India, Indians do well throughout the world and this has to do with one's priorities rather than the society.

Ok, He might be a member of parliment. But a memeber of parliment's words dont have higher weight than the combined Indian Muslims facts, based on figures. Maybe another member of parliment would say something else.
Watch the video by the OP.
Even Hindus admit that Muslims were discriminated against.

That's the bane of South Asia - Hindu's/ Shia's/Ahmedi's must surely be discriminated against in Pakistan as well - like Tamils are discriminated in Sri Lanka and probably Bihari's in Bangladesh.

We still carry this discrimination while the developed world has moved forward. There were wholesale discrimination in the west earlier as well against the aristocracy / noble class and workers / slaves / Blacks etc.
has PDF converted to PBF? (Pakistan bashing forum)
Ok, He might be a member of parliment. But a memeber of parliment's words dont have higher weight than the combined Indian Muslims facts, based on figures. Maybe another member of parliment would say something else.

The fact is nobody's stopping anybody from getting education/ work/ start their businesses/ social welfare. There is borderline animosity between Hindu's and Muslims due to the past - but that doesn't stop them from working together or being friends.
i don't get it why pakistanis r so obsessed with india n partition???
Can't they just let it go???
U guys have ur nation as u wanted n we have our own
n each n every pakistanis knws why pakistan was created as it's part of ur school curriculum then why do u guys start beating a dead horse again n again???
has PDF converted to PBF? (Pakistan bashing forum)
meh...I specifically mentioned for "the Pakistanis to remember the sacrifices of their ancestors." in the original post, I couldn't care less about the Indians who have derailed this thread.

Indian insecurity on a Pakistani forum is something I will be more wary of in the future.
Here you come. I dont understand why it is so hard for people to admit a straight fact.

"We" - here stands for all of us South Asians. I hear there is discrimination in Islam and Christianity as well? am I right?
"We" - here stands for all of us South Asians. I hear there is discrimination in Islam and Christianity as well? am I right?

Behaviours guided by Religious is a different thing. We are talking about here econmic and social condition of Muslims in India.

I may agree with you that the Christians in Pakistan dont do well as the rest of population,,... if thats what you want to hear from me...but since the creation of Pakistan no one has burned alive 2000 people from a minorty,, but thats another discussion. lets stick to the topic.
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