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Why Partition happened - The Hindu discrimination - *WORSE THAN UNTOUCHABLE

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Are you telling me that Muslims are unable to get Jobs or Education in Pakistan?

If you are then I must really question the quality of your Indian Education.

son , you spoke of Pakistan being better than India , you say you have eradicated poverty and have a larger middle class than India, its on these points that i was questioning you assumptions.
as for my education . you could only wish to have one as good as mine. :)
IMHO Causes were:-

1>1909 separate electorate for non-muslims and muslims
2>We Ruled You , We can't live with you AS EQUAL CITIZENS.
3>Jinnahs Ambition for Power
4>Cold War ,Us and Uk didn't want russian border connecting to india due to left wing congress pro soviet politics .
5>Gandhis muslim appeasement politics .

Partition was a blessing in disguise Period
Do you have any credible figure to support your argument?

Write below the post you quoted, whicch you seemed to ignore.
Conveniently forget the fact from the Sachar Report (that every Pakistani here LOVES to quote) that Indian Muslims have higher education levels than Pakistanis ?
Certainly more than how many of you Pakistanis have an education today :hang2:

Conveniently forget the fact from the Sachar Report (that every Pakistani here LOVES to quote) that Indian Muslims have higher education levels than Pakistanis :lol: ?

Hindu discrimination myth busted.

Also notice, every time an Indian Muslim achieves something great on world stage, Pakistanis are happy to boast that India is great because of Muslims or everything that's great about India is because Islam/Muslim or something to that effect and in other contexts Hindus oppress Muslims and that's why the Indian Muslims "backward". Funny creatures these Pakistanis are. It's sort of an admitted and open secret today that Muslims do well and achieve things when in countries like India/UK/US with open societies than in the Islamic/Muslim Majority countries. Just imagine a person in Pakistan or KSA converting to some other faith and later making it big in world stage like A.R.Rahman. Or compare it with the life of an Ahmedi, Abdus Salem, the only Muslim scientist to win a Nobel Prize in Physics.
Missile man of India is Muslim and Missile women of India is a Christian..It just goes to show that anybody can make it big in India and make India their home(ask a few Afghan-Indians living in UP who moved just after 2001) and in our neighbourhood, Asia, there's hardly any country that can boast of such tales.
Check Any Credible link , CIA World Factbook , United Nations etc .

The Muslim literacy rate ranks well below the national average and Muslim poverty rates are only slightly higher than low-caste Hindus, according to a November 2006 government report (PDF). Muslims—mostly Sunnis—make up 13.4 percent of India’s population, yet hold fewer than 5 percent of government posts and make up only 4 percent of the undergraduate student body in India’s elite universities. The report also found that Muslims fall behind other groups in terms of access to credit, despite the fact that Muslims are self-employed at a far higher rate than other groups.

I could not find any figures from the sources you mentioned. When googling, I came up with these :-

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Why do Indian Muslims lag behind?

India’s Muslim Population - Council on Foreign Relations
He merely posted a video of Hindus themselves saying how badly Muslims were treated.
Just because you didn't like the video does not make it a troll thread.
The thread is perfectly valid.

You people destroyed it due to your own insecurities and the fact that your fellow Hindu was telling the truth in the video, and you could not handle that.

Can't argue facts, troll! that's the Indian motto.

Everything posted here has been facts. You claimed Indian Muslims dont get a good education, but at the same time Indian Muslims are more highly educated as per a source Pakistani members trust probably the most and use for every 2nd argument here in PDF, the Sachar Comittee report itself.
son , you spoke of Pakistan being better than India , you say you have eradicated poverty and have a larger middle class than India, its on these points that i was questioning you assumptions.
as for my education . you could only wish to have one as good as mine. :)

Uncle, I said Pakistan over all has been better, and I gave examples.
Kindly point to where I said we eradicated poverty! do it, show me where I said "Pakistan has no more poverty"

Since I never said such silly things, I wonder how you got the idea that I did?
Must be that amazing education that I could only wish I had :rolleyes:
Do you have any credible figure to support your argument?

A Pakistani news source (GEO news or Dawn) in this interview talks about the Sachar committee report, where it is distinctly states that Indian Muslims are better off in education than Pakistani counterparts (despite being worse off than other religious communities than India). Skip to 29:25 for the actual footage of the discussion of the Sachar committee findings. If you have the time, you should watch the whole video to get a better perspective on an Indian Muslim's viewpoint on India.

Maulana Mahmood Madani (Jamiat Ulema Hind) talking about partition - YouTube
A Pakistani news source (GEO news or Dawn) in this interview talks about the Sachar committee report, where it is distinctly states that Indian Muslims are better off in education and per capita income than Pakistani counterparts. Skip to 29:25 for the actual footage of the discussion. If you have the time, you should watch the whole video to get a better perspective on an Indian Muslim's viewpoint on India.

Maulana Mahmood Madani (Jamiat Ulema Hind) talking about partition - YouTube

Sorry, Dont have time to watch 36 minutes video of some clerk. But I would rather be convinced by a figure, For example, like Indian Muslim have a litracy rate of 80%, while Pakistanis are at 50% ... 8% of Indian Muslims live below Poverty line as compared to 22.3% Pakistanis.
Uncle, I said Pakistan over all has been better, and I gave examples.
Kindly point to where I said we eradicated poverty! do it, show me where I said "Pakistan has no more poverty"

Since I never said such silly things, I wonder how you got the idea that I did?
Must be that amazing education that I could only wish I had :rolleyes:

you gave no examples , other them making sweeping and general statements how Pakistan is better . the onus is on you to prove it . or just accept you talked through your hat. :)
Sorry, Dont have time to watch 36 minutes video of some clerk. But I would be convinced by a figure, For example, like Indian Muslim have a litracy rate of 80%, while Pakistanis are at 50% ... 8% of Indian Muslims live below Poverty line as compared to 25% Pakistanis.

I already told you in my previous message, skip to 29:20.
A Pakistani news source (GEO news or Dawn) in this interview talks about the Sachar committee report, where it is distinctly states that Indian Muslims are better off in education than Pakistani counterparts (despite being worse off than other religious communities than India). Skip to 29:25 for the actual footage of the discussion of the Sachar committee findings. If you have the time, you should watch the whole video to get a better perspective on an Indian Muslim's viewpoint on India.

Maulana Mahmood Madani (Jamiat Ulema Hind) talking about partition - YouTube

Muslims as a community score lower in social indicators precisely because of Population issue. They still keep having large families compared to Hindus/Christians/Sikhs and women education is lower. Even if there are literate Muslim women, they aren't encouraged to pursue studies above high school on average compared to others. Resulting higher fertility rates which in turn makes it difficult to provide for the Kids esp women. And the cycle continues.
you gave no examples , other them making sweeping and general statements how Pakistan is better . the onus is on you to prove it . or just accept you talked through your hat. :)

"On the whole, Pakistan has done much better then India in the last 60 years.

We have lower poverty, larger middle class and a market economy.
We also have options in Education, Employment and housing. "

Care to re read the part in quotation? :wave:

are you honestly going to disagree with the fact that Pakistan per capita has a larger middle class and lower poverty rates?

I know you guys like to think of yourselves as a supa dupa pawa but c'mon man, take a trip back to planet Earth, even if it's just a vacation.

Muslims as a community score lower in social indicators precisely because of Population issue. They still keep having large families compared to Hindus/Christians/Sikhs and women education is lower. Even if there are literate Muslim women, they aren't encouraged to pursue studies above high school on average compared to others. Resulting higher fertility rates which in turn makes it difficult to provide for the Kids esp women. And the cycle continues.

Every time this issue is brought up the Indians always answer with "blame the victem" mentality
For crying out loud Hindus are breeding like locusts. You don't get to 1 billion people by having small families.
And yet Hindus always blame Muslim for having large families as the source of their problems.

The real reason Hindus do this is to contain the Muslim population in India and hopefully extinguish it in the future generation. While Hindus make up 1/6th of Earths humanity.
I already told you in my previous message, skip to 29:20.

I watched video at 29,, The clerk is saying nothing credible. He is voicing his opinion. The anchor asks, that Sachar report (I dont know who made this report, or how credible it is) is saying Indian Muslims condition is very bad,,, so either Report is wrong or the clerk is wrong, Clerk replies 'both are right' and then makes a statement generalizing any of his perceptions or personal experience.

But that means nothing. Can you show me litracy rate and Poverty rate of Indian Muslims from sourcing like UN, CIA worldbook, etc?
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